Hope Puts Steffy on Notice Before Confessing Her Feelings to Finn — and Brooke and Ridge Get Caught Mid-Romp
Hope Puts Steffy on Notice Before Confessing Her Feelings to Finn — and Brooke and Ridge Get Caught Mid-Romp

Credit: Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
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At Forrester, Steffy is on the phone with Finn and tells him last night was incredible. Finn couldn’t agree more. Steffy is really grateful he supported her and encouraged Baker to take Sheila in for questioning. She wonders if she’ll actually be charged for her crimes this time. Hope walks in and Steffy lets Finn go after they express their love. Hope asks, “Finn?” Steffy says yes. Hope says she heard Finn’s supportive of Sheila getting taken in for questioning. Steffy confirms it. Whatever grey area she thinks exists for Finn when it comes to Sheila, it’s gone. He supports her over Sheila.
Steffy complains that Hope got into her husband’s head and made him think there was a chance that Sheila could be a normal person. “That’s not true, look what happened with Hollis. Look what happened with Tom.” She tells Hope not to interfere anymore. They need to pray that justice will be served. Hope counters that Steffy has a list of issues with her. She rants that she continually undermines her at work and undermines her mother as well. She’s interfered in her personal life too… just so many fun things for her to do. Steffy reminds her that she’s in charge. “Not you, Hope. And certainly not your mom.”
Steffy thinks Hope can be a little manipulative. Hope snarks, “Says the woman who manipulated Thomas into leaving the country.” She thinks Steffy would be happy if Thomas was with anyone but her. It makes her sad because at one point she thought they might become friends, but now it just seems nearly impossible. Steffy says she’ll always have Thomas’ back and won’t support an unhealthy relationship. Hope mutters, “That’s your perspective, Steffy.” Steffy says this isn’t about her, it’s about her brother. He’s moved on. The sooner Hope accepts it… Hope interrupts. She gave them her blessing. “You got what you wanted, isn’t that enough?” She adds, “You always do, but I would be careful because one of these days someone might cut you down to size.” Steffy raises an eyebrow, “You?”
Liam knocks on Finn’s office door and asks if he’s got a sec. He was at his annual physical and wanted to stop in and give him credit. Finn looks confused. Liam just learned that Sheila’s in custody. Finn points out that charges have yet to be brought against her. Liam says she’s locked up and apparently, he was supportive of that, “So, thank you.”
Liam admits he was worried about where Finn’s mind was where Sheila’s concern. Finn still believes people can change, but it doesn’t matter if she did it or not. He knows she can’t have a place in his life either way. Steffy knows that as well. They’ve never been stronger. Liam guesses that’s him sending him a message. Finn nods, “Yes, Liam. I am.”
In Forrester’s design office, Ridge complains to Brooke about Sheila causing trouble. Brooke hopes she stays where she is. They agree it’s nice that Finn supported Steffy. Ridge switches gears and wants to talk about his beautiful Logan. They make out. When they stop, Ridge reveals he’s been working on the bedroom line and she’ll be the star of it. Brooke isn’t sure she should be modeling lingerie at her age. Ridge thinks she’s being ridiculous; she’s more gorgeous than ever! Brooke is trying to avoid looking ridiculous. Ridge grunts that she gets his blood going. Brooke purrs, “It’s good to know that I still have it.” They start kissing and undressing to make love.
In Finn’s office, Liam tells him he’s not the one he needs to send messages to… it’s Steffy that needs to hear that stuff. Finn’s on his way to see her now. He assures Liam that they have great communication and that he puts her first. It’s past time he knows it too. “I know you’ve been going to see Steffy, telling her that she can’t trust me; that I’m a Mama’s Boy or whatever. That has to stop, Liam. I’m warning you. Don’t interfere with my marriage.”
In the main office at Forrester, Steffy tells Hope there’s nothing she could do to her and she doesn’t want to deal with this kind of energy. She sends Hope to meet Zende and focus on her line instead of making veiled threats.
Once Hope’s gone, Steffy heads across the hall to the design office, but it’s locked. Steffy sighs about Charlie not unlocking the doors before his shift and gets the key out of the receptionist’s desk. She opens the door and walks in on Ridge and Brooke half-dressed on the desk. She exclaims, “Oh, no, no!” She then mutters, “Great, another Logan.”
Steffy pleads with them to put on some clothes or wait until they get home. Ridge asks what’s going on with her. Steffy doesn’t want to see this… it’s weird. “And I certainly don’t want to see Brooke… another Logan.”
Backstage, Hope, dressed in black lingerie and a robe, tells Zende by phone that she’ll try on the gown and let him know what she thinks. Suddenly, the door opens as Finn concludes a work phone call. He stops, startled, and disconnects before apologizing. He was looking for a quiet place to take his call. Hope welcomes him to the world of fashion design and asks, “So… what do you think?”
Finn says her outfit is classy and provocative. He says that he should probably get out of there. Hope flashes to Steffy asking, “Cut me down to size? Exactly what is that supposed to mean? What could you possibly attempt? There’s nothing you can do to me, Hope.” Hope tells Finn he doesn’t have to go. In fact, they should talk about something. Moving closer, Finn tells him that he gave her good advice about Thomas when he told her she deserves a man who wasn’t dishonorable in the past and think about her own wants and desires. She believes she’s found a real love. “For myself, I mean. The most important kind of love.” She wants to thank him for helping her and being selfless.
Hope continues, “And now I’m going to say it. Steffy is lucky to have you. I’m just not sure how grateful she is to have that.” She has to ask if it’s a constant battle at home like it is with her at work. “Does Steffy appreciate you? Because you are a man, Finn, who deserves to be appreciated. I mean, I’ll even admit it… I find you attractive and I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about you and what it would like to be with you from time-to-time.” Finn tells her she can’t talk this way. Hope knows, but they are adults. “Can’t a girl dream ?”