Jada Comes to Connie’s Apartment as Melinda Struggles to Free Herself — and Connie Plans Her Next Move

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At the apartment, Connie brings a breakfast tray to Melinda, who struggles with her restraints. A chipper Connie looks forward to hearing about Gabi cheating on Stefan, which will be the final nail in the coffin of their marriage. Then, Connie and Li will finally have revenge on both of them. She lovingly looks at Cardboard Li as terror washes over Melinda’s face.
Stefan bursts into EJ’s room as the latter sits in bed alone with his phone. Holding a wad of duct tape, Stefan shouts he will no longer tolerate Gabi’s ridiculous games, nor will he let her take the house from him. EJ dismissively says he’ll pass it along. More pointedly, he tells Stefan he’s the only one to blame for the destruction of his marriage. When he taunts Stefan about sleeping with Gabi, Stefan whips the ball of tape at EJ as a warning shot. EJ chuckles as Stefan storms out.
While in the park, Stephanie calls Gabi. She wants to invite her assistant Connie to Everett’s memorial and needs her phone number. Gabi complies but thinks it’s odd that Connie never mentioned knowing Everett. But then again, it’s a sensitive subject, considering what he did to her brother. Stephanie profusely apologizes. Gabi hopes Everett rots in hell and hangs up. Ava approaches a fuming Gabi outside the Pub.
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Jada sits by Rafe’s hospital bedside as he remains unconscious and on a ventilator. She tells him Gabi helped her translate their mother’s recipes. She needs him to wake up so she can cook his favorite dishes. Paulina enters, offering her support. Jada asks her to stay with Rafe while she goes to Everett/Bobby’s memorial service. She has a feeling that someone needs to be with Rafe today while she’s gone. When Paulina questions why Jada wants to go to the service, Jada says she still can’t reconcile the man she knew with the one who did this to Rafe.
A suited EJ comes downstairs to the DiMera living room, where Johnny gets a pastry and coffee. EJ condescendingly brings up his work on Body and Soul, noting he has to start somewhere. Daytime dramas never hooked him, though. The evil twins, fraught love triangles, and recasts did his damn head in. Stefan waltzes in, wondering about one brother sleeping with another brother’s wife. Is that a storyline in Johnny’s show? With a mouth full of croissant, Johnny asks if he missed something. Stefan tells Johnny to ask his father and leaves. “What’d you do, Dad?” Johnny asks, aghast. EJ sheepishly sips his coffee.
Outside the Pub, Ava pleads Stefan’s case to Gabi. Maybe she can give him another chance. Gabi retorts that’s not what Stefan wants anymore and stalks off.
As Connie cuts up Melinda’s food in the bedroom, Stephanie calls to invite her to Everett/Bobby’s memorial service. Leo told her they were friends. Connie says Leo has her confused with something else. She has no clue who Everett is and abruptly hangs up. Melinda delicately reminds Connie that she confessed all her evil deeds to her, but swears she won’t tell anyone. Connie shouts that she can’t count on that and menacingly picks up the knife from the breakfast tray.
At the hospital, Paulina fills in a still comatose Rafe on Brady. She knows something’s not right. Gabi enters and relieves Paulina of her visiting duties, curtly reminding her that if she hadn’t given EJ the D.A. job, he wouldn’t have been able to send her to prison with no evidence. She’d still be incarcerated if Stefan hadn’t intervened. Growing emotional, she abruptly stops her rant. “Forget I said anything.”
At the DiMera mansion, Johnny says he understands why Stefan would sleep with Ava, but what was EJ thinking by sleeping with Gabi? EJ talks about revenge, but Johnny thinks it’s about Nicole. Tensing, EJ tells his son it’s none of his concern. Johnny disagrees. He loves EJ, but he’s the only one to blame for his marriage falling apart. If he keeps this up, he’ll lose his whole family.
Jada meets Stephanie at the park. Holding Everett’s urn, Stephanie explains why the few people in Everett’s life couldn’t be there. She then tells her about her weird interaction with Connie. Jada finds it odd that Connie never heard of Everett since his name has been all over the papers. After musing over it, they head to a serene part in the park to lay Everett to rest.
In the bedroom, Melinda desperately invokes “Li’s” wishes of not wanting Connie to kill her. Connie relents out of respect for him. Stifling sobs, Melinda asks what Connie’s plan is for her. Connie needs to get her final revenge on Gabi before she can figure that out. Once she does, Li can rest in peace, and they can all move forward. Connie cleans off the knife and puts it in her purse in case she needs to shut Leo’s mouth for good.
After they literally bump into each other in the Square, Ava asks why Stefan wouldn’t want Gabi back. Stefan tells her she slept with EJ. As they sit and talk about it, Stefan tells Ava he appreciates her friendship. She reciprocates the sentiment. Ava overhears Jada telling someone on the phone to get her Connie’s address. Ava approaches to tell her that Connie lives in Li’s old apartment. Also, Connie’s a fraud whose resume is a complete lie. In fact, Melinda was going to fire her, but Melinda’s taken a leave of absence.
In Rafe’s hospital room, Gabi apologizes for taking her frustrations out on Paulina. She asks Paulina to stay with Rafe a bit longer because she has to get to work. She tells Rafe she loves him in Spanish and leaves.
At the mansion, EJ receives his divorce decree from Nicole.
Holding the urn, Stephanie cries in the park. “Goodbye, Everett,” she whispers.
Melinda struggles with her restraints in the bedroom as Jada knocks on the apartment’s front door.
Connie comes to work and asks Gabi about her revenge on Stefan. Gabi relays she slept with EJ. Now, she’ll take Stefan for all he’s worth and maybe even keep up things with EJ. Gabi beams over living the good life. Connie forces a smile and turns around. She pulls out the knife from her purse. “Not for long, slut.”
Next, on Days of Our Lives, Chad hopes “Abigail’s” memories return, and Gabi further irks Connie.