General Hospital

Jason and Anna Travel to Africa to Save Lucky — and Mac Arrests [Spoiler] for Cates’ Murder

Mac gets news on the murder GH


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Mac and Felicia, all alone, kiss outside of the Quartermaine boathouse. Felicia can see how happy Mac is and feels it is smooth sailing from here on out. Mac isn’t so sure after Tracy’s outburst. He thinks her berating Sasha was unfair, and Cody could be next. Felicia has noticed that Cody seems to be immune from her wrath.

Felicia explains it all to MAc GH

Mac asks if his wife is saying Tracy has a thing for Cody. Felicia isn’t suggesting that, but Tracy has lost a lot of people over the years and must be lonely. She says Cody is friendly to her, even sweet, and he’s uncomplicated. She knows Tracy comes to talk to Cody a lot and likely sees him as a friend. Therefore, perhaps she is jealous that he’s got a new lady and family taking up his time. Mac vows to find Cody a new job and place to live, far away from Tracy.

They are interrupted by a call from the station. Mac reveals new evidence on John Cates’ murder has come in, enough to make an arrest.

Up in the Quartermaine house, Brook Lynn gets her mom a drink after the shock of possibly becoming a Nona hits her. Tracy storms in, screaming about being surrounded by liars, including little Violet. Brook Lynn asks what Violet supposedly lied about. Tracy says she’s telling everyone that she and Chase are having a baby. Based on the look on Brook Lynn’s face, she asks to tell her this is a lie! Brook Lynn says she isn’t pregnant but is thinking about it.

Tracy is shocked GH

Tracy is shocked and argues she has plenty of time to have a baby, just not now. Brook Lynn argues she’s not getting any younger. Tracy says they have the best fertility specialists on call, and Deception can’t afford to lose her right now. Lois’ old accent returns as she lashes out that Brook Lynn’s family planning is not her concern. Tracy asks Brook Lynn if she’s not happy at Deception. Brook Lynn is happy, but she can work and have a baby at the same time.

Lois and Brook Lynn GH

At the hospital, Carly takes Jack’s call, but as he’s about to tell her something, she is hung up on. She calls back, but is told Brennan is busy, so she leads Jason to see Isaiah and hopes he can give them some information.

Carly Jason and Brennan GH

Carly introduces Jason to Isaiah as the man who found him. Isaiah thanks him, and Jason says he’s a friend of Lucky’s as well. He plans to rescue Lucky when they get information on his location. Isaiah warns him that Sidwell is surrounded by guards, and he wants to go with him. He tries to get out of bed, but the pain is too much. Jason says he’s in no position to go anywhere.

Isaiah meets Jason GH

Isaiah warns Jason that Sidwell is dangerous — too dangerous for one man. Jason is intent on doing this and needs some kind of advantage to get him in the door. Isaiah says there is only one weakness to exploit: Sidwell’s girlfriend. He says she’s the only person Sidwell trusts. They ask her name, and all Isaiah knows is that Sidwell calls her “English.”

Jason needs intel GH

In Brennan’s office, Anna storms in and hangs up his call with Carly. Brennan asks what she wants. She wants Lucky’s location. They banter back and forth, and Jack says Sidwell is very dangerous. He doesn’t want her going in there with WSB intelligence, as that can blow back on him.

Anna needs intel GH

Jack asks why this is so important to her. Anna explains that she and Luke were friends and that he always looked out for Robin. She pays her debts. He says he’ll remember that when it’s time for him to collect and gives her Sidwell’s new location.

Brennan helps Anna GH

Later, Felicia drops by Anna’s place with some Malaria pills she asked for, which Felicia had thanks to Frisco and Mac’s recent trip to South America. Felicia wonders why she’s going to Africa, and Anna admits she is looking for Lucky. Felicia insists she’s going with her. Anna forbids it because if she comes, then Mac won’t be far behind. She needs them waiting in the wings in case something goes wrong, which it won’t.

Anna and Felicia GH

Back at the hospital, Brennan knocks on the door to Isaiah’s room, which Carly and Jason are still in. They step out, and he updates them on Sidwell’s new location. He forwards them the coordinates. Carly asks if he can do anything to help Jason, but he can’t interfere in international affairs. Jason says he’ll do it alone, but Brennan says, “Maybe not.”

Brennan gives Jason and Carly news GH

Later, Jack finds Carly on the phone alone. She leaves a message with Laura that Jason is on the way to help. Jack overhears and understands how worried she is. It’s a special kind of hell when you don’t know if someone you care about will come home. She didn’t expect him to understand. He says there is a lot she’d be surprised about regarding him.

Brennan and Carly GH

At Michael’s office, Kristina tells her brother that she needs to come forward to save her mom, but Michael says that could get both her and her mother charged with the murder. He has another way to keep them both out of trouble, which is to give the police another suspect to focus on. She asks who, and he notes Cates had any number of enemies willing to put themselves at the crime scene for the right amount of money. Suddenly, Chase calls Kristina and orders her to come to the station as he has questions for her.

Michael and Kristina GH

Kristina arrives at the PCPD to talk to Chase, with Michael in tow, because they couldn’t get a hold of Diane. Chase asks where she was the night Cates’ was murdered. She explains she was home all night, except for going to the cemetery for about thirty minutes. He assumes no one can confirm that. Michael says Kristina is done talking and to go through their lawyer next time he wants to question her.

Chase has questions for Kristina GH

The siblings return to Michael’s office, and Kristina doesn’t understand how Chase knew she left the house. Michael asks who knew she went out, and she says only her mom and Sam, and they would never rat her out. Michael recalls they were calling people looking for her that night, as they called him. Kristina realizes they also called Molly. She thinks this is Molly’s way of getting revenge on her. Michael says even if she did, the police have nothing on her unless there is something else she isn’t telling him.

Kristina has a big admission GH

When Michael sees Kristina blinking her eyes rapidly, he knows there is something else. She admits she went to one more place that night. She pulled into the Quartermaine driveway for only a few seconds. He asks why. She admits she considered murdering Cates.

Back at the Quartermaine mansion, Chase walks in as Lois tells Tracy she knows she can’t wait to spoil her great-grandbaby. Alarmed, Chase asks if Brook Lynn is pregnant. Lois and Tracy leave them to talk. Brook Lynn assures Chase that she’s not pregnant, but maybe she wants to be.

Chase and BLQ discuss a baby GH

They sit down, and Brook Lynn admits she worries they won’t be able to handle a growing family, work, and Violet simultaneously. Chase says Finn will be out of rehab in a month, so Violet won’t be a problem anymore. He wants a child of their own, and he was waiting for her to get there, too. She asks when he has to be back at the station. He has to be back in forty-five minutes, and she thinks that is plenty of time. They get frisky on the sofa!

Down at the boathouse docks, Lois, back to her new robo-accent, talks with Tracy about the baby. Lois is happy about being a Nona, and she also admits she worried for years that Tracy would treat Brook Lynn like dirt because she was her daughter. However, she was wrong. She sees how much Tracy and Brook Lynn adore one another and have a special relationship. She thinks Tracy is afraid if Brook Lynn starts a family, she’ll lose that relationship with Brook Lynn. However, it will only bring them closer. Tracy says she doesn’t do diapers, and Lois, in her natural accent, blurts out, “I do!”

Lois thinks Tracy is jealous GH

Sonny drops by Alexis’ place, and Alexis tells Sonny they need to find a way to keep Kristina from being charged with a murder they both know she didn’t commit. She wants Sonny to admit his role in this, and he knows this is because of Jagger’s vendetta against him. Sonny asks where Kristina was that night. Alexis says, “She was here with me until she left to steal a gun from you!”  Alexis explains Kristina returned later soaked, having been at the baby’s grave. She says the gun was against her bail restrictions, and she feared she’d shoot someone or herself. She says that’s why she got rid of the gun, and she had no idea Cates had been murdered with the same type of gun that night.

Alexis accusses Sonny GH

Alexis says the police have already questioned her, and he asks what she said. Alexis wonders if he’s afraid she incriminated Kristina or him. She wants him to confess to murdering Cates, but Sonny claims he didn’t kill him, and Carly is his alibi. Alexis isn’t buying his story and says if he were innocent,  then he wouldn’t need Diane to defend him. That’s why Diane can’t defend her!

Alexis and Sonny chat GH

Sonny says she doesn’t need a lawyer as she hasn’t been arrested or charged. If that happens, he’ll get her the best defense he can. With jazz hands, she blurts out, “Awesome!” She wants to know what they’ll do about Kristina. He says Kristina didn’t kill Jagger, and Anna will make sure this case is airtight before arresting anyone. She says miscarriages of justice happen all the time, so what will he do to save their daughter? He says he won’t let Kristina take the fall for this.

Sonny tries to assure Alecis GH

They are interrupted when Mac shows up at the door. He announces he’s here to make an arrest. Sonny assumes it’s him, and Alexis fears it’s Kristina. Instead, Mac places Alexis under arrest for John Cates’ murder. He reads her her rights and leads her out. She shoots Sonny a look of fear mixed with anger.

MAc arrests Alexis GH

Anna boards a plane to Nairobi and sits back to relax. Suddenly, Jason appears and says, “Excuse me, you are in my seat.”

Next on General Hospital, Tracy thinks Sasha won’t be happy with Cody, Alexis wasn’t to know what evidence they have against her, Kristina confronts Molly, and Ava wants to know if she can trust Ric.

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