Kristina Makes a Request of Her Father — and Heather Comes to a Decision About Her Future

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At the Metro Court, Michael treats Nina to a working lunch. She thanks him for agreeing to her Crimson requests and admits she didn’t think he would approve of them so easily. He tells her that she knows more about Crimson than anyone, he wants her to be successful. He also wants to show appreciation for everything she’s done for Willow. He knows her coaching has helped Willow a lot with her PSAs. Nina says Willow doesn’t need her help as she’s already driven and the perfect example of why donations are essential. Michael says he must hand it to Drew for giving her this opportunity.
Nina thinks Drew should focus more on his campaign and less on Willow and The Institute. She notes that if he gets elected, he’ll be based in D.C. Michael knows and feels Willow is going to miss him.
Drew steps into the elevator and finds Willow already aboard. He asks, “Room for one more?” She looks uneasy. He inquires if she’s here to see Michael. She isn’t, she is picking up some outfits from Crimson for her upcoming PSAs. Drew says he heard from The Institute and has good news for her. Suddenly, the elevator jars, and Drew notes that it doesn’t sound good.
Drew calls Olivia and learns the elevator company is on the way, and they just have to wait. Drew asks if she’s claustrophobic, and Willow answers she isn’t. He isn’t either, but he finds it warm in the elevator. He takes his jacket off, loosens his tie, and rolls up his sleeves. Willow is visibly uncomfortable and steers him back to the good news. Drew says The Institute loves her and her work so far, and the director wants to fly them out to L.A. for a big fundraiser. He tells her all about it and how they’ve rented out this villa, which is a magical spot. Willow blurts out, “I can’t!”
Willow explains that Wiley is about to start a new school, and they have a family trip before then. She says if these trips are to be expected of her, maybe this isn’t the role for her. Drew says it’s no problem, and The Institute understands she has two children. Drew wonders if he is the reason she doesn’t want to go and if maybe they should talk about it.
In the Metro Court, Michael and Nina wait for the elevator, and Nina wonders what is taking it so long.
In the elevator, Willow tells Drew they agreed to leave The Fourth behind them, so they don’t need to discuss it. They both tell one another how much they appreciate each other.
Meanwhile, Michael decides to take the stairs as he wants to see Kristina before getting back to work.
The elevator begins moving again. Drew tells Willow to go to the benefit and he’ll stay home. She doesn’t want him to miss out. He says she’s one of his favorite people and only wants her to be happy. Suddenly the doors open, and they see Nina standing there.
They step out, and Willow wonders how Nina knew they were stuck. Nina didn’t, she thought the elevator was just slow. Nina says she was having lunch with Michael. Willow learns he left for the hospital, so she makes excuses and rushes off.
Nina asks Drew what he did now. She says Willow couldn’t run away fast enough, and whatever is going on with him, to get over it. She states Willow loves Michael and wants to be with him. Drew says it was just one kiss, and they are letting it go. Suddenly, Drew gets a call from the congressman, who believes Drew isn’t making enough progress with the school board to get their support. Nina believes she may be able to help him. She tells him to come to her place tonight, and they’ll order dinner and figure this out.
Meanwhile, Willow gets a call from Michael and hears she just missed him.
At General Hospital, Liz tells Heather she’s looking well, and her tests will likely indicate good news. Liz states she won’t be here much longer. She asks if she can get Heather anything else, like more lunch. Heather calls the hospital food five-star dining compared to prison, and asks her to score her up some more vanilla pudding. Liz says she’ll see what she can do.
Liz steps out and orders a lunch tray. Laura arrives to see Kevin, but he’s with a patient. She learns from Liz that Heather is here, so she decides to visit her. Liz suggests she may want to visit on another day. Laura asks what is going on. Liz explains that Heather is here for follow-up tests. Physically, Liz says she’s fine, but mentally, she seems down. Laura believes she can cheer her up.
Laura visits with Heather and shows her the latest photos of Ace. Heather wonders where he gets his good looks. Laura says Nikolas and Esme were good-looking people. Heather thanks her for including Esme in that statement. Heather says Esme loved that boy, and Laura knows.
Laura asks Heather how she’s feeling. Heather says she had a visit from Trina yesterday. She explains that Trina listened to her apology but couldn’t forgive her, which she understands. However, at least she listened, unlike her mother. Laura says her taking responsibility and wanting to make amends is admirable. Heather says she still doesn’t know if she’s coming or going, and being at General Hospital is giving her the heebie-jeebies.
Heather admits she’s been thinking about her future. Laura lets her know that she heard her when she asked her to drop pursuing her case, and she’s dropped it and won’t bring it up ever again. Heather asks what she’s saying. Is she no longer going to visit her and bring her photos of Ace? Laura says, of course not. She and Ace aren’t going anywhere. Laura says she’ll print out the photos of Ace and will drop them off on her next visit.
Laura leaves and runs into Portia in the hall. Portia thanks her for dropping the issue with Heather’s case. Laura tells her Heather asked her to drop pursuing her case, so she honored her wishes. Portia hopes Laura understands that she was only concerned about her daughter. Laura says Trina is a remarkable young woman, and she had a profound effect on Spencer. Portia knows Trina loved Spencer, and she thinks highly of Laura. Laura hopes they can put this behind them, and Portia looks forward to that.
Liz brings Heather her lunch tray. Heather thanks her and doesn’t know why people want her in good health when she is going to live behind bars for the rest of her life. She knows she did bad things, but is it really all on her? Is justice really served if she’s the only one who pays? Heather rants that one of those executives from the hip replacement company should be in the cell next to her. She also says she hasn’t been compensated for what happened to her, and she isn’t asking for much, maybe a small house with a room for Ace. Heather asks Liz if she’s seen Scott around. Liz hasn’t seen him, so Heather asks if Liz can call Scott for her. She asks Liz to tell him, “Heather’s in.”
In the hall, Alexis calls Sam and updates her on Kristina. She suggests she go to Scout’s game today.
Kevin, while inquiring about Kristina, runs into Alexis. He assumes she’s been here 24/7, by her daughter’s side, and has been the one updating everyone on Kristina’s condition. Alexis admits she has been holding down the fort, and more recently, she’s been dealing with rage. Kevin says that is to be understood, and she can’t do everything alone. She needs to find comfort when she can and rely on family. Kristina says Sonny’s with Kristina now. Kevin is glad she has a break and says his door is always open.
In Kristina’s room, Sonny assures his daughter that he’s handling Ava and she needs to rest. Kristina needs him to promise her that he won’t let Ava take another life like she took her daughter’s. Kristina lists all of Ava’s crimes, from Morgan’s death to Connie’s, and begs her father not to let Ava hurt another member of their family as she did her daughter.
Sonny tells her she’s emotional right now, and payback is never the answer. He points out that it didn’t help him or Morgan. Kristina says all she can do is get justice for her child. Sonny tells Kristina this will only bring her grief, and he doesn’t know how, but in the end, Ava will pay. Kristina rants she hasn’t paid for anything she has done so far. Sonny informs her that he has proof that Ava laid hands on her, photos that Bricks’ guy took of the fight. Kristina demands to see the photos, so Sonny shows them to her.
Kristina scans through the photos on his phone. Sonny explains the PCPD has these photos, and Ava is in custody. Sonny assures his daughter that Ava isn’t walking away from this one. She says Ava may be in prison for life, but her baby is still dead. Sonny tells her that she will be okay. Kristina won’t until she knows Ava is no longer breathing. Sonny promises her that he’ll take care of Ava. Alexis walks in and asks, “Take care of Ava how?”
Alexis pulls Sonny out and hopes Kristina did not ask him what she thinks she did. Sonny suggests they speak about this elsewhere.
Sonny takes Alexis to the chapel, and she snipes that this is a great place to talk about murder. Alexis asks him if he will follow through with Kristina’s request. Alexis argues that Kristina is traumatized and fragile, and she’s being monitored so closely to avoid a hysterectomy. Alexis orders him not to do what Kristina is asking, as if Ava dies, it will leave a mark on Kristina’s soul. She says Kristina will feel responsible eventually and won’t be able to live with herself. Sonny says he knows all of this and he is going to protect Kristina. He calls Ava his problem to deal with.
Michael arrives to see his sister. He tells her how sorry he is, as he knows this pain and wishes he could take it from her. She reminds him that he got a happy ending and Wiley is still alive. Kristina tells Michael that she saw the photos of her and Ava’s fight. Michael has copies, so Kristina asks him to send them to her as she needs them.
Michael sends her the photos, and she looks at the last time her baby was with her. She wonders why she went there. She wishes she could go back in time and walk out that door. She sobs that then her baby would still be with her.
Later, Willow arrives, and she and Michael embrace in the hall. Michael tells her that Kristina is hurting and in a dark place. Willow says they both understand that place. Michael asks if she could talk to Kristina about her loss of Jonah. He knows it’s a big ask.
Back in her room, Kristina looks at photos of herself pregnant. She says her baby changed her life and taught her the power of a mother’s love, and Ava can’t take that from her — unlike everything else Ava’s taken from her.
Laura finally meets up with Kevin in his office. She says she just visited Heather to try to cheer her up. Laura relays that Heather feels concerned that she’ll abandon her and stop visiting her. Kevin says that reality is setting in, so her emotions are all over the place. Laura tried to reassure her, but she believes the reality of Pentonville is weighing on her. Kevin explains visits to the hospital give her glimpses into what she has lost. Laura knew Heather before and after the metallosis, but the horror show she became was something different. She has mixed feelings about dropping Heather’s case, even though Portia thanked her for dropping it.
Kevin is glad to hear she and Portia mended fences. Laura says she’s always liked Portia and Trina but understands where Portia was coming from. She was looking out for her daughter, which is what Heather was trying to do too. She doesn’t regret raising the questions she did, but in the end, Heather should remain in prison.
Next on General Hospital, TJ fumes at Molly, “You don’t want to be a part of this?” Molly tells Nina this is an unexpected turn of events. Willow speaks with Liz and thinks she can help. Anna tells someone, “Ruining your evening is the only thing I’m happy about.” Carly gets a visit from Brennan, who says, “An experience like this shouldn’t be rushed.” Brook Lynn tells Blaze, “This is your chance, you have to grab it.” Natalia visits Kristina and asks, “Please, let my daughter go.”