Sally and Adam Argue — and Phyllis Plots to Get Rid of [Spoiler]
Sally and Adam Argue — and Phyllis Plots to Get Rid of [Spoiler]

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Phyllis runs into Faith in the park and she wants to make sure she doesn’t hate her after the recent conversations about her past with her dad. Faith assures the redhead she doesn’t hate her. Phyllis is relieved. There are two sides to every story… in this case, three. Faith tells her that her parents shared unflattering information about themselves that night as well. Phyllis says she thinks the world of her and respects her mom and the battles she’s fought. She has amazing parents. Phyllis just wants them all to get along.
Faith admits she already knew a lot of the messy history. Kids figure out a lot. Phyllis teases that she’s funny… funnier than her dad. They laugh about his dad jokes. Faith confides that she asked her parents about their story because Moses broke up with her. Phyllis is understanding and tells her he must not have been the one for her. Faith says what hurts is knowing she wasn’t the one for him. Phyllis thinks she’s incredible. “You’re going to do very well.” She’s sure the right person will come along for her, and when they do, she’ll know it. They’ll be the lucky one.
At Adam’s place, Adam updates Sally on Connor. She’s relieved at the good news. He asks if she’s working from home. She says she is, noting she hopes to see him more. They embrace and then he tells her he took the job at Newman Media. Sally gawps, “That’s huge. I’m surprised it’s not the first thing you said when you came through the door.” Adam sighs that it’s a lot more complicated than it sounds. He explains that he only took the job once Victor admitted he was going after Jack. Sally thought they’d reached a truce. Adam says everything went to hell when Jack became Nikki’s sponsor. Sally realizes Victor wants Adam to be his pit bull, so he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty. Adam told his father he won’t be a hired gun. If he doesn’t take the job it won’t change the outcome… if anything, him being there might help Jack. He can control the narrative. Sally wishes him good luck with that.
Sally recaps that Victor wants to use him to destroy his enemies. Adam argues that he made it a condition of taking the job that he wouldn’t hurt Jack or his family. Sally insists this goes against everything he’s been trying to do… trying to be. Adam feels he’ll be there to head off Victor from his worst instincts. Sally learns Nick and Victoria already grilled him about what’s going on. She’s dismayed to hear that he lied to them and pretended not to know. Is this relationship with Victor the example he wants to set for his son? Adam doesn’t. Sally knows the relationship he’s tried to create with Connor and hates that he can’t have it with his own father.
Adam tells Sally that he is tough, so he will protect Jack if Victor goes too far. Sally says this is about being careful. She’s concerned because she loves him. She doesn’t want him to get hurt or be the fall guy again. Adam says she’s not the first person to warn him against it; he knows what he’s doing. Sally learns he mentioned it to Chelsea and says that’s another thing she’s concerned about. He has so much going on with Connor, does he really have the energy to deal with Victor. What if he convinces him to follow him down a dark road? Adam decides she may not know him as well as she thinks she does. He has to go to the office and leaves.
On the patio at Crimson Lights, Heather tells Daniel and Lucy it will be so nice to go and see her dad in Portugal. She rambles on about getting their passports out and talks to Lucy about showing her dad her favorite restaurant. Lucy says that would be great… but she doesn’t want to go. She pleads that she’s finally starting to fit in. She could stay with her dad, who doesn’t want to go to Portugal either. Heather’s face drops. Lucy sheepishly says that Daniel just didn’t know how to tell her.
Daniel admits he had some promising interviews set up. They’ll go if she really wants them to. Heather sighs that she’ll go by herself. She walks off to call Paul. Lucy worries, “I really messed up, didn’t I?” Daniel raises his eyebrows. She apologizes, and Daniel says he should have told her mother earlier. Talk turns to Heather and Daniel’s job hunts. He tells his daughter he has some irons in the fire and they’ll be fine. He doesn’t want her worrying about it. Lucy thinks they should go with her mom to make her feel better. “What do you think?”
At Society, Kyle adds himself to the manifest for the flight to Paris with Audra. Summer appears and says, “A trip for two to Paris. You really have lost your mind, haven’t you?” Kyle doesn’t have to clear his travel plans with her, or anything else for that matter. He warns her not to try and take advantage of him being gone and says he’s heard from her lawyers. She’s delusional if she thinks she’ll get primary custody of Harrison. “There’s not a chance in hell.” Summer says, “Let’s let the courts decide that.” Kyle fumes that she’ll blow up everybody’s life, including Harrison’s. He rants about her hostility toward him. She tells him to stop; they need to be civil. Kyle points out she started this by questioning his business trip. Summer snarks, “A business trip with Audra Charles.” Kyle threatens to take Harrison to Paris with him. Claire would have to come too… they’d be one big happy group. “What do you think of that, Summer?”
Summer accuses Kyle of trying to hurt her by leaving the country and threatening to play happy families with Harrison and Claire. Kyle calls out her paranoia about Claire, “And why shouldn’t I be able to travel with my son.” Summer reminds him that she is Harrison’s mommy; the one he cries out for when he’s sick. “Why are you being so cruel?” Kyle snaps that she initiated the legal action. He accuses her of trying to convince their son he’d be better off living with her than his own father. Summer fires back that she just wanted the kid to have his own room. She can’t live in the Athletic Club forever. Kyle guesses she wants to make it permanent. Summer says she is Harrison’s mother whether he respects it or not. If he can’t, maybe he’ll listen to the judge. Phyllis appears as Kyle fumes, “You are the one who is turning this into a war. You say this is about Harrison. Bull! This is about you and your ego, so don’t talk to me about cruelty, OK?!” He flees and Phyllis tells Summer, “Babe, this has to stop.”
They sit and Summer warns Phyllis about lecturing her. Phyllis tells her she can’t do what she was doing in a public place when lawyers are involved. She has to stay above the fray. Summer rants that Kyle’s turned into someone cruel and obnoxious. Phyllis sees it and is on her side, but they have to find some common ground. She insists it’s possible and uses her and Nick as an example. Summer says the difference is that Kyle keeps reminding her she’s not Harrison’s biological mom. “It kills me.”
Chelsea finds Adam stewing on a bench in the park. He invites her to sit down. She asks if he’s bracing for his first day back at Newman Media. He says something like that. She tells him she spoke to Sharon about Connor and it was encouraging. Adam is glad because they can’t keep leaning on each other. “Not anymore.” He complains about becoming a person who confides in people. He spoke to her and Sally about the Newman Media job. He just needs to get on with it and stop sitting around talking about it. Chelsea thinks he’s steamrolling ahead so he doesn’t have to think about Connor… or other things. Adam sighs, “You’re probably right.” She suggests therapy. Adam just wants to get through the day and parent, work, and live. It seems safer to put the blinders on and move on. Chelsea says, “Yes, but that doesn’t mean it really is.”
Adam reminds Chelsea that just because she knows him well, doesn’t mean its her job to fix him. They banter a bit and Chelsea muses that maybe they know too much about each other. “Sorry if I’ve been butting in. I won’t do that anymore.” Adam says that knowing someone’s secrets and knowing they know yours may be the only time you can stop acting and just be who you really are.
Sally catches up with Audra in the Club and guesses the glow she has isn’t about meeting her for breakfast. Audra grins that she’s found a nice work/life balance. She asks about Sally, who has an anti-glow on her face. Sally doesn’t want to spoil the mood, but admits she had an argument with Adam over a business thing that she thinks will be a disaster. “Adam is going back to run Newman Media.” Audra agrees that it’s questionable… she thinks the place is cursed. Sally says the problem is that Victor wants Adam to be his corporate hitman to take down Jabot and Jack Abbott. Audra asks if he has real ammunition. Sally says he’ll make it up if he has to and Adam will be caught in the middle. Audra thanks her for confiding in her and says anything she needs help with, she’s there for her. Sally asks if Audra has heard from Tucker. The brunette says, “Not a peep.” She suspects he’s off on a mountaintop somewhere trying to figure out how all this happened to him. She’s moved on and says the text she just got was from Kyle, who’s joining her in Paris. Sally’s puzzled.
Lucy catches up with Faith in Crimson Lights and tells her she has great news. She’s not going to Portugal anymore so they can hang out all summer! Faith looks less than overjoyed.
On the patio, Heather rejoins Daniel and says Paul told her that none of them should come now as it’s too hot. Maybe in the Fall. She wishes in the future that he and Lucy would just tell her how they feel. She asks, “Where is Lucy anyway?” Daniel says, “Oh, she’s with her new best friend.”
Inside, Faith says, “So, you’re going to be around all summer… that’s great.” Her expression says she doesn’t think it’s great. Lucy wants to hang out tonight, but Faith says she has a party at the Athletic Club pool. Lucy asks to come with her.
At Society, Phyllis tells Summer she has a good mind to get in Kyle’s face. She won’t do it, but she will dislike him. Summer complains he’s completely off the rails. He was threatening to take Claire to Paris with him and Harrison… just to hurt her. He knows what buttons to press. Phyllis doesn’t think Claire is an issue or a threat at all. She’ll never replace the feeling that Harrison has in his heart for her. Summer says it’s not just Claire. It’s Audra. “That’s who he’s going to Paris with.”
At the Club, Sally has learned that Kyle is Audra’s partner and Victor is her mystery investor. Audra asks her to please keep it to herself and be discreet as Victor wants to remain anonymous. She complains about Kyle not trusting her, but says she can handle him. Sally thinks it all sounds messy and wonders if Audra isn’t worried about getting caught in the crossfire. Audra says that at the end of the day, no matter who’s fighting the war, she’ll end up on top.
Kyle slams into the Abbott house and asks Claire if she has an up-to-date passport. She asks what’s going on. Kyle says he’s going to Paris with Audra for a week of business meetings and had the crazy idea that she and Harrison could go with him.
At Society, Phyllis declares that Kyle is not going to drag Audra back into Summer’s life. She is vicious and she doesn’t want her near her or Harrison at all. “How are we going to stop this? How are we going to get rid of her?”