Bold and the Beautiful

Truth Bomb: Bill and Luna’s Paternity Test Rocks Lives – Hope Begs Finn to Betray Steffy

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In Forrester’s design office, Hope flashes to kissing Finn and his stunned reaction. She grimaces. Brooke walks in and says Hope For the Future will be fine. Hope wants to believe that. Her mother assures her the Brooke’s Bedroom sales will cover the costs to keep her line going. She wonders if her daughter’s “distraction” has anything to do with Finn. Hope says she’s been doing a lot of soul-searching lately and the example she’s currently setting for Beth is not at all what she wants. Brooke asks if there’s anything they need to talk about. “Did something happen with Finn?”

At the cliff house, Steffy thanks Finn for pouring her coffee. She’ll need a few cups after the ‘Brookefest’ yesterday. She then admits it went well. She spoke to Brooke, who actually assured her that she and Hope won’t cause any problems for her. Finn says he has something to talk to her about, but Steffy asks if it can wait… she has to get to work. They kiss goodbye and she heads out.

In Forrester’s main office, Katie calls Bill to see if he’s given any thought to another paternity test. Bill says he bought one but isn’t sure how to broach it with Luna yet. Katie reminds him that after Poppy’s arrest, he can’t trust anything that woman says or does. Katie knows how much having a daughter means to him, but he should know for sure. She’ll always care about him and what happens to him. Bill tells her how much her support means to him and promises to update her.

Katie disconnects and Ridge walks in. She mentions Bill is having a rough time. Ridge asks, “Oh boy, what has he done now?” Katie says it’s not what he’s done, “It’s Poppy. She’s been arrested.” Ridge still thinks it could be Sheila. Katie can’t understand why she’s the only one seeing Poppy clearly. Bill could be living with a murderer! Ridge says it’s clear she still cares about Bill.

At Bill’s place, Luna walks into the room and he can tell she didn’t get any sleep. She talks about the nightmare of her mother being in jail. Bill doesn’t want to make things worse, but given what’s happened with her mother they need to be absolutely sure. Luna asks, “Sure about what?” Bill pulls out the paternity test. Luna is taken aback as he explains that they need to be certain and he’s doing this as much for her as he is for himself. “I want you to be my daughter.” Luna shrugs, “You’re right.” She understands and is OK to do it. Bill says they should do it right away.

Finn is getting ready for work at home when he pauses to text Hope. He tells her they need to talk and asks her to meet him at his office.

In the design office, Brooke continues to probe if something happened with Hope and Finn. She wonders if her attraction is because of all of her frustration with Steffy. Hope doesn’t know anything except that it’s weighing on her. She goes home and thinks about the line… and Finn. She’s stuck in a cycle she can’t get out of, and spending time with Finn is the only thing that makes her feel like there might be someone out there for her. Brooke reminds her it can’t be Finn. Hope knows that and blurts that he’s been a good friend and she hopes she hasn’t ruined it. Before Brooke can grill her, Hope gets Finn’s text and hustles out the door.

At the hospital, Hope knocks on Finn’s office door and enters. When she shuts the door behind her, he exclaims, “What the hell are you thinking, Hope?!”

At Bill’s place, he prepares the test and sets a timer. “Ok, that’s it. Two stripes you’re my daughter, one stripe…” Luna says, “I’m not.” They wait and pace.

In the main office, Brooke has joined Ridge and Katie and is stunned to hear that Poppy’s been arrested for murder. Steffy arrives and Katie explains that Poppy may be connected to the deaths at Il Giardino. She explains her history with Tom and with drugs. She recounts the Chief Baker turned up with more evidence against her. Steffy exclaims that this is Luna’s mother and Finn’s aunt!

In his office, Finn can’t understand what Hope was thinking, “I am totally committed to and in love with my wife. What would possess you to cross that line.” Hope doesn’t know what came over her, but he knows how she feels about him. Finn rolls his eyes and fumes that he’s a married man… married to Steffy. Hope gasps that she is so incredibly sorry.

In the main office, Brooke, Katie, Ridge, and Steffy debate whether Bill is Luna’s father. Katie explains that she urged him to do another paternity test. She prays he listens to her.

At Bill’s place, he recaps that they have to be certain. Luna feels certain that he’s her dad. Bill tells her that’s exactly the result that he wants. She came into his life and it was the greatest surprise he could have hoped for. “I care about you, Luna. I have loved being your father. I want you to be my daughter.” Just then, the timer beeps. Bill picks up the test and looks at it. Luna asks, “What does it say? Are you my father?”

In the main office, Brooke tells Steffy that Katie won’t be back… she’s meeting with Will. They discuss Poppy’s shocking arrest. Steffy worries about Finn. First, his biological mother is a murderer and now his aunt? Brooke’s sure she’ll find a way to be there for him. The two of them have been through a lot. Steffy says she was talking to Finn about her earlier… how she said she and Hope wouldn’t interfere in her life. Brooke smiles that she meant it. Steffy smiles back, “Maybe Hope meant it too.”

In Finn’s office, Hope says she knows what she did was wrong and she’s really sorry. Kissing him is not who she is or what she stands for. She’s spent her life fighting comparisons to her mother, and here she’s gone and done something she’s not proud of. She gives him her word that it won’t happen again. Finn states, “No, it won’t’.” Hope wants to forget it happened and move on. Can they keep it between them? Finn gawps, “Are you serious?” She says she cares about him, but does she not see the position this puts him in. Hope can see that he’s angry. Finn fumes, “Yeah, I am angry. I’ve worked so hard to gain Steffy’s trust after letting her down. And she’s actually forgiven me, but I have to work every day to prove I’m worthy of that trust. I felt for your situation, Hope, I really did, I tried to make the peace between the families and between you and Steffy, but now you’re asking me to lie.” Hope thinks sharing this might cause more damage. She asks again if they can keep it between them. Finn won’t keep secrets from his wife. She needs to know about the kiss, “And she’s not going to like it!”

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