The Mystery Woman Recoils From the DNA Test Reveal — and Fiona Flees From the Scene of Her Crime

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In Leo’s Salem Inn room, Hattie tells him how much she loved “Drag Race.” She can’t believe she’s never seen it. A confused Leo says they’ve watched it together before. Hattie doesn’t remember and worries about being too bloated from the pork rinds for her Body and Soul fitting tomorrow. She thanks “Lenny” for inviting her over and leaves. “Lenny?” Leo says, mystified. “Junk food, flashy clothes, working at a soap opera. Dr. Evans what the hell is going on with you?”
At the hospital, Marlena tells John the doctor cleared him to go home. She also reports Chad and Jack found the woman in Poplar Bluff and are about to find out if she’s Abigail. John wonders if she knows anything about how they ended up in the same room in Missouri. He can ask her later because the priority is getting him home where Marlena can pamper him. They tear up over how much they missed each other.
In Kayla’s office, Chad opens the mystery woman’s DNA test results which reveal she’s a 50% genetic match. Kayla explains that means she’s Jack’s daughter. Chad shares an emotional look with Jack before adding, “And also, you’re Abigail. You’re my wife.” Overcome, Jack embraces her. The woman, Abigail, tenses and asks him not to. Jack backs off as she recoils.
After the accident outside the Square, Sarah lies motionless on the pavement. Bloody scrapes cover her face and hand. In the car, Fiona tries to wake Brady up, fearing she hit someone. She runs back to find Sarah sprawled out on the ground.
In the Square, Leo leaves a repentant voicemail for Gwen. He explains he’s in therapy in part to find out why he was such a terrible friend to her. He adds how odd Dr. Evans was acting while watching Drag Race. He knows he’ll never hear from Gwen again, but it helps him to talk to her. “I love you Gwenivere. And I miss you something terrible.” Across the Square, Xander leaves Sarah a couple of messages pointing out they’re about to miss the last ferry to Smith Island. But they can always go tomorrow. He just wants to spend the night with her to show her how loved she is.
Leo approaches Xander and learns he and Sarah got married. Despite missing her, Leo is glad Gwen didn’t spoil the wedding. Xander assures him nothing spoiled the ceremony and, assuming Sarah makes it on time, nothing will spoil the honeymoon either. Leo rambles on about Sarah until Xander asks him, through gritted teeth, to stop talking. Xander’s stressed Sarah won’t make it in time, but she’s an angel on earth who he’ll never take for granted again. Leo calls that beautiful, but if he gets desperate, Xander knows where to find him. After Leo saunters away, Xander calls Maggie to find out what’s taking Sarah so long. Maggie says she’s not there.
Outside the Square, Fiona panics over having run over her son’s wife. She finds Sarah’s pulse, relived she’s alive. As Fiona frets over what she’ll tell the police, she hears Xander calling out for Sarah. She runs away. Xander rushes to Sarah’s side as the car peels out. He calls for an ambulance.
In Kayla’s office, Abigail reminds Jack and Chad that she doesn’t know them and doesn’t feel like she belongs there. Kayla jumps in to point out she’s with family, including her, who is her aunt. Chad thinks Abigail will remember them if she gives it time. “Let me take you home.” He wants her to come to the Horton house, where their kids are. He shows her photos of Thomas and Charlotte, but she doesn’t recognize them. She also doesn’t want to traumatize them. Chad doesn’t care where they go. He just wants to be with her and suggests the mansion instead. She agrees.
Before going home, Marlena and John stop at the Pub. She gives him the note he left at Catharina’s gravesite and asks if he’s found closure. He’s glad he was able to pay his respects, but being in the cemetery reminded him that he took an innocent life. She assures him they’ll get through it together. Leo enters, noting Marlena changed her clothes. He also mentions the pork rinds she crushed while watching their show. Marlena expresses confusion.
When John goes to the bar to order, an amused Leo assumes Marlena doesn’t want John to know she’s fraternizing with a patient. Marlena has no idea what he’s talking about. Leo falsely understands that she’s just keeping up pretense and sits at another table. John tells Marlena the kitchen is closed, so they head for the door. Marlena stops at Leo’s table as he peruses a menu. She says it was nice to see him. “For the first time tonight,” he says with an exaggerated wink.
Later, Hattie comes to the Pub. Leo notes she changed again and mentions her husband. When she has no idea what he’s talking about, Leo looks around bewildered. Hattie passes “Lenny” to go to her room above the Pub. Leo gasps. “Oh, my gosh. Marlena Evans has a split personality!”
Fiona parks Brady’s car in the townhouse parking garage. With Brady still passed out, Fiona tells herself she had no choice but to leave Sarah there. She’s sure Xander will get her the help she needs.
As Kayla examines Sarah in a hospital room, Xander anxiously calls Fiona, who’s still in the parked car. “Mum, I need you.” Fiona rushes to the hospital as Xander hangs up with Maggie. Xander embraces his mother and fills her in on the hit-and-run. When he finds the driver, he growls, he’ll tear him limb from limb.
In their parking garage, John and Marlena pass Brady’s car. Marlena can’t believe he parked in her space. They enter the building, as Brady lies passed out in the backseat.
In Kayla’s office, Jack calls Jennifer to tell her the news about Abigail. At the mansion, Chad brings Abigail to the living room. He leaves to have the staff make up separate rooms for them. Alone, she uncomfortably looks around. “So I guess Abigail’s home,” she flatly says.