Young and the Restless

Young & Restless Funeral Plot: Sharon’s Revenge Is Poised to Claim a Victim She Never Intended


The Young and the Restless has us poised to believe that Sharon is going to lash out at Daniel in such a way that he or daughter Lucy is harmed, maybe even killed. But just because the plot makes sense in her warped imagination doesn’t mean at all that it will yield the result that Cameron insists she wants. In fact, the show may well be setting us up for a bait-and-switch in which neither of the expected targets is hit. Who is, then?

Heather, that’s who. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, she’d risk her life to save Daniel or Lucy’s. And with Cameron whispering in Sharon’s ear, she could easily be moved to strike a blow that, whether intentionally, kills Heather.

Tragic, yes? But a whole lotta story could be spun from the lawyer’s demise. For starters, Lucy could go completely off the rails, turning into the kind of teenage terror that would have scandalized even Brittany or Lauren back in the day. Reeling, Daniel could turn for comfort to Claire, thereby giving Kyle some needed competition.

Plus, Young & Restless could stop having characters talk about jetting off to Portugal to see Paul, who we know has made his last appearance on the soap. (Here’s why.)

What do you think? Is the show going to zag when we expect it to zig? Sound off in the comments, and on your way, check out the below photo gallery — a reminder of just how dastardly Cameron has always been.

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