Chad Pleads With a Furious Jack to Let Him Exhume Abigail’s Body — Plus, Theresa Questions a Clause In the Prenup
Chad Pleads With a Furious Jack to Let Him Exhume Abigail’s Body — Plus, Theresa Questions a Clause In the Prenup

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI
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In the Square, Leo types up a Lady Whistleblower column about Gabi exposing EJ. A shirtless Xander jogs over, asking if he can have Leo’s glass of water. Leo watches, captivated, as Xander downs it. Xander invites him to the Pub for a pint, but, shocking himself, Leo says it’s not a good idea.
As she eats with Justin at the Pub, Bonnie expresses shock over Theresa agreeing to sign the prenup. She warns a skeptical Justin that even if Theresa does sign, she still could be marrying Alex for his money. However, as they both know, it is possible she is doing it for the right reasons. She leaves to meet Sarah for wedding planning.
After flirting with Alex at the mansion, Theresa brings up the prenup. He calls it the perfect way to silence her doubters, but she calls it a little insulting. He asks if she’s having second thoughts about signing. Maggie comes in with the just delivered prenup. Theresa half-heartedly assures Alex she is fine with it.
Over the phone at the Horton House, Chad tells Kayla that Paulina is expediting his request to exhume Abby’s body. But there must be a snag because he hasn’t heard anything. A furious Jack storms in. Chad tells Kayla he found the snag and hangs up. Jack heard from a friend at the city about the request to exhume his daughter’s body. He demands answers from Chad, who blurts that Abigail could be alive. Jack refuses to believe it. Chad shows him Clyde’s video of the obscured blonde woman.
Bonnie comes to Sarah’s apartment with bridal magazines. As they page through them for dress ideas, Bonnie brings up her double wedding idea. Sarah reminds Bonnie of the bad blood between Xander, Theresa, and Alex. Bonnie thinks it’s all the more reason to have it. To bring the family together.
Reading the prenup in the Kiriakis mansion, Theresa learns that if she commits fraud or adultery, she gets nothing. Hedging, she asks if Alex is concerned about that. He assures her it’s all boilerplate stuff. Calling out the patriarchy, she wonders what happens if he cheats. He vows she’ll never have to worry about that. He expects he won’t have to worry either. They quip about those being their vows. After a smoldering kiss, she signs.
Alone at the Pub, Justin flashes back to holding Alex as a baby. Xander enters while pulling on a t-shirt. He sits with his cousin, who is surprised Xander rejected Victor’s money. Xander knows Victor didn’t want him to have it in the first place. But as much as he was hurt by Victor’s will, he knows the person most hurt was Justin. After recalling the blood tests taken in the past to prove he was Alex’s father, Justin can’t believe Victor kept that secret all those years. Xander wonders if he thinks Alex really is his son.
After Leo finishes his column, a fit, fully dressed man comes to his table. Leo refuses to let him drink his water, but the thirtysomething just wants to know if he’s Lady Whistleblower. “I’m a huge fan,” he says seductively. With wavy brown hair framing his bearded face, he introduces himself as Kerry. Lavishing praise for Leo’s writing, he asks for his secrets. Leo won’t share those in public, so Kerry asks if they can go somewhere more private.
As Alex and Theresa enjoy Maggie’s lemon bars in the mansion, the trio discuss wedding dates. Theresa mentions Bonnie suggested a double wedding with Sarah and Xander. Maggie reminisces about her and Mickey’s double wedding with Melissa and Pete. Alex points out she and her daughter got along, but he and Xander are barely civil. Maggie suggests it could be a way to keep the family together. Theresa wants to get married as soon as possible. If that means hitching their wagon to Sarah and Xander’s big day, then maybe it’s not such a bad idea.
At the Pub, Justin tells Xander that Victor wouldn’t leave half his estate to Alex if he wasn’t absolutely sure he was his son. It’s just disappointing Victor would lie to him all these years. But why would he try to claim Alex as his in the past if he wanted to keep it a secret? He has so many questions, but since Victor and Angelica are dead, he’ll never get answers.
At her apartment, Sarah agrees that it would be nice for Xander to reconnect with his family. She can’t promise anything, but she’ll ask him. Sarah thanks Bonnie for her quick RSVP. Bonnie thinks back to mailing Xander’s mother’s invitation after finding it in the trash. Before she can tell Sarah she mailed it, Xander returns home.
After Bonnie leaves, Sarah tells Xander about the double wedding idea. “Those two wankers? Why the hell would we do that?” Sarah thinks Bonnie made some good points, but she totally understands if he doesn’t want to do it. Xander points out he’s had a double wedding before, which ended in disaster. However, it was disastrous because he was marrying the wrong person, which is hardly the case this time. He could stand having Alex on one side of him as long as Sarah is on the other.
In Leo’s Salem Inn room, he and Kerry flirt by way of 90210 references. Kerry rips off his shirt, revealing a toned physique. Leo asks if he’s really a fan of his column. Kerry says he never misses it. Leo calls him his first groupie. They kiss hard.
Justin returns home to discover Theresa signed the prenup. Theresa plans to spend the rest of her life as Mrs. Alexander Kiriakis. “I bet,” Justin wryly remarks. When Bonnie arrives, Alex and Theresa agree to the double wedding. Bonnie gets a call from Sarah who agrees to it as well.
At the Horton House, Jack holds back tears upon studying the video footage. Chad gets a message from Paulina that the crew is ready to go. It’s too late for Jack to file an injunction, but Chad won’t do it if he’s not on board. It’s a lot to ask, but “I need to do it. Please.”
At the cemetery with Chad, Jack calls what they’re doing ghastly. A crewmember tells them the coffin is ready to be opened.