Sharon Goes Ballistic on Daniel and His Family — and Diane Fears She’s Ruined Kyle’s Life

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At Sharon’s place, she, Nick, and Faith arrive home from the hospital. Sharon asks how her daughter’s feeling. Faith assures her she’s fine. Nick warns they’ll be fussing over her, “You gave us quite a scare.” Faith is sorry. Sharon tells her this was not her fault!
Victor and Nikki come in and hug Faith. Sharon frowns as they chat. Suddenly, she jumps up and exclaims, “Oh no!” She claims she left her purse at the hospital and has to go back. She insists Nick stay there and visit. Outside the door, Cameron tells Sharon he knows where she’s really going, and he absolutely approves. They can talk all they want about it being an accident, but they know exactly who’s responsible.
At Daniel’s place, Lucy protests not being able to get her driver’s license. She’ll take any other punishment. Her parents refuse. It’s non-negotiable. Daniel tells her there’s something else they want her to do. Heather says she has to write a letter of apology to Faith and her parents. Daniel explains she still doesn’t seem to appreciate the seriousness of her actions, except for not being able to drive. Lucy growls and takes off into her room. Daniel and Heather agree they’re not backing down. A knock comes at the door… it’s Sharon. “I need to speak to both of you.”
At the Abbott mansion, Kyle’s glad that Claire is good with them being the kind of friends who go to dinner and movies. Jack comes in and Kyle challenges his father by suggesting he can’t wait for him to move out. Jack thinks he’s trying to start something. Kyle muses that Claire should leave if things are going to get ugly. Jack trots off to make phone calls, and Kyle tells Claire he’s sorry… he tries to avoid running into his parents. He can’t get out fast enough. Claire wishes they could move past this and asks if he’s tried. Kyle doesn’t want to discuss the family drama, but Claire thinks she could help. Kyle says there’s so much anger and resentment. Claire adds, “And hurt?” Kyle complains about his mother firing him and his father standing by and allowing it. His father also ridiculed his plan to make Glissade a competitor. He hasn’t extended an olive branch… the ball is in their court. Claire thinks his parents probably feel abandoned too. Kyle doesn’t care if these feelings are resolved. Claire reminds him resentment consumed her Aunt Jordan. If he can’t forgive, those feelings will take over his life. Kyle concedes it’s eating away at him, but he doesn’t know how to stop it.
At Sharon’s place, Faith tells Nikki and Victor about the circumstances surrounding the car accident. It could have been a lot worse. Nikki’s concerned that Lucy’s drinking at such a young age. Faith recalls that she got drunk and stole a ranch truck… she just hopes this is a wake-up call for Lucy as it was for her. She thanks her grandparents for coming by and heads upstairs to rest. Nick and his parents discuss how it brought back terrible memories for him and Sharon. Nick says it was tough in the beginning, but Faith is tough and will be fine.
Nikki asks about Sharon, who seemed a little off. Victoria said she’s been going through a rough time. Nick says of course she is… the accident brought back painful memories. Nikki knows it started before the accident. She saw him watching her as though she’d break. “I’ve seen that look before.” Nick admits that she’s going through a rough time. She recently changed her meds. Victor worries she’ll pull him back into her ups and downs. “We’ve been down this road before.” Nick will do whatever it takes to help her. “You know more than anyone how important family is.”
At Daniel’s place, he and Heather tell Sharon they’ve been laying down the law with Lucy. They list off the punishments they gave her. Sharon thinks it’s a start. Daniel asks, “A start?” Sharon thinks that’s a slap on the wrist considering what their daughter did. Heather asks what else she wants them to do. “What are you suggesting we do?” Sharon rants that they’re being far too lenient, and what they think was a stupid childhood mistake could have ended far worse as she and Daniel know all to well, “Don’t we?!” Cameron appears and says, “Now we’re getting somewhere.”
At the Abbott mansion, Kyle tells Claire he never planned to be divorced or estranged from his parents, “But here we are.” Claire understands, but she hates to see him and his dad like this. Jack listens as Kyle tells Claire how much he misses talking to his dad and getting his advice. “I miss my dad, a lot.” She asks why he can’t tell him. Kyle isn’t ready to make the first move. “And should it really be me who does?” He feels he’s the wronged party and would be happy to put it behind him if his dad would say he’s sorry. “Is that too much to ask for?” Jack steps into the room and says, “No, Kyle. It isn’t.”
Jack asks Claire to give him and Kyle a moment alone, so she goes to check on Harrison. Jack tells his son he feels the same… he misses their talks. “I miss my son.” If setting things right is as simple as making an apology, he’d like to do that. “I am sorry, Kyle.” Kyle appreciates it. Jack’s hated the anger and distance between them. He’ll take some of the blame for that. Kyle scoffs, “Some of the blame?” His mother fired him and Jack stood by and did nothing. Jack points out he joined a rival company behind their backs. Kyle fumes. He asks his dad if he hadn’t overheard him and Claire, would it even have occurred to him to offer any kind of apology?
At Sharon’s place, Victor tells Nick they understand his concern about Sharon’s well-being. Nick insists there’s nothing for them to worry about. Victor and Nikki decide to go. On the way out, Victor advises Nick to work from home for the next few days. Nick agrees. “I love you, dad.”
At Daniel’s place, Heather tells Sharon she has to stop going after Daniel for what happened when he was a sixteen-year-old boy. He’s suffered too. Sharon snarks, “I’m sure that Daniel’s suffering is every bit equal to mine.” She rants that she doesn’t blame Lucy for what happened, she blames her parents. The girl was already grounded for drinking and somehow they let her slip out and drink some more and reach out to Faith. Heather says she’s right. “We screwed up.” She’s truly sorry, but the worst didn’t happen this time. “We are trying to focus on that.” Daniel says they’ve punished Lucy to the extent they believe is necessary. If she doesn’t like it, well, that’s the way it’s going to be. Sharon declares that Lucy must also stay away from Faith, “I do not want Lucy anywhere near my daughter again.”
Heather tells Sharon it’s not like the girls are having playdates. Faith is in college! When she goes back to school, that will take care of itself. She doesn’t have to issue any orders. Sharon say the only thing that is extreme here is Lucy’s pursuit of Faith’s friendship… she’s practically stalking her. She thinks they’re letting Lucy walk all over them. Daniel says they’ve held her accountable and now all they can do is hope she learns from this. Sharon snaps, “Nick and I want Lucy to stay away from Faith, who also does not want her around. Am I clear?” Daniel nods, “Yep, we heard you.” Sharon stalks to the door and leaves. Daniel turns to Heather and goes, “Wowww!” Heather thinks Sharon’s becoming unhinged. Daniel says it always goes back to Cassie. It runs so deep with her… they need to stay out of that woman’s way.
By the elevator, Cameron tells Sharon she did well in there. He was expecting a few more fireworks, especially when Heather started questioning her. Sharon nods, “That bitch!” Cameron asks, “You’re still angry, aren’t you?” Sharon says she’s livid. Cameron nods, “Good.” Sharon boards the elevator and the door closes.
At Sharon’s place, Faith tells Nick she’s worried about her mom. Victor and Nikki think she’s losing it. Nick says, right now, the focus is on her. Faith feels bad for creating a situation where they have to worry about her. “I feel like a magnet for this kind of stuff.” Nick insists it’s not her fault. The drunk driving was, but the rest is not on her. “Those are the facts.” Faith worries it’s causing her mom more stress when she’s already struggling. “Mom isn’t getting better. She’s seeing Cassie in the house. She’s having nightmares about Cameron.” Nick learns that Faith even heard her talking to him the other day. Nick asks, “What else don’t I know?”
At the Abbott mansion, Kyle thinks Jack’s apology was a convenient reaction to what he overheard. Jack has tried to fix this, but he’s not acknowledging his role in all of this. Was the kind way he spoke to Claire an act for her. Kyle tells his dad he’s still clueless and storms off. Diane comes in and asks Jack, “What happened?”
In Daniel’s apartment, Heather tells him they should take the trip to Portugal now as a means of staying out of Sharon’s way. Daniel worries they’d be rewarding Lucy. Heather says Sharon was right about Lucy pursuing Faith pretty strongly… maybe going away for a couple of weeks would calm things down. Lucy appears and complains that now they want to drag her away. How much worse can this get? Daniel tells her she doesn’t get to play the victim. “Dial back the attitude just a little bit.” Lucy sighs. She hates that she caused this. “I’m sorry.” They reassure her and Daniel suggests they all go to dinner and talk about maybe going on a trip… or anything but the accident. Lucy and Heather agree.
At Sharon’s place, Faith admits to Nick that she has dreams about Cameron too, off and on. Nick needs to know these things. Sharon comes in and Faith is glad to see she found her purse. Nick says Victor and Nikki said to give her their best. Faith is starving and wants to go out to eat. Sharon reminds her she just got out of the hospital. Faith feels fine. Nick doesn’t see any harm in it. He’s starving too. Sharon is persuaded… it might do them all some good to go out together.
At the Abbott house, Jack updates Diane on his apology and ensuing argument with Kyle. Diane sighs, “We can’t win with him, can we?” She’s not optimistic and feels their son is done with her. In Jack’s summation of what Kyle said to Claire, her name was not brought up once.
At Society, Faith, Nick, and Sharon peruse the menus. Cameron appears in the doorway as Nick asks if Sharon’s OK. Sharon stares at Cameron. Just then, Heather, Daniel, and Lucy arrive. Heather gawps, “Oh no.” Daniel says they’ll be fine. They stop at Sharon’s table to exchange pleasantries. Lucy asks Faith if she can talk to her for a minute outside. Faith says sure, but Sharon booms, “Absolutely not. You stay away from her.” Faith protests and Daniel suggests everyone calm down a bit. Sharon snaps, “You don’t tell me what to do!” Nick questions, “Sharon?” Sharon stands up and declares, “We’re leaving right now.” Faith says they don’t have to go. Sharon’s not arguing and insists Faith follow her. Nick apologizes to Daniel and his family and follows them out.
In the park, Claire and Kyle talk about Harrison’s fascination with caterpillars. She asks him if everything is OK… he hustled them out of the house pretty quickly. Kyle says his father apologized, but it was forced. Claire thinks it was genuine and Kyle wasn’t ready to hear it yet. Kyle isn’t sure. He remarks that his mother came home… she just pushes his buttons lately. Claire is sure there must be some way to heal this. “There has to be a way to bridge the gap. Let me help you. What do you have to lose?”
At the Abbott house, Jack tries to make Diane feel better, but she knows she’s at the center of all of their son’s anger. He never forgave her for what she put him through. She failed him over and over again. This isn’t about saving him from Victor, “This is about me.” She fears she’s caused more damage by coming back than she did by leaving.