Sharon Unravels After a Jarring Development — and Phyllis Teams With [Spoiler]

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Diane arrives in Victor’s office and she says it was clear he didn’t want to take her up on her offer in front of Nikki. It’s obvious he’s kept her in the dark about Glissade. Victor didn’t call her there to talk about his wife. Diane says, “That’s right. You called me here to talk about revenge.” He’s interested to hear what her twisted mind has come up with. He reminds her they were married and he knows how she operates. Diane complains that her family turned their back on her. She doesn’t deserve to be treated this way, so whatever happens next is justified. She wants Victor to fire Kyle and allow her to take over Glissade as CEO. She can’t think of anything more painful for Jack except him finding out she orchestrated the plan. Victor telsl her if he agrees to this, there’s no turning back. Diane’s ready to take this to the very end.
At the Club bar, Jack tells Kyle he hasn’t spoken to his mother, and he’s going to Paris tonight to bring Ashley home. They agree it’s great news, but Jack worries what he’s walking his sister into. It’s going to be different at the house and it could upend her progress. Jack misses her and likes having her nearby. Kyle offers to help with the transition. He’s been rethinking his decision to move out. Without Diane around, things might be more tolerable. Jack tells his son how much this means to him. Kyle smirks that Ashley might be glad his mother got the boot. She saw through her act. Jack says he should have listened to her… and Nikki, and Phyllis too. Kyle thinks they should be ready for some gloating.
At his apartment, Nate answers a knock on the door. It’s Amy Lewis, who thanks him for seeing her again. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in Genoa City. It’s nice to be back.” Nate tells her he didn’t expect to hear from her again so soon. He asks why she came back after all these years. Amy says they have unfinished business. There’s something she didn’t tell him when he came to see her. She wanted to see what kind of man he was before she decided whether or not to open up to him. “I wasn’t sure if I was ready.” Nate says she’s there, so she must have decided to share. Amy tells him that when she lived there before, she and his father were more than co-workers and friends. “We were pretty seriously involved.” Nate asks why she’s telling him this now. Amy says there’s something he needs to know, “Something your father never knew.”
Phyllis spots Chance on the patio at Crimson Lights and says she needs to talk to him. She protests that he arrested the wrong person. Chance won’t let her go off on him and says he can’t discuss this with her. Phyllis sits down and informs him that as the mother of the woman he’s dating, he can give her a couple of minutes. She wonders what Summer’s going to think when she finds out he arrested her brother.
Phyllis tells Chance all he has to do is find Heather’s real killer. Chance says that’s easier said than done and informs her there is zero evidence against Sharon. It’s in the D.A.’s hands. Pointing the finger at someone she has a history with isn’t going to change anyone’s minds. Phyllis decides she’ll just have to find the evidence herself.
At Society, Daniel’s thankful Christine got him out on bail. Christine knows he didn’t do this. Daniel complains everyone is looking at him; it reminds him of him and Lily going on the run after Cassie’s accident. Christine thinks it shows he has nothing to hide. She asks if he knows who the real killer could be. Daniel says his mother has a theory, but it’s out there even for her. Christine will entertain anything right now… even something from Phyllis’ twisted mind. Daniel says his mom thinks Sharon’s responsible. Christine finds this a hell of a stretch. Daniel knows that Sharon’s been dealing with a lot of old feelings about Cassie’s death. He admits that he went and accused her. Christine cringes and warns him not to engage with her again. She reflects on Phyllis’ past with Sharon… maybe she was looking for a scapegoat to protect him. Daniel concedes this could be true. Chris says it may actually work to their advantage.
At her house, Sharon reads that Daniel’s been arrested. Her jaw drops. Hallucination Nick appears and says, “You can’t be surprised. You knew this was coming. You made it happen.” Sharon says that doesn’t make it any easier. What she set in motion is now a reality, “Daniel has been arrested!”
Sharon keeps imagining what Daniel is going through, being accused of murdering the woman he loves. Lucy has seen her father arrested; she’s lost them both. It’s too painful to bear. Nick tells her she can’t go on like this. “You need to be honest about what happened that night. Come clean. Think about how much better you’ll feel.” Sharon agrees. The guilt is too much. Someone knocks at the door and Hallucination Nick disappears. Sharon opens the door to real Nick. He asks, “What’s wrong?”
Sharon tells Nick she’s having doubts and blurts, “Daniel has been arrested.” Nick doesn’t believe he would kill Heather or anyone else for that matter.” Sharon says the police must have found enough evidence to bring charges. Nick’s sure Chance would have been very careful before arresting Summer’s brother. Sharon suggests maybe it was an accident. Maybe they fought and it got out of hand. Nick remembers that the last time Daniel was involved in an accidental death he went on the run. “He’s not that person anymore.” Sharon is sure that if Daniel had any involvement in what happened, he’d have turned himself in. Nick asks if Faith’s heard about Daniel. Sharon doesn’t think so. Nick thinks it will be jarring. Sharon says they’ll make sure she’s OK. Now she can see why Phyllis was so desperate to pin this on her… she saw the walls closing in on her son.
At Nate’s place, Amy tells him she’s kept this secret for so long it seems impossible to say it out loud. “What Nathan never knew is that the last time I saw him, I found out I was pregnant.” Nate asks if his dad was the father. Amy says, “Yes.” She never told him because she had already found another man. She let that man believe the baby was his. Nate marvels, “I have a half-brother. A brother I never knew about.” Amy says his name is Damien. She never told him the truth either. Even after her husband passed, she still couldn’t tell her son. Nate squints, “And it hasn’t been the right time since?” Amy shakes her head. Nate asks why she’s telling him this now.
At Society, Daniel asks Christine what her strategy is. She wants to show that Sharon is a plausible suspect to raise reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury. The best case scenario is finding the real killer by the time they go to trial, but they may have to do this. His future is on the line. She’s not just defending him because he’s Danny’s son; there’s something off about this. If they have to go in front of a judge and jury, she’ll make sure she has all the ammunition she needs in her arsenal.
In Victor’s office, he asks Diane why he should believe her. They accused him of being enemy number one. Diane says that now that the Abbotts have burned her, his ulterior motives aren’t her concern… except that she can use them to her advantage. She rants that their love was conditional. It’s their turn to hurt. Victor smirks. He tells her he’ll consider her plan, but first he needs a show of trust. “I need proof of your sincerity and your loyalty. How come up with that is your choice. Surprise me.” Diane tells Victor he’ll get his proof and she’s ready to go all in. He’s never had to apologize for having family and power, but when she wants that she’s some kind of monster. Betrayal is motivational. Just then, Nikki walks in and asks, “What the hell are you doing here?!”
At Nate’s place, Amy tells him there’s something more he needs to know. “I was sick. Very sick. Dying in fact.” But she’s worried about Damien. When she’s gone, he’ll be all alone with no one to turn to. He’s been lost since her husband died and he’s disappeared. They had a hard time, the two of them, but he’d always reach out to let her know he’s OK. This time he hasn’t. She has to find him before it’s too late. Amy is there to beg him to find his brother. Nate asks, “What is it, Amy? What kind of illness do you have?” She has leukemia, and has a few months, maybe a year to live. Nate broaches the idea of promising treatments. All she needs is something she knows she has no right to ask him. “I’m begging you anyway. Damien doesn’t know that I’m sick. And he needs to know. I need to say goodbye.” Nate asks why she came to him when she could hire a professional.
At Society, Phyllis tells Christine, “This better be good.” Christine says, “Hello to you too.” She lays out that they hate each other, but she hates losing even more. She’d never throw Daniel’s case. She will do everything in her power to make sure he’s exonerated. Phyllis asks why she called her there. Christine hears she has a theory about Sharon Newman. “With the right spin, it might be beneficial.” Phyllis can’t believe someone is finally listening to her, “And of all people, it’s you.”
In Victor’s office, Nikki tells Diane that Jack and Kyle have suffered enough due to her. She calls her pathetic and says Victor won’t help her. Diane smirks, “Sorry I’ve wasted your time, Victor,” and leaves. Nikki rants about having security keep her out. Victor says he summoned her. Nikki gawps, “What?!”
Sharon opens her door to Chance and Christine. “Well, this is a surprise.” She invites them inside. “What can I help you with?” Christine says they’re there to talk to her about Heather’s murder. “We know your story isn’t true.” Sharon asks Chance to tell her that he believes her. Chance can’t do that. They’ve found new evidence that contradicts her version of events. He places her under arrest and slaps the cuffs on her. Sharon rants and screams as Phyllis and Daniel come in. Phyllis says her lies have finally caught up with her. Daniel points, “You’re going to pay for your crimes!” Sharon hollers, “No, no, noooo! Stop it!” Suddenly, Sharon wakes up. It was all a bad dream.
At the Club, Jack tells Kyle they’ll get through this and maybe come out better on the other side. Kyle smiles, “Sooner rather than later, I hope.” Behind them, Diane walks in and stops to watch them. She struts over and muses, “Well, look at this.” Are they bonding over their mutual disgust for her? Jack says that’s no longer her concern and suggests she leave town if she doesn’t like it. Kyle thinks that’s a good idea. Why doesn’t she go back to Los Angeles to be Taylor Jensen since living a lie is all she knows how to do. Both men walk out.
In Victor’s office, Nikki asks him to please tell her he’s joining forces with Diane to go after Jack. He just wanted to see how far she would go. Nikki can see he’s up to his old tricks. He’s either egging Diane on or he’s actually planning to help her. Either way, she won’t put up with it. She won’t allow him to further his vendetta against Jack. Victor reminds her no one dictates to him. He’ll handle the damn thing.
In Nate’s apartment, Amy knows he was a fantastic doctor. The man who raised Damien was also a doctor. He looked up to him, which is part of why she couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth. She’s hoping Nate will find his brother, get to know him, and maybe be a mentor. He’s older than Nate, but he can fill a void. Nate gathers she wants to track down a man and tell him how to run his life. Amy knows it’s a lot, but will ask him to think about it. She’ll stay in town until she knows what he’s decided. Nate will get back to her. Amy thanks him and leaves.
At Society, Christine tells Phyllis that she’s not saying she thinks Sharon’s guilty. She just had to create reasonable doubt for the jurors. Her son’s life is hanging in the balance. For Daniel’s sake they have to put aside their differences and work together. Phyllis can’t believe she’s saying this: “What do you need me to do?”
At Sharon’s place, she sits on the stairs to the bedroom and cries. “I can’t do this. I can’t live this way.”