Chad Questions Cat About [Spoiler] as Steve Gets Alarming News

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At the Kiriakis mansion, Holly considers texting Tate that she’s back but doesn’t. Maggie welcomes her home and asks if she has seen Eric. Holly did and forgave him, and now she hopes Tate can forgive her. They talk about her betraying Tate’s trust by searching for evidence against Brady. Maggie knows part of her felt she was getting justice for her own father. Holly says she feels like a fool knowing Brady is innocent and for how she treated Tate. Maggie feels she should remind Tate about her feelings about her dad’s accident and how it pushed her to do what she did. She advises Holly to tell Tate that she’s sorry, and that she misses him, and she thinks Tate will forgive her.
Holly looks at the text she wrote to Tate but didn’t send, as she’s worried he’ll ghost her. Maggie says she’ll never know unless she sends it. Holly hits send, but doesn’t hear back. Maggie suggests they watch a movie while they wait, but Holly remains fixated on her phone and worries about why Tate hasn’t responded. Maggie suggests she do the old-fashioned thing and call him. Holly says she will do something more old-fashion and go over and see him. Maggie wishes her luck.
Tate invites Sophia over to John and Marlena’s place, where nobody is home. Tate says it looks like they have the place to themselves. Sophia calls her mom when Tate is getting them some food and claims she’s studying at Briana’s. Tate returns with finger foods, and they talk about their history and what happened with the prom. Tate feels bad, as he didn’t consider how what he and Holly were doing affected her. She says that was a long time ago.
Tate tries to load a movie on Peacock, but it won’t load on the living room TV, which he calls ancient. He suggests they watch the movie in his bedroom. They head into his room, and Tate leaves his phone in the living room, missing Holly’s text.
Sophia and Tate sit on his bed and watch the movie. Sophia tells Tate she knows she came on strong in the past, and she says sometimes her feelings make her act crazy. She admits she really likes him. He says he likes her too. They move in and kiss. As they continue to kiss, Holly knocks on the front door. Tate thinks he hears her knocking, but Sophia suggests he is hearing her heart pounding. Holly eventually gives up and walks away. Sophia asks Tate if he has protection. He does and asks if she’s sure, and she is. He grabs one from the nightstand, and they continue to kiss.
Kayla stops by The Brady Pub and talks with Roman about the whole fake Abigail and Mark fiasco. Fortunately, Chad’s marriage is invalid as Cat lied about her name. Kayla feels for Chad having to grieve Abigail all over again.
Steve arrives and informs them about his talk with Marlena about who Cat is, and who her mother is. Roman and Kayla are stunned to learn that Cat’s mother is the Catharina John supposedly killed, and that she didn’t die, and John carried all that guilt for her supposed death. Kayla asks where she is now. Steve doesn’t know and isn’t sure she’s even still alive. Steve fills them in on Clyde holding Catharina hostage when suddenly the warden of the prison holding Clyde calls. Steve is stunned when he learns Clyde escaped during a transfer to the courthouse for a hearing.
At the Salem PD, Chad confronts Cat in the interrogation room. She wasn’t expecting him to be her visitor. Cat asks to say what she needs to say before he speaks. He sits down, and Cat tells him that she hated what she did to him, and she didn’t feel she had a choice with her mom’s life on the line. She says that person isn’t her, but the longer it went on, the harder she fell for him because he’s such a good man. She stops rambling, and Chad asks where his wife is. Cat is confused, so Chad asks again, “Where is my wife’s body.” Cat remains confused, so Chad explains he exhumed Abigail’s grave and her body wasn’t in it. Cat calls Clyde evil but insists she doesn’t know where she is. Chad doesn’t believe her, but Cat insists she doesn’t know where her body is.
Cat says she had nothing to do with moving Abigail’s body, and she didn’t know it was missing. She asks why she’d keep lying to him now. Chad says he’ll stop wasting his time with her and talk to Clyde. Cat asks Chad if he speaks to Clyde if he could ask him where her mother’s body is too. Cat says she’s been hoping her mother is still alive, but they couldn’t do what Clyde asked, so her mother is likely dead. He says she has no right to ask anything of him and walks out. Cat breaks down into tears.
Ava runs into Brady in Horton Square. She heard he was cleared of all charges and is happy for him. He thanks her, but is still feeling shame for falling off the wagon. She says she should get going, but he invites her to sit with him, so she accepts. She sees he’s reading a car manual, and he tells her that Kristen bought him a new car. She guesses they are getting along. Brady says they are being civil, and she agreed to share custody of Rachel with him. She’s also going to help Sarah, which he can’t talk too much about, but it will be a miracle.
Their discussion turns to Fiona. Ava says Fiona may have one redeeming quality. She explains that a waitress who works for her, Sophia, had a lot of good talks with Fiona, and she tipped well. She says Sophia goes to school with Tate, so he may know her. Brady does know her, and she and Tate went to prom together. Ava says it sounds like Sophia has a crush on Tate, but she’s been reluctant to go for it because she thinks Tate still has feelings for Holly. Brady thinks that might not be an issue any longer. He fills her in on Holly and Tate’s breakup, and Ava hopes things can work out for Sophia and Tate as she really likes Sophia. Brady jokes about her being invested in this teenage drama. Ava suggests focusing on teen romances might be a way for them to avoid their own love life drama. Brady agrees, but is enjoying having an actual normal conversation with her with no drama. Ava says she’s enjoying his company too.