Days of Our Lives Spoilers For The Next Two Weeks (September 16-27, 2024): Fiona Cook Confesses To Xander, Saves Brady’s Life

In the upcoming episodes, Fiona makes a shocking confession to Xander, reveal Days of Our Lives Spoilers. Meanwhile, Connie’s story begins to wrap up, but not without some EXPLOSIVE drama. Also, watch out for Gabi’s life hanging in the balance as EJ scrambles to save her.
September 16-20, 2024: The Walls Are Closing In On Marin, Jada Is Onto Connie
The week begins with Kristen DiMera once again warning Chad to be careful about “Abigail”, as she does not trust that the woman is the real deal. Meanwhile, Steve too has a similar opinion and pushes Kayla to run a new DNA test. But if Dr. Mark Greene catches wind of it he may rig the test again. Later, Steve visits Clyde, but it’s doubtful the man will say anything of help.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers reveal that Rafe recalls hearing a woman’s voice at the cemetery and tells Jada about it. She has a feeling that Connie may have something to do with it and decides to investigate. Meanwhile, Melinda manages to break free of her bonds. But will she be able to escape Connie?
Can EJ Save Gabi? Fiona Makes A Confession
Next, Connie is not done destroying Gabi’s life. So, she knocks her out with a fireplace poker and straps her next to a bomb in the DiMera cellar. Later, EJ notices the bloody poker and follows a trail to the cellar. But the bomb explodes before he can get to Gabi. Will she be able to survive the explosion?

Elsewhere, Fiona manages to stop Xander from beating up Brady. She tells him that Brady is the man she has been sleeping with. However, she refrains from spilling the truth about causing Sarah’s accident. Meanwhile, Sarah tells Maggie that her hypno therapy failed. But something tells us that Sarah recalled more than she is letting on. Does she know Fiona is the culprit?
September 23-27, 2024: Stefan and EJ Worry For Gabi
In the following week, EJ rushes Gabi to the hospital. All the intense circumstances and EJ’s help could ignite some serious sparks between him and Gabi. Meanwhile, Stefan may realize that he still has feelings for Gabi and does not want to lose her. Does this mean a love triangle is about to spring out?

Stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more Days of Our Lives Spoilers on what happens next. Meanwhile, who do you want to see Gabi with, EJ or Stefan?