General Hospital’s Jacqueline Grace Lopez Out — and Not in a Blaze of Glory, Either

Credit: Disney
This is why we can’t have nice things. In the August 13 episode of General Hospital, a grief-stricken Kristina ended her relationship with Blaze and pushed her newly minted ex to go on tour as Miguel Morez’s opening act. Sadly, that’s just what the singer did, bringing to an end Jacqueline Grace Lopez’s stay in Port Charles, at least for now.
The erstwhile Alison Rogers made her debut on the ABC soap in 2022 and was brought back a few months after her exit for a meatier role. At that point, Blaze was moved into Mob princess Kristina’s orbit, and the two not only hit it off, they coupled up — a source of contention for the vocalist’s homophobic mother, Natalia.
As big a bummer as it is that Blaze and Kristina are kaput — having lost Molly and TJ’s baby, the latter felt that she was too big a mess to have love to offer anyone — at least “Allie” got to stick it to her narrow-minded mother on her way out. “You got what you wanted,” Blaze told her. “Kristina broke up with me. Now I’m breaking up with you.”
And that’s how you dump someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart — and possibly not even a heart, period. Curiously, the promo that ran at the end of the episode had Natalia informing Sonny that there was no longer any reason for her to stay in Port Charles — and him offering to give her a reason.
Other than keeping All My Children alum Eva LaRue on the canvas, we can’t imagine the reasoning for General Hospital to hold onto Natalia. The character has been unpopular from the start and lost even more ground as she spouted homophobic hate (during Pride Month, no less). If Sonny pursues a relationship with her, it will make him look as if he condones her outdated viewpoint. And doesn’t have has enough [bleep] to live down that he doesn’t need to add that to the list?