Days of Our Lives

BREAKING NEWS: Tate Catches Holly Searching His Father’s Room — and Xander Puts His Plan for Brady In Motion

Xander and thug DAYS


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At the hospital, EJ is on the phone with Harold, letting him know Gabi is fine. Having heard about the explosion, Holly shows up and is relieved EJ is OK and hugs him. Her concern touches EJ, and he assumes he’s back in her good graces. She says she wouldn’t go that far, and she’s still not over him lying about Jude’s paternity, but she doesn’t want to see him blown to pieces. EJ understands that what he did was terrible and that he was desperate to save his marriage. She gets it, as being desperate can make people do stupid things. He calls her kind and empathetic. She says it meant a lot to her that he was there for her after learning the truth about Eric. She then shifts to Brady and asks what he will do about him hurting her Aunt Sarah.

EJ and Holly talk Days

EJ tells her that even though Brady confessed, there wasn’t enough evidence to charge him. He knows she’s angry but wonders if this is about wanting justice for Sarah or wanting Eric to pay for what he did to Daniel. She admits that perhaps she is transferring some of her anger onto Tate’s dad. She says Eric got a slap on the wrist, and now Brady is going to walk. EJ promises her that he’ll hold Brady accountable if evidence comes to light. She offers to help in any way she can. She says Eric is living his best life with her mom, so Brady must pay. EJ agrees with her. Holly has to get going, and EJ tells her to take care.

Holly offers help DAYS

After Holly leaves, EJ calls the station and tells them to order Commissioner Hunter to find evidence connecting Brady to Sarah’s hit-and-run, or he’ll suggest some changes in command to Mayor Price.

At home, a shirtless Tate calls and leaves a message with Holly. It’s his third message, and he knows she’s angry that EJ hasn’t charged his dad for Sarah’s hit-and-run, and he was hoping they could talk things out. There is a knock at the door, and it’s Sophia with food to surprise him.

Shirtless Tate opens door DAYS

Tate puts a shirt on, and they sit down. He wolfs down the barbeque sliders she brought him, which are his favorite. She wanted to stop by to bring him some comfort food and TLC. She puts her hand on his leg and asks if Holly is still freezing him out. He says she is, and she feels she doesn’t have a dad because of his Uncle Eric, and now his dad almost took her Aunt Sarah’s life. Sophia says Holly is ghosting her, too, and the whole thing is so sad and depressing. She says her heart breaks for Holly but also for him. She says if she had an amazing boyfriend like him, she’d never push him away. She compliments his looks and intelligence and calls him a total catch.

Sophia supports TATE DAYS

There is a knock at the door as they lock their eyes, and Tate breaks from her to answer it and finds it’s Holly. Holly is visibly troubled when she sees Sophia there. Sophia jokes Holly’s ears must be burning as they were just talking about her. Sophia has to get back to work, and Holly pushes her out the door. Tate swears it’s not what she thinks. Holly says she is not here to talk about Sophia. She wanted to apologize to him for ignoring him and wanted to hang out and spend time together like they used to. Tate says he’d like that, and he’s missed her. They embrace. Suddenly, she becomes emotional and asks to use his restroom to freshen up. He tells her, of course, and she heads to it.

Holly pushes Sophia out DAYS

Holly begins snooping around and finds Brady’s room. She looks around, spots Brady’s briefcase, and tries to break into it. Tate catches her and asks what she’s doing.

Holly tries to get into Brady's breifcase DAYS

At the Brady Pub, Eric runs into Brady and asks how he’s doing. Brady is doing as well as he can, and was checking on Ava, who was attacked by a crazy person. Eric didn’t realize he and Ava were friends. He says they weren’t but got close the night he fell off the wagon. He admits they got wasted together, and she tried to talk him out of it, but he was hell-bent on destroying his life. Maybe if he had listened to her and let her talk him out of drinking, Sarah wouldn’t be in a wheelchair.

Eric and Brady at pub DAYS

They sit down, and Eric tells Brady that he can’t keep punishing himself for what happened to Sarah. Brady says he crippled her, but Eric argues that he made a mistake and Sarah will find a way to have a good life. Eric tells him to do the same. Brady asks how he’s supposed to have a good life when he ruined someone else’s. He may not have to pay in court, but Xander won’t let this go. He tells him how Xander almost beat him with a bat, but Fiona stopped him.

Eric tells Brady that Xander doesn’t have the right to take the law into his own hands. Eric says he made a mistake, but that doesn’t give Xander the right to come after him. Eric assumes Fiona stopped Xander to keep him out of prison. Brady suspects she may not have wanted to see him get hurt and admits he and Fiona slept together. Eric says he does his best not to judge, but what was he thinking? Brady explains he wasn’t, that he was on a bender, and he had no idea Fiona was Xander’s mother. He swears it is over and changes the subject to Holly. Eric says before he could tell Holly the truth about Daniel’s death, his son told her. Eric says Tate thought she already knew. Brady asks how Holly is dealing with it. Eric says she feels betrayed by him and Nicole. Brady notes Holly needs time to process this, and she will come around. Brady needs to get to an AA meeting and heads out.

EJ taunts Eric

Later, EJ shows up and taunts Eric, who is on his laptop, for bumming off his daddy’s free WIFI. Eric asks what he wants. EJ sits down and wonders why he’s so glum. He assumes it’s due to Brady crippling Sarah, that now he is reliving the guilt of his crime, and Holly despises him. Eric knows Holly is hurt, but she’ll come around. EJ says now that Holly knows what a liar her mother is and that he’s the drunk who killed her father, she’ll never trust either of them again. He’s glad she has him to lean on.

At the Kiriakis’ mansion, Xander carries Sarah to bed. She reminds him that she needs to learn to move from the chair to the bed by herself. He claims it was an act of romance. She says if he wants to do something for her, promise not to go after Brady again. He vents there is no justice that Brady is walking free. She understands but says he’s obsessed with revenge, and they need to be focused on moving forward and paying attention to their little girl. She tells him that she doesn’t want him going after justice, as it’s only causing her anxiety. She must be focused on getting around without her legs and be there for her daughter. She tells Xander to forgive and forget for their sake and for Victoria’s. He swears he’ll do whatever it takes to help her be there for Victoria, but he will never forgive Brady.

Sarah and Xander at home DAYS

They are interrupted by a text Xander receives, and he claims he has some Titan business to tend to. She is suspicious, given that the last time he took off on Titan business, he went after Brady with a bat. He promises he won’t go after Brady and gives her some weights to work on her upper body strength while he’s gone. He gives her a kiss and says he won’t be gone long.

Xander and Sarah DAYS

Fiona and Maggie have a night out at The Bistro. Fiona tells Maggie she needs to take time for herself and let others help her. Maggie says Xander has been a big help with taking care of Sarah. Fiona explains she wanted to have this dinner to tell her why Xander is upset with her. Fiona admits she and Brady slept together. She slept with the man who crippled Maggie’s daughter.

Fiona and MAggie DINE DAYS

Maggie is shocked and points out that Brady is Victor’s grandson and Xander’s nephew. Fiona admits she and Brady had no idea about the family connection. She says Brady was drinking at the time, and she didn’t know he shouldn’t be, but they were both lonely. She assures Maggie it’s over and what he did to Sarah is unforgivable. She says she had no idea who Brady was other than a handsome stranger who was kind to her. Maggie asks why she’s telling her now. Fiona only recently got back into Xander’s good graces, and she didn’t want this affair to ruin things. Maggie asks if Xander knows. Fiona says he does, and he was upset, but the truth stopped him from attacking Brady with a baseball bat.

Maggie is relieved Fiona stopped Xander, as Sarah needs him by her side and not in prison. She also doesn’t want Brady to be hurt as he is family, and he’s had a lot to deal with in his life, including alcoholism. She can’t look at him right now, but he’s a kind, decent man when he’s sober. Maggie is glad they had this talk, and she considers Fiona a friend, so she doesn’t want them to keep any secrets. Fiona agrees. Maggie has to get going to get Sarah her favorite dessert. Fiona decides to stay behind to have her own favorite dessert. She hopes Maggie doesn’t think less of her, and Maggie promises she doesn’t. They hug before Maggie departs.

Fiona orders a drink DAYS

Sophia returns to work and takes care of Fiona. She asks if Fiona would like anything else. Fiona says she would. She orders cheesecake and a dry martini. The martini comes, along with the cheesecake, and she sips the drink.

Xander meets a sketchy guy in the park who gives him an untraceable handgun. The man also knows what Xander needs him to do, and says the guy won’t know what hit him.

EJ makes plans for Brady DAYS

In the Horton square, the sketchy guy confronts Brady. When Brady tries to step by him, he blocks him.

Sketchy man confronts Brady DAYS

Maggie returns home with tiramisu for Sarah, but she’s not in her room. She wonders where Sarah is as it’s late.

In the park, Sarah confronts Xander. She had Henderson pull the van around for her, and she followed him. She demands to know what he’s really up to.

Sarah catches XANDER DAYS

Next on Days of Our Lives, Brady is drugged, and EJ and Eric clash.

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