Young & Restless’ Victor Is Finally Dealt a Losing Hand — By a Wild Card in His *Own* Family

It’s a foregone conclusion that Victor will take Chancellor away from Billy… or is it?! One Young & Restless teaser suggests that things may take a turn. If our hunch is correct, the wild card in the Mustache’s family will make a move that will all but guarantee he’ll finally come out on the losing end of a business endeavor!
While Victor’s reasons for wanting to takeover the former Chancellor Industries, now Abbott Chancellor, are being painted as altruistic, there’s a lot more to the story. Sure, he wants to protect his late friend Katherine’s legacy, but this all started when Lily was still there looking out for the Duchess’ interests. There’s absolutely a personal element to this scheme and it involves the Black Knight’s well-known loathing of Billy Boy Abbott.
Victor can’t stand Jack’s younger brother, who was married to (and never good enough for) his daughter, Victoria. Despite the Abbott being his grandchildren’s father, he’s still out to get him. One could argue that sticking it to Billy is Victor’s actual motivation for the takeover plan, although he’s not wrong in his view that his former son-in-law could tank the company.
For reasons unknown to us because she’s not onscreen, Jill suddenly decided that her son was finally fit to run a large conglomerate without turning it upside-down. We want to have faith that she knew what she was doing, but it’s difficult given that Billy’s largely spiraled since taking the reins. Or has he?
As Victoria once warned her family, perhaps it’s a bad idea to underestimate her ex-husband. Billy firing Lily seemed unhinged, but she had admitted to plotting to push him out the door… so maybe it was a smart move on his part. Letting Chance walk out the door may have hit us in our feels, but he wasn’t willing to commit to the CEO’s vision and wasn’t a great fit in the corporate world, even if he looked fantastic in his Fenmore’s suit. Is it possible Billy knows what he’s doing?
The preview indicates that Billy will go ahead and hire Phyllis as his COO following her pitch in the Club bar. This indicates that he knows he can’t be successful without help. Speaking of “help”, Billy may be about to receive some assistance from an unlikely source… his ex-wife.
Young & Restless spoilers suggest that Victoria will face a moral dilemma, and we have to wonder if she’ll decide to alert Billy that Lily is working with Victor to bring him down.
This could give Billy the heads-up he needs to stave off Victor and Lily’s attempt to scuttle the deal with the AI firm he has his heart set on. If Billy lands the deal and pulls off a successful launch, Victor will be handed a loss. All thanks to Victoria.
Victoria is the wild card in this scenario as she’s never been comfortable with her father’s plan to ruin things for her children’s dad, even if it is to give her mother what she wants (the CEO position at Chancellor).
Of course, Victoria’s moral dilemma may not involve Billy, but her mother. Vicki walked in on Victor’s meeting with Lily and her corporate spidey senses told her that dear ol’ dad was being shifty. She was correct. If she takes these suspicions to her mother, well, that could cause problems of a whole different type for the Mustache.
Either way, Victoria’s crisis of conscience ain’t gonna be good for Victor… we’re sure of it! What do you think is going on here? Let us know in the comments.