Young & Restless Preview: Summer Is About to Go All ‘Phyllis’ — and Possibly Reunite a Couple of Exes in the Process
Young & Restless Preview: Summer Is About to Go All ‘Phyllis’ — and Possibly Reunite a Couple of Exes in the Process

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (2)
If you ever had any doubt that when push comes to shove, The Young and the Restless’ Summer really is her mother’s daughter, the week of July 15 should clear up the matter. And we mean decisively!
Kyle’s ex-wife has been on the verge of going ballistic (if not just actually being ballistic) since he hired Claire to be son Harrison’s nanny. Kinda understandable, considering the role that Claire played in her Aunt Jordan’s torment of the Newmans. But also kinda not, considering the fact that Claire was brainwashed from the day she was born. Give her a break already!
Anyway, add to that tension Kyle’s plan to move out of the Abbott mansion. As far as Summer is concerned, that has gone over like a lead balloon filled with dynamite.
You may need something stronger than coffee; just sayin’.
Credit: CBS screenshot
In the week ahead, a power struggle develops on Monday between Summer and Claire, which you would think couldn’t possibly go well for the latter (no matter how many earthworms Mary Poppins has dug up with Harrison!).
But by Wednesday, Summer is pulling ideas from her scheming mom’s playbook — so maybe she’s so desperate that she’s the one who comes out on the losing end? In any case, we wouldn’t want to be Claire, because if Summer is pulling a Phyllis, it ain’t gonna go well for her. (Just ask Christine… or Sharon… or Diane… or well, pretty much anyone who has ever crossed her! Heck, ask Tara if it’s visitors day in prison!)
Interestingly, later in the week, Phyllis herself butts heads with Nick over their daughter’s actions. Considering how recently the redhead was throwing longing glances at her former husband — and calling him “hot dad” — the conflict could be just the thing to strike a match and reheat “Phack.” If nothing else, you’ve gotta admit that the onetime marrieds have history together.