As the Doctors Struggle to Save Kristina, Morgan Does Everything He Can to Keep Sonny from a Heartbreaking Mistake

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On today’s General Hospital, Laura shows up at Kevin’s office with a cupcake and a lit candle. “You didn’t think I forgot did you?” Kevin finishes the cupcake and thanks Laura for it — but she didn’t have to. It’s his birthday, of course she did. She had a whole evening planned for him, but got stuck in a city council meeting.
Kevin tells her he was asked to do a last minute patient evaluation, who should be calling any minute. He opens his present and finds tickets for a night out on Broadway in New York in the fall. He loves the gift, but the real one is “us. Having you as my partner, raising Ace.”
He gets the call and Laura leave, saying she’ll see him at home, she’s got a few more surprises. Kevin answers the phone.
In the hospital, Alexis calls in the doctors as Kristina codes. They rush her off to the OR. Outside the room, Molly asks what happened, but Alexis doesn’t know. Sam shows up just then to ask Dante what happened. A nurse comes out and Alexis demands to know what happened. Kristina is bleeding internally and going to surgery. Everyone assures Alexis Kristina is strong and stubborn and she’ll be OK.
Molly wanders off, followed by TJ, who reassures her that Kristina’s in good hands. “We just lost our baby. We cannot, I WILL not lose Kristina too.”
Sam asks where Sonny is, but no one knows. They decide to go call Blaze, while TJ talks to Jordan, tearfully mourning the loss of his baby. Jordan comforts him and tells him his baby would have been “pure magic.” The nurse comes to update them and says they may not have a choice but to do a hysterectomy.
“What if Kristina carrying our child caused Kristina to lose the ability to carry her own?” Molly asks in horror.
Jason, meanwhile arrives at Carly’s and notices something is wrong. She tells him Sonny didn’t show up to see Donna today. She says Donna deserves more stability and goes off on Sonny for not being there. She apologizes for unloading on Jason. She’s still in shock about the disappearing evidence against her.
Jason says they’ll figure it out and they’re free. Just then, Dante calls and fills him in on Kristina and Jason tells a shocked Carly. “Is she OK?? What about the baby?” Carly’s aghast to learn the baby didn’t make it and Jason rushes off to the hospital. Dante’s worried about Sonny.
Jason shows up at the hospital and asks Dante how Kristina is and how it happened. Ava’s under arrest, Dante says, but Sonny disappeared after Molly laid into him. They’re worried Sonny might go after Ava. Dante asks Jason to go look for him.
Brick gets a call from Jason while getting his suit tailored. He hasn’t heard from Sonny, but he had a guy taking pictures, so he’s got the whole thing on camera. Jason asks if he can track Sonny down and wants the photos. “Jason, Sonny made it very clear you’re no longer inside the circle of trust.” Jason tells him he’s protecting Sonny and his family as best he can. “Good enough for me,” Brick says and agrees to help.
They hang up and Jason’s phone goes off. He runs off.
Dante goes back to Sam and asks how she is. “Not OK.” She’s angry, devastated, hurt, and is sure that Ava is lying about hurting Kristina. “Ava is a human wrecking ball and she needs to be stopped.” Sam lost a niece because of her and her little sisters “are broken.” Dante assures her they’ll put it all back together again. Somehow.
TJ asks Molly if she wants anything. Just a time machine to keep Kristina safe. He wants to pick out a name. “For our little girl.” They can’t lay her to rest without a name for her.
They all stand up as a doctor arrives. They’ve gotten Kristina stabilized and avoided the hysterectomy for now. They can visit one at a time. He leaves and they all hug. She’s going to be OK.
Scotty shows up at the police station for Ava and Anna fills him in on why his client is at the station. He asks what Kristina’s fall has to do with Ava and they tell him it was from Ava’s room, but she says it was a horrible accident. “Well there you go,” Scott shrugs at the cops. Ava tries defending herself and Scott tells her to be quiet. They go into the interrogation room to talk and Scotty wants to make sure she didn’t actually lay a hand on Kristina.
“A pregnant woman?! No.” OK, he can work with that.
Outside, Anna calls to check on Kristina and learns the baby died. Choked up, she fills Chase in. “We can’t let that distract us,” she says. Chase says nothing so far from Ava’s room. But they don’t buy her story about Kristina tripping over a shoe.
Anna and Chase come in and Scotty tells them to let Ava go, the window was faulty. The two cops inform her that they found Cates’ luggage in her closet. “Care to explain?” Anna demands.
Anna says she told Cates was thrown out of the hotel, but she said he could leave his luggage in her room. She didn’t see the relevance of telling them and there’s about to be a hearing and didn’t think it would look good. Scott says the luggage is pointless, let Ava go or he’ll find a judge. Anna doesn’t blink, so he goes to find a judge.
As he’s leaving, Jason walks in. He pulls Anna aside and tells her about Brick’s surveillance. He hands her his phone with the photos. “Oh…” Anna grimaces. “Why did you bring these to me?” Jason trusts her to do the right thing with them.
In the interrogation room, Ava is playing innocent with Chase when Anna returns. Ava tries bluffing her way out, but Anna tells her “lying takes effort.” They’ve got proof she wasn’t truthful in her statement. “I’m going to ask you again and I want you to be very careful on how you answer this. Did you have any physical contact with Kristina before she fell.” Ava looks cautiously at Anna as Jason watches.
Back in Kristina’s room, Alexis fusses over her unconscious daughter a bit, before breaking down and thanking her for pulling through. A world without her is unfathomable. “I love you with all my heart.” Molly watches from outside, then knocks and joins her mom. They hug and Alexis switches places with her youngest. Molly grabs Kristina’s hand and holds it silently.
Sam, meanwhile, tells Dante she doesn’t want Molly and Kristina to go through what she did. Losing a child is a special kind of pain. Dante holds her close.
Alone, Carly looks in shock as she sits at her kitchen table, when Donna wanders down, awake. Carly asks if Donna wants to talk about anything. She asks why daddy didn’t come for their playdate. Carly assures her whatever it was is super important, but Donna wants to know if it’s because they’re mad at each other.
Mommy and daddy fight, but they still love each other. Just like Donna and Avery. People fight and they make up and that’s a part of life, “especially with people who love each other.” Carly says they both love her dearly, but when Donna asks if daddy will come tomorrow, Carly tells her she’s sure he wants to , but if he doesn’t, he loves her no matter what.
Up on the roof, Sonny’s on the ledge looking down when Morgan appears next to him and gently asks, “Dad. What are you doing?”
“You’re not here, you’re just my imagination,” a shaken Sonny tells no one as the camera pulls back and shows just him on the ledge. Morgan reappears and tells him he can’t do this. Everyone loves him, he has a family. Sonny insists that’s not true and all he brings is pain and destruction to everyone.
He always tries to hide the darkness, but it always comes out. Morgan knows, but he’s seen the light too. He knew Sonny loved him. Sonny’s tired. Every time Kristina looks at him, he feels like he has hope, but then she saw him beat up Dex. Sonny wanted to hurt him and Kristina was afraid of her dad and ran away.
Morgan says yeah, but she came right back. “She should have kept running!” Sonny yells. “If she kept running, the baby would still be alive!”
Morgan says his kids may pull away but they always come back because they love him. He’s not perfect, but no one is. Sonny says he always fails. He failed Morgan. His death was because of Sonny.
“That’s revisionist history at best,” Morgan tells his dad. It’s Ava’s fault. Sonny says he shot Dante, Michael was in a coma for over a year because of him, Avery’s cursed with Ava as a mother and Kristina lost the baby because of him. He should have ended it a long time ago, he says, bullying over Morgan’s protests. He knows why Morgan is there. “So you can tell me to finally do the right thing!”
Morgan tells him his kids still need him. Sonny failed them all. He failed Morgan. A father’s job is to protect them, no matter what. He’s not doing his kids any good. He’s done. “I can rest knowing my kids are taken care of.”
Morgan tells him to think about his kids, his grandkids, Kristina fighting for her life. Sonny needs to help her. “I am helping all my kids by keeping them safe from me,” Sonny tearfully tells his son. He then looks over and Morgan is gone.
In the show’s final moments, Ava stammers that she may have reached out for Kristina. “You may have?” Anna calmly asks. It’s a blur Ava says. She was taken off guard. Anna shows her the photos of the fight, including Ava’s hands on Kristina, and Kristina falling away from her. She places Ava under arrest for assault and manslaughter, reading Ava her rights.
At the hospital, Alexis tells Dante and Sam there’s no change yet and Sam asks if they can get her anything. Kristina’s going to pull through, Alexis knows, but what’s going to happen to their family after? Sam says they’ll figure it out together. “All of us.”
Kristina stirs and opens her eyes in her room. Molly says hi and Kristina starts crying. “I’m so sorry. I lost your baby. I’m so sorry, Molly.” She sobs as Molly tries comforting her, apologizing over and over.
Carly, meanwhile, looks sadly off as she holds Donna close. Up on the rooftop, Sonny’s gone. Downstairs, he walks into Kevin’s office. “I need help. Something’s wrong with me. I can’t take it anymore.”