Sarah Calls Jada Upon Learning of Xander’s Plan For Vengeance — and EJ Taunts Eric About Holly

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EJ glibly taunts Eric at the Pub about Holly not trusting him or Nicole anymore. “Good thing she has me to lean on, huh?” Restraining his rage, Eric says he’s confident Holly will eventually forgive them. EJ retorts that Holly is horrified by what Eric did to her father and what Brady did to her aunt. “I assure you, she will never get over that.”
Tate catches Holly snooping in Brady’s room. When her “looking for the bathroom” excuse doesn’t work, she admits she’s searching for evidence that Brady was driving the car that hit her Aunt Sarah. Tate realizes that’s the reason she came over, not to fix things between them.
Brady runs into Xander’s burly, bald henchman in the Square. He introduces himself as Brian Jones from AA meetings, but Brady doesn’t recognize him. Brian says he keeps to himself in the meetings, but he’s heard Brady share about his son. He’s also read about the hit-and-run and offers to talk over coffee sometime. They shake hands, causing Brady to flinch in pain. He looks at his hand. “What the hell was that?” Brian blames his ring for being too sharp and departs.
In the park, Sarah demands to know what Xander’s henchman, Brian, gave him. When denying any wrongdoing proves futile, Xander pulls out the gun. “In a few hours, Brady Black will be a dead man.” Sarah is aghast, but Xander can’t get past what Brady took from her, from them. Sarah furiously points out he’ll go to prison for shooting Brady, but Xander states he’s not going to do it, “Brady’s going to shoot himself.” All Sarah needs to know is that none of it can be traced back to him. She begs him not to do this.
At the Bistro, Sophia checks on Fiona, who drinks a martini at her table. Since Sophia is getting off work, Fiona invites her to join her. Eating the cheesecake Fiona didn’t touch, Sophia brings up the college applications she needs to fill out. When Fiona inquires, Sophia says her parents want her to be a doctor or lawyer, but she isn’t sure what she wants to do. Fiona hopes she has time for fun and asks about a boyfriend or girlfriend. Sophia says there’s someone she likes, but he’s with someone else… at least for now. Without mentioning names, Sophia details Holly and Tate’s tortured relationship. Fiona suggests Tate’s in love, but Sophia doesn’t think he knows the first thing about it. She thinks she can show him but he sees right past her. Fiona suggests she make her intentions very clear. If that doesn’t work, she needs to cut her losses and move on.
In Brady’s room, Holly tells Tate that she cares about their relationship, but it’s hard to see him happy about his father being a free man. Tate is happy about that, but he’s still heartbroken, considering his mom is already in prison. Holly didn’t think of that. She’s sorry for what he’s going through. Tate is sorry for her, too, but he’s upset about her lying and sneaking around. Holly blurts out that EJ said there was no other way. If there’s no hard evidence, there’ll be no punishment for Brady. Tate can’t believe she’s working with EJ after what he did to her and her mom. As they argue, Tate tells Holly to leave.
As Sarah yells at Xander in the park, she winces over a muscle spasm. Xander grows furious over her suffering, but Sarah tells him his vengeance won’t fix anything. Xander thinks it will fix things for him because he’s a Kiriakis, Victor’s son. Sarah sternly states that he is not Victor. And while Brady did a terrible thing, he doesn’t deserve to die. Xander disagrees because Brady made decisions while drunk, knowing the potential ramifications. “Admit it,” he says pleadingly. “You want justice, too.”
Brady stumbles home, panting. “What the hell is wrong with me?” he says, lumbering to the couch. When Tate finds him, Brady slurs his words and stumbles around. Furious, thinking Brady has been drinking, Tate helps him to bed.
At the Pub, EJ’s smug demeanor turns grave. He tells Eric that Nicole isn’t capable of putting anyone ahead in her life but him. That includes her own daughter. No wonder Holly didn’t want to go to Paris. She’s better off without Eric, the man who killed her father. Eric lunges at EJ and grabs him by the shirt. He orders him to stay away from Holly as Jada runs in and breaks them up.
After finding a distraught Holly in the Square, EJ brings her back to the mansion. She tells him Tate caught her going through Brady’s things. She’s not sure how they can be together if he keeps defending his father. EJ vows to ensure Brady gets what’s coming to him.
In the Park, Sarah tells Xander she wants Brady punished, but by the criminal justice system. Xander doesn’t have faith in that. He pulls out the gun, recalling the old days of justice. Xander gets a text from Brian telling him, “It’s done.” Xander urges Sarah to go home and not give it another thought. She wonders how she’s supposed to do that. He wants her to remember he loves her “to the depths of my soul.”
After getting a big tip from Fiona and agreeing to keep her drinking a secret, Sophia runs into Tate in the Square. He tells her about his fight with Holly. She gives him a hug. “Tell me everything,” she says.
From the mansion, Sarah calls Jada. “It’s an emergency.” Later, Fiona comes to her room. Sarah says there’s something she should know.
After Tate leaves the townhouse, Xander breaks in. Holding the gun, Xander finds Brady passed out in his bed. Jada knocks on the bedroom door, forcing Xander to quickly conceal the weapon. She relays that Sarah called her with some shocking information.
Next on Days of Our Lives, Chanel confronts Johnny, and Sarah shares a memory of the accident with Fiona.