Reeling Over the News He and Sasha Are Cousins, Cody Gets Drunk and Exposes [Spoiler]

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At the hospital, a jubilant Heather stuns Laura by announcing she’s a free woman. Alexis arrives as Elizabeth pulls Steven aside. Liz questions her brother about taking Heather to Sedona with him. Steve knows his mother needs to be far from the people she’s hurt. Dante steps off the elevator, as Heather informs Laura and Alexis she is leaving Port Charles for good. Laura and Alexis do their best to conceal smiles and appear sympathetic. Before Laura leaves, Heather has a request.
Anna barges into Brennan’s office to plead for Valentin and Charlotte’s location. He reminds her Charlotte would be at her mother’s side right now if Anna hadn’t tipped off Valentin. Anna thought she was doing the right thing for Charlotte. Brennan glibly brings up her shooting the girl and states he has no information for her. She confirms Lulu’s family doesn’t know she’s the reason Charlotte isn’t there. She needs to make it right. Brennan sincerely wishes her luck with that. Anna vows to find out what he’s hiding from her. Charlotte not being there is on her, but what happens next is on him.
In her office, Nina warns Drew his constituents feel he’s out of touch and just a rich playboy divorcée. She rips off his suit jacket and hands him a flannel shirt. People need to see less Drew Quartermaine and more Drew Cain. She knows just the place for him to mingle with the common folk.
Jason’s presence surprises Holly when she meets with Sonny at Pozzulo’s. She thought their deal would be between the two of them. Sonny says since she wasn’t exactly up front about the diamonds, Jason’s involvement is a deal breaker. When he mentions that Sidwell is on his way to Port Charles, Holly quickly agrees to the new arrangement. Sonny demands a 5% increase in his cut and wants to hold onto the diamonds. Holly agrees but keeps one diamond with her because “trust is a two-way street.” After she leaves, Sonny entrusts Jason with the bag of diamonds and leaves for the hospital.
In the stables, Sasha reluctantly tells Cody they can never be together. “Your Uncle Robert is my father.” Cody refuses to believe it, pointing out Holly is a con artist. Sasha shows him the DNA test results. “It’s true, Cody. We’re first cousins.” After he furiously processes their new reality, Cody’s eyes well. The test aside, he knows it’s true because he’s spent his whole life reaching for things he couldn’t have. Of course, when he finally finds the best thing in his life, he can’t have it. Sasha says they can still be friends. “I don’t want to be friends!” he shouts. He has no idea where his life is going now because, for the last few months, he thought she was his future. He storms out.
At the hospital, Laura discreetly calls Kevin to tell him Heather wants to meet Ace before she leaves for Arizona. Laura can’t be there, so she asks him to supervise the visit. Steve takes her to the townhouse where Heather talks to Ace as he plays with a toy airplane. Steve thanks Kevin for letting Heather see the boy. Kevin explains he and Laura don’t want Heather to feel like she has any unfinished business there. As Heather says an emotional goodbye to her grandson, she whispers, “I’ll be back.”
Anna comes to Pozzulo’s and asks Jason to help her find Charlotte. He summons Spinelli who learns of Anna’s belief that Brennan is helping to keep Valentin and Charlotte off the grid. She needs The Jackal’s help to help find them — off the books. He agrees to help. Anna knew she count on him because Jason trusts him with his life, and she trusts Jason with hers. Jason pensively gazes at her. The bag of diamonds sits on the table nearby.
Sonny arrives at the hospital to support Dante while Alexis fills Laura in about Ric getting Heather released. Elizabeth comes out to tell them that Sam is out of surgery and resting comfortably.
At the stables, a worried Sasha leaves a message for Mac. Holly arrives and faces Sasha’s wrath. “You’re dead to me!” Sasha spits at her mother.
Cody slumps into the Brown Dog Bar and does shots of tequila. Nina arrives with a flannel-clad Drew. A fellow Navy SEAL greets Drew, who invites him to sit with them in a booth. The bartender tells Cody that Drew seems like a good guy. A surly Cody slams another shot as he recalls Sasha telling him about Drew’s situationship with Nina and kiss with Willow. He stumbles to Drew’s booth and angrily asks for a word. Drew gets up and suggests Cody get some fresh air. Instead, Cody punches him and calls him a smug bastard. He shouts for all to hear that Drew’s been making out with his nephew’s wife while banging her mom! Nina gasps in horror.