General Hospital

General Hospital’s Double Tragedy: One Shocking Death Exposed—And Another Heartbreaking Loss Ahead!

Cates and Sam deaths on GH

Lulu’s In, Sam’s Out

We all knew that Lulu was coming back, but I don’t think any of us had on our bingo cards that not only would Sam be out, but the writers are reportingly killing off Sam’s character! Knowing this made me evaluate certain scenes differently this week. For example, Alexis once again brought up her dead sister to Kristina, saying how much she still misses her, to convince Kristina to try and make nice with Molly. Will Sam’s death bring the sisters together, or could their feud in some way be what causes her death?

Dante lashes out at Carly GH

Then there was Dante, who suddenly became defensive yet regretful about how things ended between him and Lulu. He was also playing the “what if” game, as in “What if he handled things differently with Lulu.” Is Sam getting kicked to the curb even before she’s off the show? Of course, fans are petitioning General Hospital to save Kelly Monaco and Sam, so it’s anyone’s guess how this will all play out.

Lucky and Isiah's escape GH

Unlucky Lucky

We discovered that Lucky has been playing humanitarian hero around the world, infiltrating camps and saving refugees and doctors. Now Laura and Kevin are off to Africa to find him, though they don’t know he’s been captured. Is there any possibility they might run into Holly? We already know Emma Samms is set to return.

Nikolas and Laura

I get that Nikoas not being a match to save Lulu was to set up Lucky’s return, but still… This would have been an excellent opportunity to have brought him back. It would be great to see Laura have all her children home at one time for the first time in ages and especially see them there to rally around Lulu.

Meanwhile, as the search for Lucky continues, Anna is searching for Valentin and Charlotte, as Charlotte could be a match for her mother. In the end, I think Charlotte will be the match Lulu needs, and she’ll be the last to arrive, just as they learn Lucky isn’t a match either.

The Absentee Parent and The Perfect Child

The fallout from Irene/Adela’s death continued this week. Last week, both Molly and Kristina were on my nerves for different reasons, and the funeral was heartbreaking to watch. This week, I found myself seeing both sisters differently.

Molly and Dex talk GH

Molly’s midnight chat with Dex in the park hit home for me and likely anyone who experienced what she did growing up. She always knew Kristina got more attention because she was the needy child, so she had to be perfect so as not to take too much of their mother’s time away from Kristina. Poor Molly!

Ric and Alexis argue GH

Alexis and Ric’s talk only served to show Molly’s thinking was correct, as Alexis felt Molly was strong and Kristina needed more of her time and attention. It doesn’t mean Alexis loves Molly any less, but it also doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt! I loved Alexis at least sticking it to Ric about lecturing her when he’s never been around to be an actual parent. Molly and Alexis working things out, and Alexis being honest with her about the affidavit, was exactly what was needed to help start the healing.

One thing that irks me is that Molly has been going on and on about Kristina’s criminal father, but Ric is no saint. Yes, he’s not Sonny, but last we saw him, he was off to prison for several crimes. It seems the audience is supposed to forget that, and it’s perfectly acceptable that he’s practicing law again. Then again, this is Port Charles! Then there is TJ’s birth father and “Uncle Shawn,” who was also a long-time enforcer for Sonny.

Goodbye Jagger

In last week’s column, I ranted about John ‘Jagger’ Cates and how I couldn’t imagine him being worse than he was, but he proved me wrong this week. Dragging Kristina into the station and charging her with the murder of her child to force Sonny to turn himself in? I screamed out, “Oh my God, someone kill this man already!” Little did I know, I’d soon get my wish!

Alexis argues with Cates GH

But first! Jagger pushed Kristina one step too far, and she finally found her inner Corinthos. Kristina flipped from a sobbing mess to a force to be reckoned with, calling Jagger a punk whose time was coming, and she would not let him use her or her dead baby against her father. This was an all-around excellent scene. It also proved that Kristina is not as helpless and weak as Alexis thinks she is!

Kristina gives Jagger hell GH

Meanwhile, thank you, writers, for giving us back the Ava many of us love. The one that has style and isn’t stupid for Sonny! Ava figured out that Agent Boyle was no agent because of her expensive tastes in shoes, glasses, and guns, and this is the Ava we adore! Unfortunately, on the way to the Pine Barrons to be taken out by the fake agent, her escape attempt resulted in their car running down Lucky’s friend, Dr. Isiah, who had just come to town to relay a message for Lucky. I guess we’ll have to wait a little bit longer for Lucky’s rescue…

Ava in danger GH

The final moments of Friday’s episode featured what many viewers have wished for: the end of John ‘Jagger’ Cates. Or at least he looks pretty dead… This is a soap, after all. His and Sonny’s confrontation at the Quartermaine boathouse in the middle of the storm was pure soapy goodness. Sonny finally showed Cates the real Sonny Corinthos and plugged him with a bullet not once but twice. Sonny rarely does his dirty work, so how in the hell is he getting out of this one? Sadly, one of this show’s favorite punching bags could be in trouble. Alexis screaming in front of the entire PCPD that she would put a permanent end to Cates could end up with her going down for his murder.

Cates is dead by Sonny's gun GH

Final Thoughts

  • When will we find out who Nina called in a favor from a few weeks ago?
  • After Dex and Molly talk about mothers, we should expect Dex’s mom to appear in Port Charles soon.
  • So it looks like Saint Portia will tamper with Heather’s blood samples to keep her in prison, or maybe worse?
  • Drew and Willow… No, stop, my eyes!

That’s it for my thoughts, opinions and predictions this week. As always, please leave yours in the comments!

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