Ridge Makes a Decision Behind Steffy’s Back — and Carter Comes to Hope’s Defense

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In Forrester’s design office, Brooke tells Steffy they were discussing Carter’s proposal. Steffy says she was just speaking to her father and grandfather about it. Carter asks what they had to say.
In the main office, Eric tells Ridge it feels funny to have to go against an idea of Carter’s. Ridge says this was different; this was huge. They agree it’s not right for Forrester. A knock comes at the door and Ivy and Electra come in. They rush over to hug the two men. Ridge can’t get over Electra being grown up. Eric’s so happy the two of them are there. “The more Forresters here, the better.” Ridge understands they have some big ideas for the jewelry line. Eric invites Ivy to make her pitch to Ridge right now. Ridge would love to hear what she has to say. Ivy asks Ridge, “Even though your daughter already turned it down?”
In the design office, Steffy tells Carter his ideas are bigger and riskier than a new line. Carter thinks it would be worth it. Hope thinks his ideas deserve consideration. Steffy eyes Hope and tells Carter to be careful with her. She wouldn’t be surprised if the only reason she’s backing him is to keep her line alive.
Hope complains about Steffy being offensive. Brooke asks if she really thinks her daughter would stoop so low as to take advantage of Carter. Steffy says she’ll do anything to get what she wants. She’s Carter’s friend and is looking out for him. Hope says he’s her friend too, that’s why he has her support. Carter says he believes in Hope For the Future because it’s good for the company. Hope chimes in that she supports Carter’s proposal because it’s good for the company. Carter tells Steffy that Forrester needs to evolve. Steffy says he knows where she stands. He asks about Eric and Ridge. Steffy says he can talk to them himself. Carter will show them what he’s been working on. Hope’s sure they’ll listen instead of just shutting him down. Steffy narrows her eyes and asks for a moment alone with Hope.
In the main office, Ivy tells Ridge she’s been sketching since she heard Quinn had left and has drawn up a business plan. He knows the rest of the story. Ridge says Steffy didn’t think it was the right time to relaunch it. Ivy thinks that Steffy turning down the proposal is personal. Ridge asks to see her portfolio. After looking, Ridge tells Ivy it’s impressive. Ivy wants Forrester to have its own unique distinct take on jewelry. Ridge says it’s very different than what they’ve had before. He hands back the portfolio. Ivy tells him they appreciate his time. Ridge thinks it would be wise to restart the line. Eric agrees; it would be a big mistake not to. Ivy and Electra celebrate. Ridge assures them he’ll talk to Steffy. Eric chortles that this is how you build a legacy!
In the cutting room, Brooke tells Carter the last thing she expected to see today was him half-naked on top of her daughter. Carter chuckles. That’s not how they wanted her to find out. Brooke warns that Hope’s had a hard time lately. Carter cares deeply about Hope and would never do anything to hurt her. If he didn’t think he could be the man she deserves, he’d walk away. He goes on that he’s always admired Hope and what she stands for. He lists her attributes. Brooke repeats that she’s having a very challenging time going back to her relationship with Liam ending. She complains that Hope forgave him numerous times, but when she made a mistake, he ended their marriage. They discuss Hope and Thomas. Brooke thinks she liked his loyalty, but couldn’t marry him. Now, Steffy keeps threatening to pull her line and it’s personal. “Everything is personal with Steffy.” If he really wants to be in Hope’s life, he can’t waver. Carter says she can lean on him and he won’t budge. She’ll never have to question his loyalty. “I can promise you that.”
In the design office, Steffy tells Hope that Carter’s sudden defense of her and her line isn’t making sense. “What’s going on with the two of you?” Hope says they’re friends and colleagues. Steffy has always respected Carter’s business acumen and instincts, “But now, not so much.” Hope says this is Carter they’re talking about… how often have his instincts been wrong? She complains that he’s always had big ideas but maybe felt he couldn’t share them because they’d fall on deaf ears. Steffy says Carter is always heard there. He’s part of their family. Hope snaps, “Then maybe you should believe in him.” Steffy squints, “Like you? Why do you believe in him?” She asks if Hope’s belief in Carter is just a ploy to get her line off the chopping block.
In the main office, Brooke and Ridge kiss. He tells her there’s a lot to think about lately. Brooke saw Ivy leaving. Ridge says Electra was with her. He looked at their portfolio and it’s really good. He’s going to ask Ivy to reboot the jewelry line. Brooke thought Steffy nixed it. Ridge will talk to her. She asks if he’ll also talk to her about all the threats she’s making to Hope and her line. Ridge says they’re not threats. This is business, “You’ve seen the numbers.” Brooke has and admits it’s a lull, but it will bounce back. Ridge hopes so, and so does Steffy. Brooke questions if Steffy does. Ridge brings up Hope kissing Finn. Brooke assures him it won’t happen again… she’s no longer interested in him.
In the design office, Hope tells Steffy her accusations are unethical. Steffy says that doesn’t mean they’re not true. Hope would never take advantage of Carter. Steffy points out she took advantage of her brother, and then kissed her husband. She’ll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Hope made a mistake and it will never happen again. She has no feelings for her husband and it will never happen again. Carter listens at the door as Steffy warns if she ever crosses the line with Finn again, she and her line are done. Carter booms, “Enough!” He asks Steffy if she’s using her powers as co-CEO to threaten Hope. “You have no right to speak to her that way.” She was wrong to kiss Finn, but she can’t use her position to punish her. The division hurts the company. Brooke and Hope’s contributions over the years are the very things she and her family benefit from. Steffy, looking amused, says she’s always encouraged everyone to share their thoughts, but despite his feelings about the decisions she makes as CEO, “I’m still your boss.” Some of the things he’s been doing lately are pretty questionable. Him defending Hope and Brooke isn’t helping. She says to Hope, “I’m warning you. Stay away from Finn.” She walks out. Carter tells Hope that Steffy’s way out of line and he won’t stand for it. He won’t let anyone talk down to her. He’ll always be there to defend her.