Sharon Goes Ballistic On Phyllis — and Summer Gets Bad News
Sharon Goes Ballistic On Phyllis — and Summer Gets Bad News

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At Crimson Lights, Victoria asks Claire what it is exactly that bothers her about Kyle’s invitation to go to Paris. Claire figures her mom thinks she’s weird… it should be a no-brainer, right? She admits she’s nervous about leaving the country for the first time. Victoria talks up Paris, but realizes that’s not really the problem. Is Summer the reason she’s reluctant to go?
Claire says Summer has never been comfortable with her being around Harrison and this would be like a slap in the face. She’s done what she can but that’s just the way it feels. Victoria learns that a custody battle may be looming between Summer and Kyle, which complicates things. Victoria says this decision isn’t just about what Summer wants. Claire feels it’s not fair to Kyle, who just wants to spend time with his son. He’s a great dad and she likes him. Victoria gives her a look, and she insists it’s not what she thinks it is. Victoria asks what she thinks she thinks. Claire says, “That I have feelings for him.” Victoria asks, “Do you?”
Victoria says she’s sensed a growing connection between her and Kyle for a while now. She wonders if his invitation makes Claire feel it’s more than friendly. Claire says no, he’s never been inappropriate in any way. Victoria wonders if she’s developing stronger feelings for Kyle and that’s why she’s feeling conflicted about Paris. Claire tears up and stammers. Victoria apologizes for sticking her nose in. Claire assures that she’s just being her mom. “I love you for that.” She wants to know what she thinks since she’s had a lot more experiences than she has. Victoria sighs that she’s also made mistakes and doesn’t want Claire to make the same ones. Claire isn’t sure she can share what she’s feeling… it’s kind of embarrassing. “The reason I don’t know if I can tell you if I have strong feelings for Kyle is because I’ve never had a romantic relationship.”
At Society, Phyllis banters with Nick about him not dating. She’s happy to save him the embarrassment of sitting alone at lunch. Nick asks who’s paying for lunch and she teases, “You. Definitely you.” Suddenly, she groans. Nick asks, “What?” Phyllis says not what, who. Sharon is in the doorway. Red wonders if he’ll regret asking her out for lunch now.
Nick asks Phyllis not to start anything. She gawps, “Of course I won’t start anything.” She’s been perfectly nice to Sharon and he knows that. Nick apologizes. He just wants peace. Phyllis says, “Tell it to her.” She notes she’s been acting unpredictable lately. Sharon approaches and tells Nick she’s been working all morning and came to get takeout. He asks if everything else is OK. Sharon says it’s fine. “I didn’t mean to disturb you, Nick. Enjoy your meal.” With that, she walks away. Phyllis asks Nick, “What is going on with Sharon?”
Nick reluctantly admits he’s concerned about Sharon. He points out she’s noticed her behavior too. “What have you seen?” Phyllis tells him that when she sees her around town recently, it’s like she’s somewhere else. When she talks to her, it’s like she doesn’t even know who she is. Then, there was a really weird incident at Crimson Lights last week. They spoke, she ordered a coffee, and it was a horrible treacly gob of something. She thought it was a joke, but when she brought it up to her, she lost her mind on her. Nick sighs, “Sorry about that.” Phyllis says even her overly sweet apology was weird. She wrote it off as part of the tension that always exists between them. Nick says it’s more than that. Phyllis warns he can’t drop a bomb like that and then not tell her.
Nick asks Phyllis to treat this information sensitively and divulges that Sharon’s doctors recently changed her meds. She’s having a hard time adjusting to them. Phyllis asks, “And?” Nick says, “And… that’s it. That’s all I’ve got.” Phyllis is sure the doctors will sort it out and she’ll stop being weird. She can tell Nick’s feeling his hero thing. He has this vision of Sharon, but she’s not the same person she was even a few years ago. “She doesn’t need you to rescue her.” Nick just feels the meds should have been figured out a long time ago. He’d feel better if he knew she was OK. He suggests they ask her to join them so he can get a read on things. Phyllis croaks, “Sure, yeah.” He owes her, but she’s OK with it.
At the Club, Chance greets Summer, who immediately starts going on about Kyle before stopping herself. She wants to talk about him instead. Chance tells her the split at Chancellor is now official and the press release has been drafted. It’s all going according to their plan, not his plan. The more he thinks about it, the surer he is that this will be a complete disaster for Chancellor.
Chance tells Summer that Jill now thinks it was a mistake to give Billy all that power. If she could take it back she would, but she can’t right now. Summer learns that Devon and Nate will helm Winters. Summer thinks that Lily will reign Billy in. Chance thinks it will be complicated. Plus, Billy’s got this legacy thing going on now. He wants to prove to the world that he’s the man; the top dog. “It’s an ego trip and I don’t think Chancellor is going to survive.” Summer asks if he is having second thoughts about staying. Chance mulls if he wants to jump ship from the company that has his name on it. He can’t walk away right now, but he’s not taking anything for granted there. Summer feels this situation is 100% on Billy. He always takes it too far and everyone else ends up paying for it.
At the park, Chelsea tells herself to focus on Connor and forget about what happened with Adam… except that it’s all she thinks about… especially when she’s with Billy. The guilt is so suffocating she can’t even breathe. She wonders if she told him, if he could find it in his heart to forgive her. She can’t keep going on like this. Just as Chelsea decides she has to Billy the truth, he appears and asks what’s going on. Chelsea says, “I’m sorry, Billy. I can’t do this anymore.”
Billy says she can do this and has handled herself beautifully. Chelsea tells him he’s too good for her. Billy chuckles, “We both know that’s not true.” She turns away and he asks, “What is it? Is it Connor? Did something happen?” Chelsea says, “No, no it’s not Connor. It’s me.” Billy asks her again to tell him what’s going on. “Let me be here for you.” Chelsea asks how he found her. He knows she loves it there. “Why are you here?” Chelsea says the view usually calms her. He asks what’s got her so torn up. Chelsea feels she’s on a roller coaster with Adam and Connor. It feels like they’ve been dealing with this forever. Billy worries the split with Chancellor has taken up too much of his time. Chelsea tears up assuring him he’s been her rock. “I wish I could have been as strong as you.” She wails that she’s been weak and has made mistakes. He tells her she’s not to blame, but she argues that she is. She’s weak and it’s tearing her up inside.
Billy asks if Adam put these thoughts in her head. She quickly says no. Billy urges her to pour it all out… he can handle it. Chelsea insists she’s fine. He argues she wasn’t fine a minute ago. Chelsea decides she needs to focus on Connor’s progress and count her blessings. He’s one of them. They kiss. Billy’s glad he could be there for her. Chelsea suddenly remembers she has a meeting at Marchetti. She thanks Billy for everything as they walk off hand-in-hand.
At Crimson Lights, Claire says she feels confident in most areas of her life. But in romance she has less experience than Katie. Victoria finds this heartbreaking. Claire tells her she’s talking this through in therapy. She’s not clueless about how she feels about Kyle. Victoria asks how she feels. Claire says, “Safe.” It’s like she’s known him longer than she actually has… it’s easy. “Friendship, like I said.” Victoria warns friendship can blossom into attraction. She asks if she thinks about Kyle when she’s not around him. Claire hedges, “Sometimes.” Then she admits that when she looks him in the eyes, she gets a feeling… Victoria thinks this sounds like a lot more than friendship.
Claire won’t act on it. Kyle is her boss and she’ll respect that boundary. She’d never want to jeopardize her relationship with Harrison. Victoria finds this very adult. She doesn’t think she should be concerned about going to Paris. “Forget about what Summer thinks,” she advises, and have a wonderful time.
At Society, Nick sidles up to Sharon and asks her to join them while she waits for her takeout. Phyllis makes a welcoming gesture. Sharon teases, “This isn’t some kind of trap, is it?” Nick says Phyllis is cool and they all sit together. Phyllis grins, “Look at us.” Nick asks if Sharon wants a drink, and she says she’s good while making big eyes. Phyllis makes small talk and Sharon remarks on how much time Phyllis and Nick have been spending together lately. “What is that all about?”
Phyllis says it’s not what she’s thinking. Nick adds there’s nothing romantic going on, they’re just hanging out. Phyllis admits Summer’s having some problems. Sharon thinks it’s nice they can be there for each other. Phyllis brings up her conversation with Faith this morning. Sharon learns across the table and says, “What was that about?” Nick dons a wary expression as Phyllis says that Nick told her they’d been talking about the past recently. Sharon snaps, “You had no right to do that!” Phyllis gawps, “Uh… I just wanted to tell you what a remarkable young lady she is.” Sharon hollers that she doesn’t need her to tell her that. She shouldn’t be having deep conversations with her daughter. “With my daughter, Phyllis!” Nick looks freaked out.
At the Club, Summer keeps checking her phone and Chance asks her about it. She admits she’s waiting to hear from her attorney since Kyle is escalating everything. Chance learns about Kyle’s plans to take Harrison and Claire to Paris on his business trip. Chance is sorry and asks how they can take her mind off of this. Summer doesn’t think it’s possible. Chance decides they should get outside and enjoy the sunshine for a while.
In the park, Summer gets a text from her attorney and learns she can’t stop Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris. She cries, “Do I have any rights as a parent at all?”
In Crimson Lights, Victoria advises Claire that making decisions is the trickiest part of life, but they should always be hers. You live and learn. Victoria asks her to let her know what she decides. Claire says she will. “I love you, Mom.” Victoria loves her too. She leaves and Claire phones Kyle to tell him she’s ready to put her never-used passport to good use. “I’d love to come to Paris with you and Harrison.”
In Society, Phyllis assures Sharon she meant no harm. Faith confided in her about her boyfriend, they commiserated and sort of laughed. “I was just very impressed with her. She’s remarkable. I’m paying you a compliment.” Nick believes Phyllis. Sharon snarls, “Fine. But going forward, I would appreciate it if you would not give your advice to Faith about romance or talk about our history with her.” Phyllis hears her loud and clear. Sharon tells them curtly to have a lovely rest of their day and walks out. Phyllis asks Nick, “What do you got?” Nick says it good be as simple as Sharon being an over-protective mother, or it could be her meds.
Outside, Sharon looks around with an angry expression and then keeps walking.