Phyllis and Nick Disagree About Summer’s Plan — and Adam Throws Nikki a Curveball
Phyllis and Nick Disagree About Summer’s Plan — and Adam Throws Nikki a Curveball

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At Society, Summer tells her mother that she hates that Audra’s back in the picture, but does she really think she’s more of a threat than Claire. Phyllis does. Claire is childlike but Audra is dangerous. Summer fumes over Kyle’s idea to bring Harrison and Claire to Paris to hurt her. Phyllis can’t believe he’s using it against her that she’s not the boy’s biological mother. That has to stop. Summer complains it’s been one thing after another with Kyle. “He’s irrational. It’s infuriating.” Phyllis tells Summer she needs to chill out. When you spin out you make mistakes. Let Kyle make the mistakes while she stays focused. “You will win.”
Summer asks how she’s supposed to stay calm. Phyllis says she needs to remember her son’s future is at stake. It doesn’t matter how it went off the rails, “Just focus on fixing it.” Kyle won’t do that because he’s too busy jumping into bed with Audra and can’t look past his huge ego. Summer says she’d genuinely made an effort to be tolerant of Claire, “But Audra?!” Phyllis says she’s a manipulative snake who is ambitious. Kyle is an Abbott and being close to him looks good for her. All people know of her is being Tucker McCall’s wing woman. All she cares about is power, control, and money. Kyle is collateral damage. “Do you want Harrison near that?” Summer exclaims, “No!” Phyllis tells her daughter that she fights this by getting rid of Audra and the danger she poses to her son. “There’s no way you can lose.”
At the Abbott mansion, Harrison joins Claire and Kyle, who asks if he’d like to go to Paris, France. Harrison will start packing. Claire thinks they should hold off and sends the kid to the kitchen. She tells Kyle she’s not sure going to Paris is a good idea. Kyle asks her concerns. She asks if he’s run this by Summer. Kyle says he told her, and she knows it will be a great experience for Harrison. It will be an adventure for all of them. Claire’s unconvinced that Summer is going to throw them a bon voyage party. Kyle shrugs this off. Claire says she’s uncomfortable, like he hasn’t told her everything. He admits Summer’s not happy about this, but it will be a great experience for Harrison and he’s doing it. Claire’s sorry, but it will have to happen without her.
Kyle asks her not to let Summer’s tantrum impact her decision. Claire says she’s her cousin and Harrison’s mom. “I want to have a real relationship with her.” Going to Paris when she’s against it will make things worse. Kyle argues that Harrison shouldn’t be made to suffer when the only threat is in Summer’s mind. If she won’t go, Harrison can’t go. Claire asks if he’s trying to guilt her into saying yes. “Have you thought about asking Summer to join you?” Kyle says that would be a complete disaster. Claire worries she’s the source of the friction between them. Kyle assures her she’s exactly who Harrison needs right now and Summer admits that. He’s the problem. Every time they talk it turns into a battle. He doesn’t want to expose Harrison to the tension. Will she come with them to Paris to get him away from it? Claire will think about it.
At Crimson Lights, Nick and Victoria update Nikki that Adam agreed to take over Newman Media. They all know he’ll do whatever it takes to hold onto that position. Nikki’s sure Victor’s pleased to have gotten his way. She just hopes they don’t all live to regret it. Nick says at least it’s temporary. Nikki worries what Victor has in mind with all this shuffling, and the damage Adam could do to the company. He’s such a snake in the grass any number of things could go wrong!
Victoria asks Nikki how rehab is going. Nikki’s doing well and nearing the finish line; with their love and support she can do it. They’re proud of her. Nick has to go to a meeting and assures her they’ll handle whatever Dad’s up to. After he’s gone, Nikki asks Victoria if she’s feeling better about her decision to go back to work. Victoria’s expression says she’s not. Nikki realizes she only took the job to protect her. She wouldn’t want her to make such a compromise for her sake. Victoria would do anything for her. “The most important thing is you getting better.”
Adam arrives at Newman Media, where Victor asks if he’s ready to hit the ground running. Adam tells him to give him time to sharpen his knives. Victor smirks that his knives are always sharp. Adam nods, “And you are always ready to go to war.” Victor reminds him to focus on his priorities and accomplish everything he’s set out for him to do. He wants him to take the company to new heights. Adam hopes he means that… if all he’s looking for is an attack dog, they can end this before it even starts.
Victor insists he’s free to run the company as he sees fit. “I know you won’t disappoint me.” Adam asks how he knows he won’t cut him loose after he does what he asks. He decides he needs some time to come up with a plan for Newman Media. Once that’s in place, he’ll do his bidding. “Fair enough?” Victor barks, “With one caveat.” Adam sighs, “What is it… you want blood, a limb?” Victor simply wants the division to use all of its platform to create a buzz about Glissade. Adam thinks that’s harmless enough. “I’ll get right on it.” Victor says the office suits him. Whatever negative thoughts he has about this should be banished. “Your father is very pleased.” Once alone, Adam sighs, “It’s always about you, Pops. Isn’t it?”
Sally arrives in Adam’s office doorway. He’s surprised to see her entering the heart of darkness. She’s sorry if she upset him earlier. Adam admits much of what she said was true. Sally believes in him and his plan. He sees Victor for who he is and is trying to do right by Jack. Adam asks, “So, I have your blessing.” Sally recalls that the last time they were in this office he broke up with her and shattered her heart. Adam says that was stupid and misguided. She says his instinct was to protect her and those same instincts will protect him from this. She pulls out a gift… it’s a Happy New Year sign and they laugh. “What could be more perfect in July?” She says she’s sorry they fought earlier. Adam is too. He just wanted to believe she’d have his back. Sally will always have his back. That’s why she speaks up. Adam needs her to trust he knows what he’s doing. Sally trusts him, but she won’t keep quiet if she disagrees with what’s going on. “I hope you’re not asking me to do that.”
At Society, Summer tells Phyllis that Kyle is already angry that she hired a lawyer. Phyllis says to let him be… she has to do whatever it takes to win. Nick arrives and asks what’s going on. Summer tells him Kyle is threatening to take Harrison to Paris with Audra and Claire. Nick doesn’t see the problem. Phyllis asks why he’s downplaying what’s really going on. Summer says Kyle is being reckless and putting their son at risk. Nick urges her to talk to Kyle. She says it ends in shouting. Phyllis says if the lawyer talks, maybe he’ll listen. Nick cautions against putting Harrison in a tug of war between his parents. Phyllis thinks it’s better to hash it out in court than to let Audra near Harrison. Nick asks how they got here. Phyllis says the more she knows about Audra, “Just trust me on this, please.” It’s better to deal with this in court. Nick asks Summer if she’s sure this is what she wants. This isn’t what she wants, but she feels she has no choice. Kyle’s at war with everyone and the influence that Audra has over him… there’s no way their relationship will remain solely professional.
Nick says Kyle loves his son. Summer knows that but he’s all about chaos right now. Phyllis complains about Audra. “If you decide to fight this, Summer, we stand beside you. Don’t we?” Nick nods yes. “Whatever you need Supergirl.” Summer intends to go see the lawyer in hopes that a pending custody trial will keep Kyle from taking the boy out of the company. Once she’s gone, Nick complains about Phyllis getting their daughter all worked up about Audra. Phyllis told her what a nightmare a custody battle could be. Nick reminds her that her custody battle for Daniel caused a lot of pain. “I know you don’t want that for our daughter.”
Phyllis argues that Kyle is making horrible decisions. Nick doesn’t think working with Audra qualifies as a horrible decision. There’s no indication she’ll be in Harrison’s life. Phyllis retorts, “You don’t know how much time she’ll spend with Harrison! She reminds him that Audra broke Noah’s heart, which shows her character. “I thought you were on our daughter’s side.” Nick thinks the best thing for all of them is to deescalate the situation. The stink eye she’s giving him won’t change his mind.
Phyllis says she’s been urging Summer to let go of her animosity toward Claire and would like some credit for that. She also told her not to fight with Kyle in public. Phyllis additionally told her to stay calm, cool, and collected where it comes to Audra. Nick snarks about her newfound maturity. He gets a notification that his meeting was cancelled and asks Phyllis to have lunch with him.
Claire joins Victoria and Nikki at Crimson Lights and gushes about her nanny job. Nikki has an errand to run and takes off after assuring Victoria this new wrinkle is temporary. Claire asks her mother if she should be worried. Victoria says, “Definitely not.” She tells Claire she’s going back to Newman Enterprises. Claire is thrilled. Switching gears, Claire tells Victoria she could really use her advice. She tells Victoria about Kyle’s invitation to go to Paris with him and Harrison. Victoria thinks it sounds wonderful. Claire asks, “Then why do I feel so anxious?”
At Newman Media, Adam laughs at the idea he could keep Sally quiet. She’s his partner and what she thinks matters. They canoodle and he promises to keep his eyes open. He’ll protect Jack and make her proud. Sally says, “You already do.” They kiss. Sally says she has every faith in him. He started Newman Media and now he’s come full circle where he’s meant to be. He whispers, “Where I’m meant to be is with you.” They’re making out when Nikki appears. She fumes, “I’m so glad my company is in such capable hands.”
Sally clears out and Nikki asks Adam if he’s pleased with himself. She wonders if Victor forced him into this and would like to hear what his take is on all of this. Adam tells her he was happy running the company with Nick and never expected to end up back there. Nikki raises her eyebrows, “But you said yes.” Adam tells her, “Dad was insistent. You know how he is.” Nikki knows that, but she also thinks he knows more than he’s letting on. Adam lies that he’s as much in the dark as anyone else. Nikki reminds him this is temporary and she will be returning. At that time, she will expect him to graciously get the hell out of her office. Adam clears his throat to speak and Nikki rolls her eyes… she knew there would be a retort.
Adam tells Nikki that Victor swears he has a plan for him after this, but he won’t give him any details. That makes him uneasy and he therefore might be reluctant to cede control. Nikki asks, “Is there a threat in there somewhere?” Adam says it’s a suggestion that she convince Victor to tell her his plans for him. Nikki asks, “Or what? You’ll fight me for Newman Media?” Adam would like to think they could work together for their mutual benefit. “The more you help me, the less likely conflict will be in the future.” Nikki scowls.