Get Ready, Because Today’s Young & Restless Is Kicking Off What Sharon Case Promises Will Be Her Character’s ‘Greatest Storyline Ever!’

You might think that after spending three decades in front of the cameras at The Young and the Restless, nothing would phase Sharon Case. After all, since first her alter ego crossed paths with Nick — not to mention his very powerful family — she’s played out storylines dealing with everything from the loss of a child to what we’re pretty sure is the only case of near-death-by-cropdusting in daytime history. But all of that fades in comparison to what viewers will see in the Sharon-centric episode slated to air on Friday, September 27.
“It was almost a little scary,” Case admits of taping the episode, which finds her character walking down Memory Lane while visiting the grave of her late daughter, Cassie. While fans will remember that last year, the actress was front-and-center in a Sharon-centric dream episode, there is one very big difference between that one and what is now airing. “There were a lot of other cast members involved in the dream episode,” she reflects. “This one is pretty much just Sharon. I saw the script and realized, ‘I’m on every page!’”
Her initial reaction? “How am i going to do this?!?”
Unlike some past character-centric episodes, this is not an out-of-time standalone outing. “It’s very connected to the storyline that’s going to be unfolding in the weeks to come.
“I’m so excited about it,” she says coyly. “It’s a storyline I’ve always wanted to do, but the timing was never right. I can’t wait for people to see it. Over the years, Sharon’s been involved in some epic storylines, and this is one of them. This will go down as one of her greatest storylines ever!”
Considering the character’s literally storied history, that’s really saying something.