Days of Our Lives

OMG! As Rafe Wakes Up, Connie Prepares to Kill Again

Connie plans to kill again DAYS


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Chad meets with Stephanie in the park. He arrives late to the memorial due to the kids’ first day of school and apologizes. Stephanie lets him know that she and Jada have already spread Everett’s ashes. It was only the two of them, which was fitting, but she still finds it odd that his friend Connie claims not to know him.

Chad and Stephanie catch up DAYS

Stephanie asks Chad how he’s doing, and he admits it was hard dropping the kids off to school without their mom, and he’s hoping “Abigail” gets her memories back soon. He asks about Stephanie’s meeting with “Abigail.” Stephanie says they had a good time, she told her some things about her past, but this one weird thing happened. She tells him about “Abigail” claiming to have made a health plan with her mother, but her mother said they never had such a conversation. Chad suggests she may have been confused about who she spoke to, but Stephanie can’t shake the feeling that “Abigail” is lying. Chad is sure she was just confused, and maybe she was talking to another doctor about the plan. Stephanie says perhaps, as who else would she be making plans with? Stephanie thanks Chad for checking on her, and says she and “Abigail” talked about getting together again for dinner. He believes the more she’s around family, the more likely she’ll begin to remember.

At the DiMera mansion, “Abigail” talks to Stefano’s portrait. She knows he hates her for lying to his son and admits she doesn’t like pretending to be someone she’s not. She says she’s just doing what she has to do. She knows family meant everything to him, just like it does to her and her brother.

Abigail talks to Stefano DAYS

“Abigail” is startled when Steve arrives to see his niece. He catches her talking to Stefano. She says he seems to loom large over this family. Steve knows he has a commanding presence. He overheard her say family means everything to her and her brother. “Abigail” covers by saying everyone tells her that she is close to her brother. Steve says, “JJ, right?” “Abigail” says, “Of course, who else?” Steve tells her about his friend Abe, who was in a similar situation to her recently, but he got his memory back in time, and so will she.

Steve explains that his wife is Kayla, and he understands that she recently talked to their daughter, Stephanie. “Abigail” confirms they had a nice talk about growing up together. Steve brings up the treatment plan she mentioned to “Abigail.” She responds, “Aunt Kayla has been a huge help.” Steve retorts, “If that was true…” He says Kayla insists they hadn’t spoken yesterday, and “Abigail” suggests she may have mixed things up as she’s spoken to many doctors lately. She talks about how hard it is to keep track of people when she doesn’t remember who she is. Steve admits he understands and reveals he recently was convinced he was Stefano DiMera. However, he wasn’t Stefano. “Abigail” knows people have doubts about her, including her mother, but the DNA tests show she’s Abigail. Steve can imagine how upsetting that was for her not to be believed by her own mother. He explains Jack and Jennifer thought they lost their daughter, they buried and grieved for her, and sometimes it takes a lot to believe the unbelievable.

Steve gives Advice DAYS

Steve decides to get going but suggests that she call her Aunt Kayla about that treatment plan. Steve departs, and “Abigail” realizes that Steve is going to be a problem.

In Gabi’s office, she tells Connie not only is she taking Stefan for everything, but she’s going to keep things going with EJ. Connie turns around and produces a knife from her bag, and mutters she’s going to take care of this slut. Before Connie can strike,  Gabi receives a call and then orders Connie to find Melinda Trask. She needs the notes Melida took for her on an upcoming line. Connie tells her that Melinda took a leave of absence and has left town.

Gabi and Connie DAYS

In Rafe’s room at the hospital, Paulina yells at Rafe that as the mayor she orders him to wake up. He finally responds and opens his eyes. Paulina tells him to stay awake as she runs to get Kayla.

Melina tries to break free of her bonds in Connie’s apartment as Jada knocks on the door, wanting to speak to Connie about Everett. She begins to hear noises inside and opens the door, calling out and announcing herself. Melinda continues to struggle to free herself, and Jada knocks on the bedroom door. Right as she’s about to enter, Paulina calls and tells her that Rafe is awake. Jada says she’ll be right there and rushes off.

Trask struggles

Back at the hospital, Kayla removes Rafe’s breathing tube and tells him how happy they are to have him back. He wonders what happened. Jada soon shows up and embraces Rafe, overjoyed he’s come back.

KAyla helps Steve Days

Back in Gabi’s office, another call thwarts Connie’s plan to stab Gabi when her boss gets news that Rafe is awake and runs off. Connie is clearly concerned.

In Rafe’s room at the hospital, Jada tells Rafe how many hours she sat by his side waiting for him to wake up, and now it’s happened. Gabi rushes in, can’t believe it’s true, and hugs her brother. She then hugs Jada. Rafe still doesn’t know what happened to him. Gabi explains he’s been in a coma for two months, and someone tried to kill him. He was stabbed in the back. Rafe recalls he was on the phone with Paulina. He flashes back to the moment he was stabbed, and Jada asks if he remembers who stabbed him. He doesn’t remember, and Gabi says it doesn’t matter as they know who did it. Jada and Gabi explain that Jada’s ex, Bobby, wanted Jada back, and him out of the way. Gabi says he recently committed suicide. Rafe says, “So, the end.” Jada looks unconvinced.

Gabi and Rafe Days

Later, Jada helps feed Rafe, who notes it makes him feel helpless. Jada tells him that he’ll have to grin and bear it until he is back to his full strength. Rafe asks if there is a new Commish? Jada explains she’s been temporarily filling in for him. He wants to know what’s been going on. Jada knows he won’t quit until she fills him in and says there is a high-profile hit-and-run case that is still open. Suddenly, Rafe hears Connie’s voice saying, “Looks like that open grave is not working out for you.” That’s what she said right after stabbing him.

Jada helps Rafe DAYS

In the halls, Paulina asks Kayla how Rafe is doing. Kayla says he’s doing remarkably well, and Jada and Gabi are with him. Paulina is happy to hear Rafe is expected to make a full recovery. Kayla says he doesn’t seem to remember the stabbing, but the rest of his memory is intact.

Connie returns home to Melinda, takes the gag out of her mouth, and tells her that Rafe is awake. Melinda assumes Connie must be worried as she stabbed him, but Connie says Rafe never saw her, so there is nothing to remember. Melinda notes, “If that were true, then why do you seem so nervous.” Connie complains her plan isn’t going well, as Gabi slept with EJ. She thought this would make Gabi miserable, but she’s on cloud nine. She screams, “That’s not very revengey!” Melinda turns to Li’s cutout, knowing he doesn’t want her to kill anyone else, but she has to disobey him this one more time. Connie pulls out her knife and declares, “There is only one way to make Gabi pay for what she’s done.”

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