“Mystery Woman Stuns with Her Secret Connection to Clyde — Andrew Exposes Theresa’s Game-Changing Deal!”

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI
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After bumping into each other in the Square, Brady scowls at Tate. “What the hell are you doing in town?” Sofia finds Holly anxiously watching them from across the Square. Holly pulls her away as Brady grills Tate about leaving lacrosse camp. He assumes it was to see Holly. Tate counters he’s there about his mother, who is in prison. He angrily wonders why he didn’t hear about it from Brady.
On their bed at the Salem Inn, Andrew massages Paul’s tense shoulders. Paul can’t believe John was found in Missouri. He’ll feel a lot better when he’s back safely in Salem. But he’s also worried about Brady. Should he have told Marlena he found him with a drink? Since he didn’t actually drink it, Andrew opines there was nothing to tell. Paul says he’s right, which Andrew wants to hear him say again. Paul playfully says it’s never going to happen and kisses him.
John comes home to Marlena who tightly embraces him. His flight landed early, and he wanted to surprise her. Also, Jack and Chad stayed behind to get answers about Abigail. When John falters, Marlena insists on taking him to the hospital.
In the room in Poplar Bluff, Jack inspects the bracelet Chad found. Chad knows Abigail was wearing it the night she died. There’s no other explanation for it being there. It proves the mystery woman is her. Jack points out Leo stole jewelry from Abigail and fenced it through Clyde. Clyde could have kept it and is stringing them along with it. A blonde haired woman listens from the hallway. As she backs away, the men rush out. Chad grabs her arm.
In a hospital exam room, Marlena asks who attacked John in Greece and why he was held in Missouri. John has no idea because the only person in Greece who’d want to hurt him is Konstantin, and he’s already dead. Marlena wonders if it was someone from Poplar Bluff. John did wonder if what happened to him is tied to Jack and Chad’s search for Abigail.
Holly drags Sophia toward the Brady Pub, where the girls bicker. Sophia wonders where her money is in exchange for her silence about Holly sneaking around with Tate. Holly just deposited her first check, so she’ll get that to her soon. Sophia demands the tips too. When Holly hands her cash, Sophia remarks she must really like Tate. She asks if they’ve “done it.” Holly sheepishly says they haven’t. Taunting her, Sophia suggests Tate’s gay, or maybe he just changed his mind about her. Holly gets defensive and stomps off. Sophia smirks.
In the Square, Brady admits to Tate that he’s been messed up. He’s upset that Theresa has been so self-destructive and that Tate has to deal with it. He’s also in a constant state of anxiety about Rachel having Kristen for a mother. How could he have gotten involved with two women who are so screwed up? If he’s not there for Tate, it’s because he’s overwhelmed and struggling. Tate offers to come back from camp so they can get through this together. Brady doesn’t think it’s a good idea.
Catching their breath in bed, Paul quips to Andrew that he’s definitely less tense now. He relays how much it means that Andrew’s always there for him, especially while he’s struggling with Theresa’s antics. As Andrew worries EJ will go back on the deal they hammered out for her, EJ calls.
Paul and Andrew leave the Salem Inn to find Tate arguing with Brady about staying at lacrosse camp. Andrew tells them EJ agreed to the deal, so Theresa will only have to serve six months. She’s being transferred to Statesville immediately, but Tate can see her before she leaves. When Tate heads off with Andrew, Paul tells Brady he just got a call from Marlena. Their dad is in the hospital.
Jack and Chad force the mystery woman into the room, assuming she’s the woman from the video. She has no idea what they’re talking about but demands the bracelet from Chad. It’s hers. He wants to know where she got it. She doesn’t remember. In fact, she doesn’t remember much of anything because she was in a bad accident years ago. When she woke up, she had flashes of memories but nothing concrete. She also had several surgeries on her face, so she doesn’t even know if this is what she really looks like. She feels like she’s been living someone else’s life. She doesn’t know the woman she sees in the mirror. “We might,” Chad says.
Chad and Jack explain the mystery woman could be Chad’s wife and Jack’s daughter, Abigail. Her accident lines up with when they lost her. The woman recounts that when she woke up from her accident, a man was there to tell her about it. Chad asks if his name is Clyde. She confirms and identifies him from a photo on Chad’s phone. She explains he warned her people could be after her. He brought her to the room to hideout, and then he disappeared. A woman with the last name of Goldman took care of her after that, but she disappeared too. Chad and Jack share a knowing look. The mystery woman went in search for them a couple of weeks ago. They explain Clyde is in solitary confinement, so they can’t talk to him, but there’s another way to find out who she is — she can come home with them.
Brady and Paul come to John’s hospital room. After the men embrace, John asks his sons to catch him up. Brady says there’s a lot to talk about.
At the police station, Tate thanks his uncle for everything he’s done for Theresa. Despite all the trouble she’s gotten into, Andrew knows his sister is a good person and loves Tate. Tate loves her too. When Andrew goes to see if Theresa is ready, Tate answers a call from Holly. He assures her Brady doesn’t know they’ve been seeing each other. He hangs up when Andrew calls him into a room.
Later in the Square, Tate lies to Brady on the phone that he’s at the airport. Brady promises to be more sensitive to what he’s going through. Holly walks up. Tate tells her how hard it was to say goodbye to his mom. She tells him about her run-in with Sophia, which she’ll detail on the ferry. From a distance, Sophia watches them leave.
Paul meets Andrew at the station, and they catch each other up on their respective family drama. Andrew says he’d feel a whole lot better if he knew exactly what happened to John.
In Poplar Bluff, the woman balks at the idea of going off with Chad and Jack, who could be the people Clyde warned her about. Jack swears they mean her no harm. She’s unswayed. Chad vows they just want to help her figure out who she is. She agrees to go, but if he lays one finger on her, he’s a dead man.