General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers For Next Week (October 7-11, 2024): Carly And Sonny Exposed? A New Romance Begins!

General Hospital Spoilers - Sonny & Carly
GH/ Sonny will choose Carly’s Alibi strategy

Another week and another week of drama is about to unfold on General Hospital. The spoilers for the week of October 7-11, 2024 are out and they reveal that characters will be on the edge. There will be some big truth explosions, and a big return could be on the cards. Romance is also in the air but would any of this really be a happy beginning? Keep reading to find out.

Carly Is Worried, Sonny Puts Her At Ease

Starting off the week is Carly Spencer who will be on the edge. We all know that Sonny and Carly have been in cahoots and obviously landing in all sorts of danger. However, this time, both of them are struggling with legal troubles. In the upcoming episodes, Carly will be fretting about what would happen next and she will confide in Sonny about it all.

Sonny, being the constant support he is to Carly, will try to put her to ease. He will assure that nothing is falling apart, the way she thinks it is. As per the spoilers, Carly has been feeling like her and Sonny’s alibi is falling apart. Moreover, since Molly and Martin are snooping around, she is simply scared that their fassade is going to fall apart.

General Hospital Spoilers- Sonny - Carly
GH/ Carly is worried

However, Sonny will feel confident that there is nothing to worry about and they should stick to their original plan. Carly doesn’t want to land in legal hot waters. Lately, Carly has been struggling with a lot of ups and downs and swimming in these legal waters won’t be something she wants. So, she will be looking for some reassurance. It looks like Sonny will provide her with all of it and ensure she is good.

While Sonny is calming Carly down, one person who will not be calm is Molly. She is determined to get Alexis Davis off the hook. Alexis has been falsely accused and has landed behind the bars. But, Molly isn’t accepting it. In fact, she doesn’t care about anything or anyone right now. All she really wants to do is save Alexis. In fact, she is going to do anything for that. But would she be successful? Only time will tell.

Ava Finds The Truth, Will Portia Be Exposed?

On the other end of the town, Portia will be thinking about all that Ava has said. It looks like Ava is going to use her smartness this week and figure that Portia had altered Heather Webber’s lab results. Now, we know that there is no one who wants Heather behind the bars, other than Ava. After all, all the pain Heather has caused Trina, feels very personal to Ava.

In the upcoming episodes, Ava will put the pieces together and figure out the truth. However, she will understand why Portia did what she did. But, honestly, Ava has been into enough hot messes to know that something like this always comes back to bite you. So, Ava will take it upon herself to warn Portia. Ava will insist that Portia should let someone else take the fall and might suggest that they pin it all on Brad.

General Hospital
GH/Portia Robinson pins blame on Brad

Nobody, including Portia, is happy with Brad returning to Port Charles. With how many messes Brad has made in the past, we wouldn’t put it out of his character to make another mess. So, everybody will believe it when Portia tells others about it. It is likely that Portia will get Ric Lansing to point the fingers at someone else, and this will most likely be Brad

Further, there is a new character that might become a part of this mix. Van Hansis is joining General Hospital to bring Lucas back to town. We all know Brad and Lucas were a thing in the past and now that Van Hansis is bringing the character back to town, it is likely that he will become a part of this story too. Lucas knows Brad like nobody else. So, maybe he will be the person who stands by Brad’s side when no one else does.

Trina And Gio Fight, Brook-Chase Help Violet

There will be friendship and romance in the town this week too. So, we know that Trina and Gio have cracked the code and are becoming closer friends every day. However, there wil be a tiny setback in the coming week. They will end up fighting about something and that will cause issues between them. However, thankfully, we know that both Gio and Trina are good people at heart. So, they will indeed sort their issues and we might get to see them coming closer.

General Hospital
GH/ Trina and Gio fight

Elsewhere, Brook Lynn and Chase will also have a problem to deal with. Poor Violet has been going through a lot as of late. First, she lost her mother and while she was finally finding her footing, now, her dad- Hamilton Finn has been sent off to a rehab. We fans know that Michael Easton, the actor who last played the character has now bowed out of the soap, on screen Hamiton Finn is away.

Owing to this hollowness in her life, Violet won’t know what to do. So, in the upcoming episodes, she will struggle with her emotions. While Brook and Chase will team up to help the young girl, it is likely that Violet will continue to show warning signs. This will worry both of them together. There has been talks of Finn getting out of rehab at some point, but how will the storyline play out? We will have to wait to know.

General Hospital spoilers Chase Brook Lynn
GH/ Brook Chase Step Up For Violet

Anna Jason Start A Romance?

Finally, now that the African adventure is over for Anna-Jason-Holly-Lucky, more drama is going to follow them. Fans who have seen the previous episodes of the soap know that Anna and Jason shared a kiss while they were in captivity. However, they haven’t really spoken about it. But, it looks like sooner or later, they will have to talk about it.

It seems less likely that Jason and Anna would pursue a full fledged romance, but honestly, this is General Hospital and anything can happen here. Would you like to see  a Jason-Anna romance?

General Hospital Spoilers - Jason & Anna
GH/ A New Romance Begins For Jason-Anna

While Jason and Anna will be dealing with this, Carly will have her own suspicions about what has really gone down while Jason was away. Now, we know that Jason and Carly will always have that connection. So, Carly will try to probe Jason into telling her exactly what happened and what he is hiding. But, would Jason tell her?

Lucky Comes To Lulu’s Rescue

Other people who have returned will have their own struggles to deal with. Lucky is back and he knows that Lulu is struggling. So, he will get straight to it and get in the big brother zone. General Hospital spoilers for the week of October 7, 2024, confirm that Lucky will be ready to get Lulu on the operation table and have that transplant.

General Hospital Spoilers - Lucky
GH/ Lucky saves Lulu

Thankfully, we know Lulu’s life will be spared and she will wake up. It will be a lot of fun to see her back to life and working. General Hospital spoilers confirm that this wake-up will indeed start big storylines that will make the forthcoming episodes only more interesting.

A number of big storylines are coming up General Hospital this week and building blocks for the upcoming weeks. Make sure you check out Soap Opera Daily for all the updates. In the meantime, tune in and enjoy all of it. What storyline are you most excited about? Tell us in the comments section.

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