Days of Our Lives Makes A BIG MISTAKE, Can They Fix It Before It’s Too Late?

Days of Our Lives has been around for a long-long while. And to survive on air for so many decades, a soap has to be crafty – very crafty. Thus. it is safe to say that the makers of the long-running sudser have pretty much given everything under the sun a go. From the most heart-wrenching storylines to the most bizarre ones, Days has done everything.
Of course, some stories have done better than others. Then, there have been a few that have been a total miss, in the loudest manner possible. Unfortunately, even as we Days of Our Lives is belting out a storyline that is just not working with the fanbase. No, we are not talking about the fake Abby stretch. That’s quintessential Days.

We are in fact talking about the soap within a soap storyline of Body & Soul. It was cheeky a few months ago when Abe was being held hostage by Nurse Whitley, and it did bring out some chuckles. However, the soap is now trying to breathe new life into it and turn it into a whole thing. This week, we have three full episodes dedicated to Body & Soul, and fans “didn’t enjoy it”, is a very mild way to put it.
Interestingly, recently put up a poll on social media to see how fans are receiving the storyline. Unfortunately, the results were disastrous for the soap. A staggering 95% response was negative. “It’s total garbage,” Linda Beck commented under the poll. She went on to add that she skips every episode that features the Body & Soul storyline.

Another fan, Sabrina Rials, mentioned that, “I’m reading recaps, if it mentions Body and Soul, I skip watching the show.” Well, it is obvious that the fan reaction is strongly negative, and if the makers are paying attention to what the fans are saying, it would do them well to wrap up the story as soon as possible.
These long-running soaps largely thrive on their loyal fanbase. Thus, alienating them could prove disastrous to the soap. We hope, the upcoming storylines will be more in sync with what fans want to see. So, stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more updates on Days of Our Lives, and everything that is coming up next on the soap.