Bold and the Beautiful

Bold & Beautiful Killer Reveal: Luna’s Discovery Points to [Spoiler] as the Killer — and We Don’t Mean Poppy

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI


Luna’s discovery of the late Tom’s backpack in her mom’s apartment on Bold & Beautiful seemingly pointed the finger directly at Poppy as the killer. In fact, Luna almost immediately accused her of offing the man. But it was all felt a little too obvious to be true. With that said, there is another potential culprit who may have planted it there…

It would be hard to miss the mentions of Poppy’s apartment being scheduled for demolition in Bold & Beautiful’s most recent scenes. It was brought up repeatedly, and is clearly a clue to this ongoing murder mystery.

Bill knew that the place was about to be blown to bits, which means Justin, who is back to being his all-knowing right hand, would also have known, but as far as we’re aware, neither of them had any knowledge of Tom’s relationship with Poppy or the letters or the backpack. With a paternity test confirming Bill as Luna’s father before the overdoses, there isn’t much in the way of motive for either of them.

But there is someone else. Someone whose behavior has screamed “potentially guilty” from the get-go, and who also would have known that Poppy’s apartment was due to be demo’d. Someone who could have had access to the apartment as a family member. That’s right… Li.

Backing up, Li had access to the drugs that killed Tom and Hollis, would know the proper dosages to use to get the job done, and was on the scene the night Tom died. As a doctor, Li would normally have leapt into action when a man collapsed and tried to save him, but she stood back and did nothing.

Li also performed the paternity test that declared Bill as Luna’s father and behaved suspiciously during a conversation with the proud new papa after the fact, leaving viewers with the feeling that she could have rigged the test. She all but came out and said she’d done Bill and her niece a favor. So, with Tom ready to shout it from the rafters that he was Luna’s dad, he was a complication that Li didn’t need. Returning to the scene of the crime, as killers are wont to do, Li would have realized that Hollis, having stumbled upon the letters, was also a liablilty that needed to be taken care of. Conveniently, she also performed the autopsies, and led the charge accusing Sheila, which was a brilliant distraction tactic.
Li B&B

If Li killed Hollis, she’d have then made off with the backpack full of letters. While one would think she might have burned it in the crematorium, this is Bold & Beautiful and the killer has to eventually be caught and brought to justice… so she decided to stash it in her sister’s apartment knowing full well it was about to be demolished and the evidence would never be found. Or if it was found, Penelope would look guilty and not her.

Speaking to motive, viewers have long believed that Li knows a dirty secret about Luna’s real paternity. Specifically, that Jack or even Finn might be the real dad. A mortifying truth she would never want to come to light. So, why kill Tom? His agitating about being Luna’s father would have thrown the paternity test Li administered for Bill into question and another one may have been requested or performed by someone else, something Li simply couldn’t risk.

Of course, there are other theories that we could spin, but the evidence is piling up against Li, who had the opportunity, means, and quite possibly the motive as well. If our hunch is correct, Bill’s ex-wife had better watch her back. Katie will be in serious danger if she keeps pushing Li on the subject of Luna’s paternity!

Take a look at our who killed Tom? lineup of suspects in the gallery below.

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