The Truth Is Out: Days of Our Lives’ AnnaLynne McCord Tells All About ‘Abigail’ and Clyde

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We doubt there’s a single fan out there who hasn’t been suspicious of “Abigail” ever Jack and Chad rescued her on Days of Our Lives. And to be sure, it didn’t take long to learn that those suspicions were well-founded, when we learned she was a fake, is working with Mark and is, apparently, one of the Greene siblings. That told us a bit of who she really is, but didn’t get into why she’s conning Chad and the DiMeras.
Mark’s seemed like a genuinely nice, upstanding guy from the moment we met him, and his faking sis is struggling with genuine guilt and regret. So why the ruse? Well, we finally got our answer on today’s Days of Our Lives episode: Clyde Weston.
After a genuinely touching moment between “Abigail” and Chad, the episode ended with her receiving a text that read, “”Why haven’t you gotten Chad back down the aisle yet? You know what’s going to happen if you don’t.” Well, there we go. The Greenes are working with Clyde. And it doesn’t sound like it’s by choice.
When we spoke with AnnaLynne McCord a little while back, the actress talked a bit about how fake Abigail has been approaching Chad almost deferentially. “I put a lot of the synergy onto the way she engages with Chad,” McCord explained. “She’s a little more appeasing because she is playing along with what Clyde Weston is making her do.”
As the actress put it, her character, “is under extenuating circumstances. She’s really not herself because she feels really obligated to do whatever Clyde Weston is telling her to do.”
So while pretending to be an amnesiac Abigail does give the Greene sibling some leeway to allow her to act differently from what Chad remembers, she’s downplaying her own personality even more to keep Clyde happy and move things along with Chad as quickly as possible. And she’s doing all of it, apparently with the goal of walking the happy fake couple down the aisle once again.
Though McCord didn’t get into specifics, it’s clear that Clyde’s holding something very dire over her, and likely brother Mark and the rest of the Greene siblings as well. “She’s just trying to do what she’s supposed to do,” the actress shared, “so that the outcome that she’s afraid of with Clyde Weston doesn’t end up happening.”
Is he threatening her loved ones? Does she have someone captive? Maybe he’s claimed to have their parents alive somewhere. Or heck, this is Salem, maybe he promised he could bring them back if Mark and his sister do what he tells them. Who knows?
About the only thing we do know is that Clyde can’t be trusted. After all, this whole thing started with him promising Chad his wife was alive. And instead of giving us back Abigail, he gave us a fake. So if we were the Greenes, we’d tread very carefully when it comes to doing his bidding — and don’t count on him following through with anything he promised.
Fortunately, it looks like we’re about to find out more soon enough. This week’s preview has Mark visiting with Clyde himself, and we’ve got a feeling we’ll be learning all too soon what the villain is holding over the Greenes’ heads.