Young and the Restless

Young & Restless Ramps Up as Sharon Unleashes Her Rage — and Lily Risks It All to Take Down Billy

Between the incessant PSAs and mental health plot points, the boring conversations, and the endless CEO swaps, Young & Restless is tough to love at this point, but love it we do. So, we want to see it get better. Less of the mundane, and more of the dramatic, please!

The Right Stuff

Sally did all the right things in the aftermath of Adam’s confession, except slap Chelsea. This is still a soap right? So, why can’t we have nice things? Saint Chelsea hasn’t even been officially dumped yet. That said, I’m holding out hope that a more dramatic confrontation is in the cards since Young & Restless has set the scene so perfectly for a confession and an epic catfight.
Chelsea and Sally talk about the mistake Y&R

The Boring and the Pointless

Meanwhile, Billy continues to spiral, which brought us yet another boring, random conversation, this time between him and Katie, who went on about why she wanted to be captain of her team. Piled onto so many other dull conversations, like those about Harrison’s puppet, his love of caterpillars and metamorphosis, and what Lucy’s punishment should/would/could be, it’s clear the writers don’t understand that we’re not here for the mundane. It’s like Charlie Brown’s teacher for me when they start droning on… I just want to tune out. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Katie’s spirit, this is just one of the biggest problems with this soap at the moment — endless pointless conversations and not enough big drama.

Battle for Chancellor

The battle for Chancellor is heating up and I want to feel invested — it’s Katherine’s company after all — but it all boils down to just another CEO swap, and that I stopped caring about a long time ago. What I have enjoyed is seeing Lily come into her own as a powerful businesswoman, and not taking anyone’s crap. Next week she’ll bring information to Victor that could potentially bring about Billy’s downfall, but I’m really hoping she’ll refuse to divulge it unless he guarantees her the CEO position. He won’t, of course, because he intends to install Nikki, so I’m all for Lily walking out of his office. Little does she know, a twist could help Lily get revenge on Billy. Sidenote: I don’t like the corporate life for Chance, but under the circumstances it was entertaining to see him find a little fire inside and confront Billy with an ultimatum. Thoughts?

Abbott Family Values

I’m not a fan of Saint Claire anymore than I am of Saint Chelsea. Why does the writer do this to characters who were meant to be so much more complex? It’s baffling! Not only would Claire be more entertaining to watch with an edge, it would make more sense for a broken Kyle to fall for her. Instead, we’re going to watch her help make peace between him and his parents and fend off any and all potential for drama, while they stare googly-eyed at each other. In related, Diane is not wrong about Kyle’s buried anger toward her. This is arguably the only intriguing aspect of this plot (depending what they do with it), and the sole chance for a payoff.

Sharon Unleashed

Clearly, things are reaching a critical point with Sharon, who is increasingly having trouble containing her rage, and who is being egged on by Cameron. He, of course, is not him, but part of her own mind. Presumably the part that needs to get back on her meds stat. As Cameron mentioned, Sharon is not on her meds and has not been in contact with the doctor despite assuring her family she would take care of those things. Her fury is being focused on Daniel and his family, including Phyllis and Lucy, whom she’s forbidden from having contact with Faith. Of course it’s all extremely over the top where Sharon is concerned, and everyone can see that, but Daniel didn’t help the situation by walking up to the table to exchange pleasantries right after Sharon’s unhinged visit to their apartment. This is obviously headed somewhere very bad. Next week, Nick wises up and tells Mariah they need to look into Sharon’s meds, but will it be too little, too late? It’s hard to say. At this point, it’s difficult to imagine these writers allowing anything truly terrible to go down, but I’d love to be wrong and see some big drama come out of this.

The opinions expressed are my own. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this week’s Young & Restless in the comments.

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