BREAKING NEWS: Carter Makes a Passionate Pitch — and Will Gives Bill Upsetting News

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At Forrester, Steffy tells Ridge she can’t believe Taylor thought she was dying and kept the secret. “And you too.” She forgives him, but only because she’s not dying and he really stepped up for her. Ridge tells her about the yoga pose they did and Steffy chuckles that Brooke must have had a conniption. Ridge says he gave her a private demonstration later and she was OK with it. Steffy grimaces, “Ew!” Brooke walks in and says that doesn’t sound good. Ridge says it’s not good for his daughter, but it was good for him, “So thank you.” Steffy makes a face.
In the corridor, Carter spots photos of Hope on Pam’s desk and flashes to them kissing. Looking thoughtful, he seems to have an idea.
In the design office, Hope and Liam search for something she needs for the meeting Steffy called. Hope says she’s exhausted by always being on the chopping block. Liam offers to take Beth for the night so she can debrief afterward. Hope thanks him; she could use the decompression. Carter walks in and is taken aback to see Liam there again.
At Spencer Publications, Will tells his dad he has news, “And I’m not so sure you’re going to like it.” He clarifies that it’s not bad… just not what he might want to hear. Bill learns Will got a job, “An internship.” Bill assumes he joined the intern team at Spencer and wonders why nobody told him. Will says it’s not at Spencer. “I’m working at Forrester Creations.” Bill turns red.
In the main office at Forrester, Brooke, Ridge, and Steffy agree it’s good that Taylor is going to be OK. Zende and RJ walk in. Steffy notes that they’ll start the meeting… they’re just waiting for Hope and Carter.
In the design office, Carter offers to step out if she and Liam need a minute. Liam gives her a pep talk about the meeting and asks Carter to take care of her. Carter looks past him to Hope and says, “You can count on it.”
In Bill’s office, Will tells him he’ll still be in school. Bill cannot get behind this Forrester nonsense. Will just needs a little experience. Bill booms, “Then you shadow me here. Or Liam here. Learn what it takes to run a real business.” Will defends Forrester as being more than just clothes. Bill chirps, “What are they going to teach you to do? Stitch a sequin? Hem a dress?” He rants that no son of his will be getting coffee for a bunch of dressmakers. Will tells him that what Bill does is interesting, but at Forrester, the girls are outrageous! Bill squints, “Are you telling me you took this internship at Forrester for the girls? You don’t want to be in fashion? You don’t want to be a dressmaker?” Will quirks his lip. Bill says, “I didn’t think there was anything you could tell me that would explain why you would betray your father for your mother and the dressmaker.” He laughs, “But now it all makes sense.” Will asks, “So, you’re not mad?” Bill tells him when he wants a real job; his true calling, to come and see his dad.
In the design office, Hope lets Carter know that Liam’s taking Beth so she can decompress after the big meeting. Carter’s sure it won’t be that bad. Hope quips that they shouldn’t keep the queen waiting. Carter assures her he’s got her back.
In the main office, RJ thanks his family for their support through everything that happened with Luna. Steffy says they did a real number on all of them. Ridge adds that she’ll pay the price in jail. Zende says he and RJ have been focused on Hope For the Future and they think the line is back in the zone. Zende compliments RJ tapping into the mind of a designer. Hope and Carter enter, and she explains she was dealing with some family stuff. Steffy says they were just complimenting RJ and Zende’s work, but they need the numbers from Carter. Where does Hope For the Future stand?
At Spencer, Bill tells Will he appreciates him coming to him about the internship. He wants to see more of this maturity… and he wants to see more of him. Will tells him they’ll set up a guys’ night. Bill hasn’t given up on reconciling with his mom. He messed up. Will says he left his mom for her sister… more than once. He loves them both, but it doesn’t mean they’d make a good couple. Bill asks if he told his mom that. Will nods, “Yeah, I did.” Bill’s disappointed… in himself. They still can’t trust him as he’d like them to. Liam comes in and asks what’s going on.
In the Hope For the Future meeting at Forrester, Carter says Brooke’s Bedroom continues to exceed projections. Steffy asks about the numbers. Carter talks about market share and other indicators besides sales. He points out Ridge gave the bedroom line his full support. Steffy asks about sales for Hope’s line. They need to know the numbers. “So, Carter, where are we?” Carter says they’re not where they need to be… yet. Hope, RJ, and Zende want more time. Ridge asks Carter what the answer is. Carter doesn’t want to upset anyone, but the bedroom line benefited from the resources they put into it. If they give Hope’s line a fraction of that, they’ll see the results they want. Hope smiles.
Carter believes in Hope and her designers. Brooke says they all want the line to be a success. Steffy asks again for the numbers. Carter admits they’re flat, but this is a family business. They pitch Steffy for support. Brooke says it paid off with her line. Ridge grunts that throwing money at an under-performing line doesn’t make sense. Carter goes on about Hope being uplifting message. “Without Hope, Forrester loses its most meaningful line, and it’s conscience.” Her line has a solid foundation, a powerful leader, and an exciting new design team. They should not give up on Hope and her line.
At Spencer, Bill claims there’s nothing going on. Liam asks Will if that’s true. Bill changes the subject to them planning a guys’ night. Liam references a conversation he and Will had, and tells Bill that his brother was kind enough to help him recognize that he wants a life with Hope again.