Days of our Lives Spoilers October 31: Halloween is a Nightmare for Salem

Days of our Lives spoilers for Thursday, October 31, highlight scary things happening in Salem, like Johnny groveling for Chanel’s forgiveness and Stephanie and Alex dealing with their little on-set sex romp.
Sorry Seems To Be the Hardest Word
Johnny (Carson Boatman) believed it when he heard that Chanel (Raven Bowens) was in another room, having sex with her co-star. As you do? Johnny didn’t actually check to see who it was there under Alex (Robert Scott Wilson); he just assumed. He didn’t listen to his wife’s alibi. He didn’t think through the situation logically. He just assumed. And then he yelled about it. And then he learned that he was wrong.
Chanel is, rightly, mighty peeved. And not in the mood for his excuses. Or his apologies. Johnny, nonetheless, keeps trying. As he has proven, once Johnny gets an idea in his head, nothing stops him. Not even common sense.
The Blame Game
It was actually Stephanie (Abigail Klein) who was the one having sex with Alex at work. For some reason, Paulina (Jackée Harry) seems to think that a romantic relationship between two employees of the same show would be a terrible scandal that would turn off audiences. We wonder if she ever heard about a pair by the name of Bill Hayes (Doug) and Susan Seaforth Hayes (Julie). (We could name more, but it would be gauche.)
Paulina wanted to fire Stephanie since she’s just a behind-the-scenes worker and keep Alex because he is an on-air talent. This is not at all classist, misogynistic, or blatantly unfair. Paulina relented and kept them both on. But they better watch out! And most certainly never, ever do it again. Right?
More Body, More Soul
Meanwhile, Body and Soul hires Joy to fill out its cast list (AlexAnn Hopkins). The idea of hiring a professional actor and not a friend or relative is not how TV production works.
And while Nancy (Patrika Darbo) dreams of stardom for her little girl, Leo (Greg Rikaart) suffers a nightmare. Where he is not the center of attention, we presume.