Days of Our Lives

After Saying an Emotional Goodbye to Family, Eric and Nicole Leave Salem With Jude

Outside the Pub, Eric and Nicole stare lovingly into each other's eyes. Their hands rest on Jude's stroller.

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Holly comes to the cabin as Tate reels over an article about his mother’s arrest. She expresses how sorry she is. However, she does have good news: she’s staying in Salem with Maggie.

A freaked out Tate holds up his phone to Holly in the cabin

Andrew visits Theresa in the interrogation room. She’s ready to hear how disappointed he is and that he’s ready to disown her. But that’s not why he’s there. “I came to say I’m proud of you.” Not for her felonies, of course, but because she took responsibility and turned herself in.

At the Pub, Roman hangs a “Bon Voyage” banner between balloons behind the bar. He playfully asks Jude, who’s in his stroller, for his advice. Kate enters to learn Eric and Nicole are moving to Paris.

In her office, Marlena expresses concern to Kayla that “Everett” is faking his integration. Abe comes by to tell them he and Kate are producing Body & Soul in Salem. Since they are the spitting image of the original actresses, he asks them to play the lead roles. As much as they’d love to help him out, they pass. They all receive a message from Kate about Eric and Nicole’s going away party.

Marlena and Kayla warily purse their lips at Abe in Marlena's office

In Eric’s room above the Pub, Nicole helps him pack. She assumes EJ will burn whatever she leaves behind. They talk about Holly staying in Salem with Maggie. It’s hard for Nicole, but she has to let Holly live her life and focus on living hers with Jude and Eric. They’ve been waiting for this for so long. She wonders if she’s dreaming. Eric assures her she’s not. “Can you pinch me just in case?” she coyly asks. Eric has a better idea. He kisses her, dims the lights, and leans her back on the bed.

In the cabin, Tate laments all the lies Theresa told and the people she hurt. But at least now, she won’t be policing him anymore. And since Holly’s mom is moving to another continent, they won’t have to continue sneaking around. Tate worries about his dad, though, especially if he finds out Aaron’s at lacrosse camp instead of him. So, he’ll have to stay at the cabin for the summer. They agree sneaking around is kind of exciting.

Holly and Tate hold each other's faces as they kiss at the cabin

In the interrogation room, Andrew says he’ll try to negotiate a deal since Victoria was returned shortly after Theresa took her and the fraud was committed on foreign soil. He doubts the Greek government will extradite her. He can’t promise DA DiMera will go for it, but the fact that Nicole hates her might work in her favor. As they reminisce about a time Theresa took the blame for something Andrew did when they were teens, Shane calls. A weepy Theresa answers Andrew’s phone.

Breathless in bed, Nicole and Eric joke about not being high on biscuits, and technically committing adultery, which they don’t feel guilty about. Turning serious, Nicole and Eric express their love before passionately kissing again.

Eric and Nicole come down to the Pub and greet Marlena, Roman, Kayla, Abe, Kate, and Holly. Marlena makes a toast. They wish them love and peace on the amazing journey they’re taking together. As Eric and Nicole lock eyes, flashbacks play of their life together.

Later, Abe privately tells Nicole how much he’ll miss her. She makes him promise to come see them in Paris. Across the Pub, Marlena says a heartfelt goodbye to her son. Roman joins them for a group hug. Eric eyes Nicole as she says an emotional goodbye to Holly. Holly tells her she’s a great mom. She’s proud of how she’s handled all the loss she’s endured. Nicole is proud of her, too, and wants her to have a great life. With tears in their eyes, they embrace.

After hanging up with Shane, Theresa calls Tate. He offers to come see her right now, but she tells him not to. If Andrew can’t make a deal for her, she wants him to know she’ll be okay. She’s proud of him for working hard at lacrosse camp and owning up to his mistakes. He set an example for her, which is partly why she turned herself in. Cringing, he says he has to tell her something. She has something to say first: she’s okay with him seeing Holly when he gets back. She loves him so much. He loves her, too, and is proud of her. Andrew somberly returns as she hangs up.

After Nicole and Eric leave the Pub, Marlena finally lets herself cry. Abe says they’re together, which is how it should be. Art imitates life, he continues, just like on Body & Soul. People leave, but they almost always come back. Outside, Eric and Nicole marvel over their son and what they’re about to embark on. “Are you ready to go?” Eric asks. “I’ve never been more ready,” Nicole says. They kiss before pushing Jude’s stroller away.

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