Cole Confronts Victor — and Billy’s Stung by Betrayal

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At Chancellor Park, Claire and Victoria chat about what’s ahead during their days. Claire tells her mother she’s so excited for her and dad getting back together. Victoria admits things are progressing and that’s enough for now. Claire tells her they deserve this second chance. She’s happy to be a part of it. Victoria warns it may not move as quickly as she’d like it to. Cole is loyal and kind, but she can’t help but be cautious. Claire teases, “From what I saw last night, neither one of you was being cautious.”
Victoria won’t go into detail about how their relationship has progressed. She smiles that yesterday was spontaneous and completely unexpected. “It was lovely.” Claire finds this wonderful and romantic. She’s glad they have something that’s just for them and can be whatever they want it to be. Victoria admits she cares about Cole. When he was gone she missed him. She does want things to work out. Claire says there’s no reason they shouldn’t. Victoria explains that her hesitation is just from being disappointed in the past. Claire’s sure her dad would never do that intentionally. Victoria says other things could get in the way… he may miss being abroad. Claire is doubtful… this sounds like an excuse to protect herself. “My advice is to let the past go and follow your heart. It’s what you would tell me to do, right?”
Cole shows up at Victor’s office. He tells the younger man they’ve nothing to talk about. Cole can’t abide by his wishes. Victor recaps that he told him to stay away from his daughter and he hasn’t changed his mind about that. Cole informs him he can’t control his life anymore than he can control Victoria’s. He cares deeply about his daughter and they have a second chance. Claire is their miracle and led them back to each other. They have the opportunity to live the life they missed out on. Victor says he’s not good enough for Victoria. Cole says that’s not his choice. Would he have her miss out on happiness because he feels he let him down somehow? Victor grunts, “You betrayed me.” Cole says the only thing that should be considered is what Victoria wants.
Victor doesn’t care about any of this… how do they know what he was up to while he was away? He’s watched his daughter fall in love with a long line of losers, “You’re next in line.” He won’t condone their relationship. Cole declares he’ll be part of Victoria and Claire’s lives in any way he can. He hopes Victor can accept him, but regardless, he won’t back down. Victor points, “Cole, I’m warning you.” Cole walks out. Victor throws his glasses down on the desk.
At Abbot Chancellor, Billy is bragging on the phone that the launch will be the party of the decade, and a major announcement will be made, as Phyllis comes in. She says she’s there to give him exactly what he wants. Billy wishes she’d brought a cherry Danish. Phyllis says she considered his offer. Billy banters, “That was theoretical.” Phyllis declares that she’s in, “Sign me up.” Billy notes, “So your offer is you.” Phyllis says it’s her value, wisdom, and expertise. Billy asks why she wants to do this. She wants to help build the company. Billy reminds her she won’t be running things. Phyllis insists she’s fine with a secondary position. “It’s your baby, your vision.” Billy scoffs, “That was almost convincing.” Phyllis needs the job and will do whatever it takes. Billy asks if there’s anything else he needs to know. Phyllis reminds him her lane is the express lane… she promises to take Abbott Chancellor all the way to the top.
Phyllis asks, “Do we have a deal?” She holds out her hand. Billy doesn’t take it. He didn’t expect this. He didn’t expect her to agree to the terms. She repeats that she’s fine being his second, but she’ll bring her own ideas to the table. Billy agrees that she’s an asset. Phyllis wants to discuss particulars. Billy will have HR draw up a deal memo. Phyllis hopes it will reflect her worth. Billy says it will and warns they’ve a lot to do. There’s a huge potential deal on the table. He stands and holds out his hand, “Phyllis, welcome to the team.” They shake on it.
At the park, Claire thinks maybe she shouldn’t be giving her mother romantic advice given her lack of experience. She’s always wanted love… not just romantic love, but love of family and friends. Victoria’s sorry she had to go through what she did, but they all love her now and want the best for her. Claire knows, and it’s made her want it all. “I really want us to be a family.” Victoria tells her, “That’s a very big step.” Claire’s not pressuring her, but she wants to see her and Cole in love. Victoria warns they’re not there yet. Claire thinks it could happen. Victoria tells her that just knowing her has given her more happiness than she can imagine. Hearing her with Johnny and Katie… that sound is all she’s ever wanted. Claire asks, “What about romance?” Victoria says whatever happens with Cole is a bonus. She turns the conversation to Claire and Kyle.
Claire says things between her and Kyle have moved slowly, but yesterday they kissed. It was also unexpected and spontaneous. She’s played it over and over in her head. Victoria thinks it’s great and she deserves moments like those. Claire feels she’ll have to come back to earth. He’s her boss, her cousin’s ex-husband, and is very busy. She also has zero experience. Victoria thinks she should go for what she wants, but tread carefully. Claire will have to for the sake of her job and Harrison. Victoria asks if she’d want to pursue a relationship with Kyle. Claire admits it would be better if he wasn’t her boss… maybe she could go work with Grandma. Victoria asks, “Would you? Would you like to work with your grandmother?” Claire would love it. Now that Summer and Kyle have reached an agreement, she’s not so worried about Harrison. They’ll always be buddies. Victoria marvels, “You might actually come to work at Newman!”
At Newman, Nikki walks in and tells Victor she saw an agitated Cole by the elevator. Victor says he told him he has every intention of remaining a part of Victoria’s life. Nikki has noticed romance in the air. Victor says he told him he didn’t approve. “He is not the right man for our daughter.” Nikki doesn’t understand why not. He’s respectful and ethical. “I just can’t see what your objection is about… unless there’s something you haven’t told me.”
At Abbott Chancellor, Billy wants to fill Phyllis in on everything. They go over Victor coming for the company to protect Katherine’s legacy. Billy says he’s protecting it and Victor is just targeting him because she doesn’t like him. The big deal he’s pursuing is Odyssey 7. Jill has been after it for a while but couldn’t lock it down. Phyllis says the Odyssey 7 guy is weird. So weird. Billy is close to locking it up. Phyllis asks if this is really necessary… or is he just trying to prove something to his mom? Billy’s irked that she’s questioning his motives after being part of the company for two minutes. Phyllis says she’s not a suck up, “I call it like I see it.” Billy complains that a little tact would be nice. He insists it’s a sound business decision. Phyllis just knows that he makes rash decision when he’s in a corner. “Does this have anything to do with Lily? That’s she’s gone?” Billy insists it has nothing to do with Lily being gone and having something to prove to Jill. Billy says Jill doesn’t know he fired Lily. Phyllis gawps, “Oh my God! She’s going to find out and then she’s going to wonder why you withheld that information.” Billy insists this has nothing to do with his mom or Lily’s betrayal. Phyllis frowns, “How did Lily betray you?”
In the park, Claire tells Victoria it’s nice to have options. Victoria smiles. The possibilities are endless. Claire grins. She gets to choose where she wants to go next and who she spends her time with. Cole appears and kisses Claire on the head. Victoria says he seems energized and asks where he’s coming from. Cole skirts the question. Victoria has to go to the office and Claire takes her cup to the trash. Cole asks Victoria if she slept OK. She did. “I thought about you when I woke up.” Cole thinks of her all the time and suggests they get together later. Victoria would like that a lot. He kisses her cheek, and she goes off to work. Claire watches them and smiles.
Once alone, Claire tells Cole it’s adorable how devoted he is to her mom. They seem different together now. He changes the topic to her and Kyle. “Am I have to have a dad talk with him?” Claire says, “Please never do that.” She assures him they’re still just good friends, but admits there may be other feelings there. She talked to Victoria about it. Right now, she wants to hear more about him and her mom.
At Newman, Victor grumbles about Victoria’s choices in men. Nikki suggests he let her have her happiness. Victor doesn’t like it, but he’ll think about it. Nikki asks how things went with Lily. Victor says she let him know that Billy intends to acquire Odyssey 7… the deal is on the table. Nikki doesn’t like the sound of that. If he’s successful, it will be nearly impossible for them to take him down. That’s why Victor intends to blow his plan to smithereens. “Billy Boy won’t know what hit him.” Victoria walks in and looks aghast.
Victoria wants to know what he’s planning against Billy. Victor thinks it’s best she doesn’t know. Victoria’s come up with another way for them to takeover Chancellor that would protect Billy’s reputation. She’d like both of them to consider it.
At Abbott Chancellor, Billy tells Phyllis about Lily’s plan to kick him to the curb. She was playing him the whole time. Phyllis marvels at the level of deceit. “It’s just devious.” All these years she hasn’t seen this in Lily at all. Billy’s just glad he figured it out. Phyllis thinks it shook him, and that this is personal more than professional. Billy asks what it matters. Odyssey 7 is a damn good deal for the company. Phyllis asks, “What do you need from me?” Billy asks her to set a meeting with the CEO so they can get the deal done. Phyllis nods, “You’ve got it, boss.”
At Newman, Victoria tells Victor and Nikki that Billy doesn’t care about the Chancellor part of the company. He’s not concerned with Katherine’s legacy, and is just trying to secure Jill’s and his own. Nikki agrees with that. Victoria says Billy lets his ego drive all his moves, so if they go after him, he won’t go down without a fight. Instead, they should give him another option. “We offer to buy him out.” Nikki gawps, “Of Chancellor?” Victoria says yes. It will all be above-board. He can use the money to create Abbott Enterprises, and they all win.
In the park, Claire asks Cole what he’s hoping for with her mom. She confides that she admitted she’s afraid of getting her heart broken again. Cole would never do that. Claire just wanted him to know so he can proceed accordingly. Cole says they’re building trust. “I am moving at her pace.” He really wants to be with her. Claire thinks that once she gets past her fears, she’ll want to be with him just as much.
At Newman, Nikki asks, “You want us to fund an entirely new company for Billy?” Victoria thinks it could be good for all of them. There are parts of Chancellor they’re not interested in and they can offer those to Billy. She’s sure he’ll at least entertain the idea. Victor, fuming, asks why she maintains allegiance to the loser. Victoria says he’s Katie and Johnny’s father and they’ll know their grandfather has stripped him of his company. Victor bellows that he wants to humiliate that no-good bastard who has broken her heart many times. “He is not going to make a deal with me, OK?” Nikki tends to agree with that, “So where does that leave us?” Victor says, “Right back where we started.”
At Abbott Chancellor, Phyllis re-enters Billy’s office and he asks, “So, when do we sign the papers?” Phyllis, pursing her lips, says she doesn’t know. “There’s no date set.” Billy asks what happened. Phyllis says she called him, she introduced herself and talked about a meeting, and he hedged. He said he had to look at terms before they finalized anything. Billy can’t understand this. Phyllis says something must have happened to change his mind.
At Newman, Victoria tells her parents she thinks she can convince Billy to sell. Victor is sure he won’t give up that empire to start something new. “What’s done is done. My plan is in motion. No returning.”
At Abbott Chancellor, Billy paces. He says the CEO is a quirky guy. Phyllis says he was nervous and shady. “Do you think Victor got to him?” Billy says the deal was kept under wraps. Only Chance and Lily knew about it. Phyllis says Chance wouldn’t do anything to undermine his family’s company. Billy says, “But Lily might. To get to me.” Phyllis asks, “Do you really think Lily sold you out to Victor?!”
Next on The Young and the Restless: Phyllis strategizes with Billy, Devon and Nate give Lily unsolicited advice, and Sharon covers her tracks.