A Guilt-Ridden Stefan Decides to Keep His Secret From Gabi — Just as Connie Blurts Out the Truth

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Stephanie comes to Alex’s apartment as he unpacks. As they commiserate over their respective dramas, Alex hopes Theresa doesn’t get a deal because of her ISA connections. Stephanie relays that Andrew said she got six months in Statesville. “Six months for ruining my life,” Alex scoffs. Stephanie wishes she had seen what her cousin was doing and prevented Alex from getting hurt, but she was too caught up in her own problems.
In her office, Jada shows Paulina Everett’s suicide note. However, the more Jada reads it the more she feels something’s not right. The case is too personal, though, so she doesn’t know if she can trust her gut. Paulina worries she asked too much of her to take over. Jada insists she wanted to be the one to bring justice, but maybe she’s just looking for someone to blame. Because maybe the real person at fault “is me.” She tearfully recounts confronting Everett about stabbing Rafe right before he took the pills and died.
In the Square, Connie overhears Chanel and Johnny talking about the “loony psychopath” who stabbed Rafe. “You shut your mouth,” she orders Chanel. Johnny wonders who she is and why she’s defending Everett Lynch. She says he had a serious mental illness, and Chanel’s words are dehumanizing. Chanel agrees she should have chosen her words more carefully, but Johnny says whoever stabbed Rafe was disturbed. You’d have to be to try and murder an innocent man. Connie agrees that Rafe didn’t deserve that. She hopes he gets better soon for his sister’s sake, to whom she is the new assistant.
As Connie buys biscuits from Chanel, she rants about Gabi being betrayed by the people closest to her. Johnny wonders what she means by that. Connie says she shouldn’t say anything, indicating it’s someone from Johnny’s family. Johnny assumes she’s talking about his dad for putting Gabi in prison. Connie plays along and leaves for work.
Ava brings delivered flowers to Gabi in the Titan office. Gabi reads the card from Stefan, and thanks Ava for letting her play hooky on her anniversary. She relays that Stefan told her about the two times they kissed. Ava apologizes, but Gabi knows they were just keeping up appearances. She’s glad to know the truth instead of imagining the worst. She wants to move past it and for them to get along. Ava agrees while taking credit for bringing her on at DiMera.
Kristen finds Stefan pacing in the DiMera mansion living room. He says the guilt is making him sick, and the only cure is to tell Gabi the truth about sleeping with Ava. Kristen doesn’t think Gabi will appreciate knowing he was re-enacting an erotic novel while she was getting her legs broken in prison. After she destroys his role-playing attempts at confessing, he declares he’s going with his gut and doing it. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Kristen says.
At his apartment, Alex tells Stephanie it’s not her job to rescue him from Theresa, and then vents about the ugly plates she left behind. Since he’s still half-Greek, he decides to honor his heritage and smashes one. “That felt amazing!” he exclaims. He gives one to Stephanie, and she gleefully smashes it. He gets more for them to continue smashing.
At the station, Paulina urges Jada to close the case. Jada agrees to and thanks her for everything. After Paulina leaves, Jada starts to close the file but then whips it back open. She intently looks at a document.
As Alex and Stephanie clean up, they agree destroying Theresa’s plates was cathartic. Jada messages Stephanie to come to the station. When Stephanie arrives, Jada asks her to sign her witness statement. An emotional Stephanie signs, and Jada declares the file officially closed.
Connie comes to the DiMera office as Gabi and Ava make nice. When Ava leaves, Connie asks what that was all about. Gabi says they were just clearing the air about the rumors regarding Ava and Stefan because nothing happened. “Are you sure about that?” Connie asks.
In the Square, Chanel and Johnny marvel over Connie’s weirdness. When Paulina joins them, Chanel leads her reluctant mother into the bakery to try her heart-healthy muffins. Ava strolls up to Johnny, who wonders how things are going working with Gabi. Ava was worried at first, but thinks it’s all turning out fine.
At DiMera, Gabi gets defensive with Connie and then answers a call from Stefan. Connie observes as Gabi tells Stefan she and Ava talked. She couldn’t imagine relaunching Gabi Chic without her. With a guilty expression, Stefan tells her he loves her more than she could ever imagine.
After Stefan hangs up, Kristen gloats to her brother about being right. Stefan agrees that Gabi can’t find out. “It’ll break her heart.” At the office, Gabi blasts Connie for doubting her husband. Appearing conflicted, Connie says she doesn’t want to be the one to say this but, “Your husband cheated on you.”