Kyle Makes a Confession to Claire — and Chance Gives Billy an Ultimatum

At the Abbott mansion, Claire tells Kyle she’s packed Harrison’s bag for school. They discuss metamorphosis and then Claire dabs an eyelash off Kyle’s cheek. She tells him to make a wish and then blow the lash off her finger. His wish will come true. He does it. Claire warns him not to tell anyone what he wished for, or it won’t come true. Kyle and Claire smile at each other, and then he says they need to talk. Claire asks what he wants to talk about. Kyle says Harrison will be in school all day, so it’s a good time to revisit their arrangement. Claire asks if he doesn’t need her anymore. Kyle gabbers, “Of course I still need you… for Harrison.” He just wasn’t sure if she still wanted a full-time job. Claire thought maybe he was firing her. Kyle just wanted to be sure he’s not holding her back. Claire guesses he’s talking about her going to work for her grandmother.
At Abbott Chancellor, Billy tells Chance he doesn’t answer to him; he’s in charge. Second-guessing his decision is not in his job description. Chance reminds him his name is on the building. Billy tells him he’s had enough of his opinions for one day. Chance informs him he’ll have to hear more, and he probably won’t like it.
At Newman, Victor tells Nikki that Billy brought chaos to Chancellor. Lily agrees that he’s incapable of running it, and wants him out as much as they do. Nikki notes that Lily’s in a position to help them take control. Victor says that’s changed… Billy fired her. Nikki’s scandalized. Why would Billy want to get rid of Lily, “What was he thinking?” Victor says thinking requires a brain and he doesn’t have one. Nikki thinks she’ll want payback and asks if he thinks she wants to help them bring Billy down. Victor says she wants to reclaim her position at Chancellor. Nikki says that’s her position, so they have a little problem.
At Society, Jack spots Lily and they make small talk about the twins. Jack asks how Billy’s doing at Chancellor. Lily says, “You haven’t heard?” Jack says no, “What’s Billy done now?” Lily says, “He fired me.”
Jack can’t imagine Lily would do anything that would justify Billy firing her. Lily says even his own mother trusted her to lead Chancellor. Clearly, Billy finds her talent and experience threatening. Jack apologizes for his brother’s behavior and asks if she’s OK with him trying to convince him he’s made a monumental mistake. Lily says she’ll be fine, but she’s not sure Billy can afford another failure. Someone needs to make sure he doesn’t tear down Katherine’s legacy. Jack knows Billy’s still trying to prove himself… to him, himself, and the world. Lily learns that Jack was against the rebranding. Jack thinks it’s as much an affront to his father as it is to Katherine. Billy took the skepticism as a betrayal. Lily thinks he sees Chancellor as his last chance at vindication, but the fact that he can’t tolerate others’ opinions will be his undoing.
At Abbott Chancellor, Chance tells Billy they’re behind on the launch because they’re missing a top-level executive. They bicker about Billy firing Lily, seemingly without cause. Chance can’t help but wonder if he’s next. Billy warns him not to give him a reason to and he won’t. Chance says Lily didn’t give him a reason. He doesn’t trust anybody. Billy agrees; after what’s happened to him the past month, he doesn’t trust anyone. Chance senses this isn’t just about Lily. Billy asks Chance to get to the point and tell him what he wants.
Chance tells Billy he has concerns and suggests he ask Lily to come back. Billy doesn’t want to get stabbed in the back. Chance says he sounds paranoid. It’s like he’s doing exactly what he accused Devon of doing; being a lone wolf. Billy denies it. Chance thinks he’s bitten off more than he can chew. He says Billy’s been impulsive and erratic. He doesn’t want to become collateral damage. Chance reveals that he’s spoken to Jill and she’s not happy. She’s worried about her company and her son. Billy really wishes he hadn’t gone to his mother behind his back. Chance isn’t about to watch him drive the company off a cliff. Billy accuses him of playing bad cop/good cop with him and his mom. Chance says the Winters are gone,. Lily’s gone too, and now he feels an obligation to protect the company with his name on it. He also wants to protect his grandmother from stress. Billy asks how he proposes to do that. Chance replies, “By becoming your co-CEO. Effective immediately.”
At the Abbott mansion, Kyle tells Claire he didn’t know she was thinking of going to work for Nikki. Claire says the offer meant a lot. She’s not sure where the opportunity would be or when she’d start, but she’s not sure it’s the right time right now. Claire’s still trying to figure out her way in so many areas of life, she’s not in a hurry to morph back into a corporate drone. “No offense.” Kyle grins, “None taken.” She looks forward to more adventures with Harrison, and will be available for whatever he needs. “Ah, you and Summer.” Kyle learns that Claire thinks Harrison needs her… because of the tension between him and his ex.
Claire asks Kyle if he thinks she’s wrong. Kyle says no. He agrees that his son needs her. Claire thinks Summer is starting to see that too. Kyle says she does and apologizes for her getting caught in their crossfire. Claire says Harrison is sensitive, so she’d never leave until things were resolved. Kyle reports that things have calmed considerably between him and Summer… they’re meeting to draw up a new agreement today. Claire is so happy. Kyle says they both realized they want to do what’s best for their son. He has to ask, knowing things will be less tense, how she feels about staying on as Harrison’s nanny.
At Abbott Chancellor, Billy asks Chance if this is a joke. Chance isn’t laughing. Billy never pegged him as the power grab type. Chance reminds him he was in charge of an entire police force. Billy thinks this is a different animal. Chance knows that Billy had doubts about going into this alone. Billy may need a yin to his yang, but why should it be him. Chance is content being the guy who has his back. He wants this to protect the company, which by extension, means protecting him. If Billy says no, he’ll say goodbye and good luck.
In Victor’s office, Nikki tells Victor she knows he likes Lily. Victor recaps that she came to him looking for an ally and laid out her terms. Nikki thinks she’s in way over her head. Victor thinks she deserves something. Nikki sniffs, “Please don’t tell me you plan to give her position back to her.” Victor doesn’t see the harm in letting her believe she can get what she wants. Nikki doesn’t think lying is the way to go. Victor says Billy left Lily out in the cold, and he’ll bring her back in. In what capacity is up to Nikki. She’s concerned she’ll want to be at the head of the table where there’s only room for one person. She wants to be upfront with Lily about that. Victor will lay out his terms and Lily can say yay or nay.
At Society, Jack asks Lily why she thinks Billy’s failure is imminent. Lily just thinks him being front and center is putting a target on Chancellor. He agreed, but didn’t care. Lily worries Billy could lose interest. Jack asks why she agreed to stay on with Billy and watch her own prospects implode. Lily put a lot of work into Chancellor, and cares about Katherine’s legacy. She figured it she stayed, she could rein in Billy’s impulses. Jack thinks he’s lost an ally he really needs right now. Lily concedes that usually his heart is in the right place, she just doesn’t know where his head is at. Jack muses that she won’t be there to save him when everything blows up. Lily says, “But you will.” Jack senses again that she’s certain his fate is sealed. “Is there something you’re not telling me.” Lily urges Jack to try and look out for him. “I really, really believe that he has made himself and Chancellor vulnerable with this move.”
Jack tells Lily he has every intention of voicing his very strong objections to Billy’s decisions. He cares about Katherine’s legacy too. If whatever difference she and Billy have are irreconcilable, he’s the one who should leave. Lily reminds him Jill put her son in charge. Jack will try to open his brother’s eyes He leaves, and Victor calls, asking Lily to meet him in his office.
At Abbott Chancellor, Billy tells Chance he’ll consider his proposal. He asks him to put together a five-year plan. Chance has already done it and sends it to him. He thinks Billy will see he’s the perfect man for the job. Chance walks out, and Billy flashes to firing Lily.
At the Abbott mansion, Claire says Kyle if it’s up to her, she won’t be leaving her position as Harrison’s nanny anytime soon. Kyle says he won’t push her to take a job at Newman. Harrison adores her. If she left, his son wouldn’t be the only one who misses her, “I would too.” Claire guesses that, earlier, Kyle wished he wouldn’t have to find another nanny for Harrison. If she stopped working for him, they’d still be friends, right? Kyle hopes so. Claire pivots to real estate listings. Kyle thanks her for helping him house hunt. They laugh over Harrison wanting, not a dog, but a giraffe. Kyle shrugs that friends go to dinner and movies sometimes. “Would that be weird since you technically work for me?” Claire muses that she wouldn’t be on the clock. Kyle warns people might get the wrong idea. Claire doesn’t care. No one is going to run her life again. She’ll do what she wants, with who she wants. They agree that nothing is changing because Claire likes her job. She asks if she’ll have fewer hours. Kyle says maybe not; they both like having her around. She laughs, “Let me know when that changes.” Kyle says that’s not going to happen.
Lily joins Nikki and Victor in his office. Nikki tells Lily that Billy was a complete idiot to let her go. Lily thanks her and then asks Victor if they have a deal. He replies, “Not quite.” Lily reminds Victor she gave him the terms of her offer. He gets the company and she’ll regain her position as CEO. Victor first has to know what kind of inside information she has… if it’s useful to him.
Jack strides into Billy’s office and bellows, “Are you really this committed to self-sabotage?!” He rants that he needs Lily there and can’t do this without her. He knows he’s carrying a lot, but it’s no reason to let this business burn to the ground. Billy hollers at him to stop. He won’t listen to anyone telling him he’s doomed to fail. He orders his brother out of his office… now! Jack stares at him in shock.