Fiona Goes to Extremes to Keep Sarah Quiet — and a Devastated Holly Faces Eric

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In the interrogation room, John speculates over what else could have happened the night of the accident, proving Brady isn’t guilty. Brady insists that nothing will change the fact that he hit Sarah while driving drunk. “I am going to pay for my crime.”
In the squad room, EJ tells someone on the phone they need all their ducks in a row for the arraignment. “Brady Black must pay for what he’s done.” As he hangs up, Eric snarls, “You vindictive sonofabitch.” EJ isn’t surprised Eric crossed an ocean to support his brother, who committed the same crime he did. Although, Brady only paralyzed Sarah, whereas Eric killed a man.
In the park, Holly asks Tate what Eric has to do with her dad being killed by a drunk driver. Stammering, Tate says he thought she knew. He delicately tells her Eric was the driver who killed her dad. She doesn’t want to believe it, but Tate says he overheard his mom and Grandma Kim talking about it when he was a kid. Tears stream down Holly’s face as she reels. Her shock turns to anger as declares her mother covered it up not to protect her, but for the same reason Nicole does everything else: to protect the love of her life — her beloved Saint Eric.
In the Kiriakis mansion living room, Maggie and Justin agree it’s very unlike Brady not to help Sarah after running her over. Justin points out he confessed despite not remembering doing it. “Maybe he didn’t do it,” Maggie muses. Justin doesn’t think he’d be so gracious if he were in her shoes. Maggie points out that he was when everyone thought she caused the accident that killed Adrienne. But it was Orpheus who put her in the driver’s seat and framed her for the crash. Justin wishes Brady was framed for this crime, but there’s no evidence to support it. The Brady that Maggie knows and loves didn’t do this.
Flanked by Xander and Fiona on her bed upstairs, Sarah has a blurry memory of the hit-and-run. She tells Xander she remembers seeing the driver, but it wasn’t Brady. Fiona stresses. Sarah says there was a glare, so the image in her mind is blurry. She can’t make out who it is. Xander pushes her to remember, but Fiona suggests he let it go. They all know it was Brady who hit her.
As EJ taunts Eric at the station, Eric fires back that Nicole is fast-tracking the divorce. EJ should be receiving the decree any day now. EJ stalks off as John leaves the interrogation room. John embraces Eric and relays that Brady is hell-bent on pleading guilty. Eric might be their best chance at talking some sense into him.
Eric visits with Brady, who appreciates him being there, but not if he’s there to convince him not to plead guilty. Eric assures him he won’t do that. If anyone understands the need for atonement, it’s him, but is Brady sure he’s the one who did it? Brady doesn’t remember hitting Sarah, but he remembers being in a drunken stupor. “I had to have done it.” Eric admires him for taking responsibility. Now, Eric needs to take responsibility for his own tragic mistake. He must tell Holly he is the one who caused her father’s death.
More: There’s no coming back for Brady
In the park, Tate pleads Eric’s case, but Holly shuts him down. Some things are indefensible, like Eric killing her dad and Brady leaving Sarah unable to walk. She angrily tells Tate to go away. She needs to be alone. He assures her he’s there for her and departs. Holly cries as she tries to process what she’s learned.
In the Squad room, John and Justin discuss Brady’s insistence on pleading guilty. Eyeing EJ, Justin muses it’s not Brady’s mind they need to change. John leaves him to it. When EJ approaches Justin, the latter suggests the D.A. drop the charges against Brady. With their lack of evidence and no witnesses, it will save EJ and his office a lot of time and embarrassment.
In Sarah’s room, Xander points out that whatever Sarah remembers could help the case against Brady. But Sarah can’t make out the driver’s face. Fiona sends Xander to get Sarah some soup, and she’ll help her get some rest.
Downstairs, Xander tells Maggie that Sarah’s starting to remember the accident. Maggie agrees with Fiona that they can’t push her. Xander knows, but he’s anxious to see Brady pay. He’s so grateful to have Maggie and Fiona by their side. It warms Xander’s heart that he and his mother found each other again. Maggie calls her a godsend. Xander agrees.
Justin comes to the interrogation room, followed by an angry EJ, who wonders why Brady is still there since he’s free to go. Justin explains to Brady that he convinced EJ there’s not enough evidence against him. EJ vows they will get it, and then he will haul Brady’s ass back there. He storms out. “Let’s get you back to your family,” Justin says. Brady scowls at his attorney.
As Sarah sleeps in her bedroom, Fiona sings and strokes her hair and face. Fiona’s expression tenses as she leans toward Sarah with a pillow. “God forgive me for what I’m about to do.”
In the Park, Holly cries as she reads an article on her phone about Eric killing Daniel. She can’t believe they’ve lied to her for so many years. Eric walks up.